Sunday, December 2, 2007 

How A US Army Drill Sergeant Would Teach Writing

Teaching reading and writing in the classroom is like being a drill sergeant in the U.S. Army. As it pertains to writing, drill sergeants would do repetition, model, and show their soldiers how to make a paragraph They would do so in a manner that would command attention and they would lead by example. No one would dare stop or interrupt them in the process of teaching.

In paragraphing, drill sergeants would model how to do a paragraph, then they would meticulously inspect everyone's writing, and if it wasn't correct, they'd have them do it over and over again. Picture if you will a fully uniformed Army Sergeant pacing the room looking for correctness and noting errors immediately. Wait a minute, I think I hear Sergeant Writer now: "Atten-Hut Students, check that form, check that content, who will read theirs first? Yes, private, what did you write? Ah, very good, you started that paragraph by indenting on your first new thought! Good soldier! Now who's next?"

A U.S. Army drill sergeant would go into the topic sentence, and then the supporting details, he's have his recruits repeat aloud the steps to supporting details for the topic sentence, and everyone would give an example Then everyone would write again, get inspected, and be rewarded with verbal praise and extra medals. The Sergeant would give immediate feedback. So many teachers these days seem to forget about this step. If you grade the papers later, you don't have the student to inform of their errors, and they cannot correct them on the spot. One of my greatest strategies teachers can utilize is just plain doing a "scan-correct" or a quick happy face, etc., letting the child know his progress right there on the spot. I use this technique daily in my classroom, and I can't tell you how many smiles I've seen over the years when the light bulbs come on and the students say something like: "Oh, that's how you do it, how did I mess up on that?, that's where you put the four, oh, I get it, thank you I get it now, oh, that's easy!" and many more explicatives!

Over next few days, the drill sergeant would then go into descriptive, narrative, and expository writing Then he would expect to see examples from every recruit. He would hold each of them accountable, and he would grade them with a bold pen! He would not tolerate late papers and those who were late would be in the Kitchen on KP Duty washing dishes or washing the bathroom floors with a toothbrush. That would soon end tardiness or late papers!

I believe that teachers need to be participative motivators, like the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant, that the job must be done, and that it needs to be quality writing, not sloppy, disordered, or nonsense words. Teachers need to model the structure, command the presence, and be the U.S. Army style coaches to their students. When expectations are high, as they are in the U.S. Army, the student will arise!

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Hearing Aids 101

What is a hearing aid? Simply put, it is any device used to improve the hearing of partially deaf people. Some smaller aids are compact enough to fit in the ear or be hidden in the frame of eyeglasses. Hearing aids assist in making soft sounds louder. Before choosing and buying a hearing aid it is important to understand that a hearing aid does not restore your hearing. Hearing aids help make soft sounds louder.

In the U.S., more than 1,000 different models of hearing aids are available. All of them include a microphone (to receive sound), amplifier (to increase sound strength), a receiver or speaker (to send sound to the ear), and are powered by a battery. Hearing aids are divided into several different types: (1) digital, (2) in-the-ear, (3) in-the-canal, (4) behind-the-ear and (5) on-the-body. They are either "monaural" (a single hearing aid), or "binaural" (for both ears); more than 65% of all hearing aid users have binaural aids.

There are two primary types of hearing loss. The first is commonly called conductive hearing loss. This type involves the outer or middle ear sounds may seem dull and the loudness of certain sounds may be affected. This form of hearing loss affects a person's ability to hear lower frequencies, especially vowel sounds. The possible causes of conductive hearing loss include wax obstructing the ear canal; infection in the middle ear; or a puncture of the eardrum. The treatment for this type of hearing loss is typically medical or surgical intervention.

The second and most common type of hearing loss is referred to as "nerve deafness" or sensorineural hearing loss. With this type of loss there generally is damage to the hair cells or nerve fibers in the inner ear which will distort and reduce the perceived loudness of sound. This is usually accompanied with a difficulty in understanding speech, especially in noisy situations. A person with this type of hearing loss may also have trouble telling the difference between consonant sounds (higher frequencies).

Some of the causes of sensorineural hearing loss include birth defects, head injuries, infection, some medications, illnesses accompanied by a high fever, exposure to loud noises, or long-term exposure to noise. As a general rule, this form of hearing loss cannot be treated medically or surgically. The best method of treatment for individuals with nerve deafness is the use of a hearing aid.

The fist step in getting a hearing device is to have a hearing evaluation and a medical exam. After conducting a hearing evaluation, an qualified hearing specialist, (audiologist) will be able to decide whether a hearing aid will help, and which one will do the most good. This is especially important because aids can be very expensive (between $500 and $4,000), and are often not covered by health insurance.

There are no "one size fits all" type of hearing aids. Every hearing loss is individual and different. The type and style of hearing aid that will be best for you depends on the nature and level of your hearing loss. Your audiologist or hearing aid dispenser will help you decide on the best hearing aid for you, based on your level of hearing loss, budget and lifestyle.

For more information about hearing aids and the hearing industry visit our comprehensive website at "The Ultimate Hearing Aid Guide"

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Public Relations Power: How PR Works and What PR Can Do for You

Every day, hundreds of so-called experts are quoted in the newspapers, on the radio, on news-oriented Web sites and on television. Yet advertising in these same media costs thousands of dollars. We never seem to question the budget line for advertising expenses, yet we often balk at adding a line for public relations services. How often do you hear fellow business owners say, "There's no direct line between public relations and increased sales"?

Well, they're wrong. Ask any manufacturer, entertainment executive, restauranteur, innkeeper or book publisher how important product reviews are, and they'll tell you there is a direct line to purchases.

When you read a review for a new restaurant, or note a nice pair of unusual earrings in a holiday gift guide, or observe Kate Winslet wearing the latest fashion designs, you're seeing the direct results of public relations. Sales skyrocket.

For service industries, however, that "line" to sales is indeed murkier. The power of public relations is built in a layering effect, in which each mention in the press heightens your visibility, adding another layer of credibility to your company. This credibility in turn creates a desire among viewers and listeners to pay attention to you. In effect, you've been sanctioned by a trustworthy, objective third party.

If the New York Times calls on someone for an opinion, he must be good. Hey, the Wall Street Journal is quoting this guy too. And now he's on CNN. He must be very good. He must be important, a leader in the industry.

Chances are good, you're already an expert in your industry. You just haven't been positioned as such to the writers, editors and producers who need experts to comment on issues and stories of the day.

No matter what your business, you're selling an image of yourself, your products and your services. Public relations manages that image. Whether you represent a Fortune 500 corporation or a private company, media placementsinterviews on radio and TV and in printincrease your perceived worth, and the worth of your company, in the eyes of your customers, clients and your industry. All because of media exposure.

Even on the golf course, people will comment that they saw you quoted in Forbes or Investors Business Daily. Don't underestimate the power of radio, either. Commuters and salespeople listen in their cars, but many office workers and entrepreneurs keep their radios on all day every day.

It is the function of public relations to consistently get your message out to the media. Here's how it works: PR people read and watch and listen to the news, always on the lookout for stories that may dovetail with your message. Then they call the writers, editors or producers responsible for that news with a story angle, suggesting you, your product or your service as a focus point. They answer the question the media always wants answered: "Why you? Why now?"

PR specialists also push "perennial" or "timeless" stories, those not dependent on an event or particular news story. These feature stories can be invaluable when added to your corporate marketing materials and sent to clients and prospects.

Another way PR firms make sure you're quoted in stories is to focus on issues of the day. Politicians aren't the only ones who have opinions on issues. In every industry, including politics, there are issues that need to be aired. If your competitor tells one side of the story, public relations makes sure you voice your opinion. Having an opinion is especially effective in industry trade media, where you'll reach your niche audience.

For those in highly competitive industries, PR can be an effective means to outwit your competition. How often have you seen a guest being interviewed over and over again, even though you know their products or services aren't necessarily the best in the business? That's effective public relations. Shouldn't you be quoted in articles and interviewed on TV and radio so you have a leg up on your competition?

Although PR professionals have often been called "spin doctors," sometimes spin is exactly what you need. There are times when bad things happen to good people. How do you manage a crisis? With persistent, consistent public relations. "Tell the truth, tell it all, tell it fast" is the most effective recipe for crisis management.

Creative positioning can take your company, no matter what level you're at, up a notch within your industry. You may feel your services are geared only to your city or region. National and international media placements, however, can put you head and shoulders above your local competition, because clients and prospects will perceive you to be "better" than just the local Jane or Joe. Clients like to be associated with winners; appearing in the national or international press makes you a winner.

Public relations creates marketplace demand for your products and services, which will increase your sales. It may not happen overnight, but like the best word-of-mouth campaigns, the media's nod of approval can be one of the most powerful sales tools in your arsenal.

Gaye Carleton is the president of Mantra, Empowered Public Relations. For more information on the benefits of public relations, see

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Early Diagnosis Is Critical For Effective Treatment of Mesothelioma

Cancer is one of the most fatal diseases nowadays. It doesnt choose its victims. Men and women alike, old and young die of cancer. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the mesothelium, specifically the Pleura (membrane that surrounds the lungs) and the Peritoneum (membrane surrounding the abdomen). Both Pleural Mesothelioma and Peritoneum Mesothelioma are primarily caused by the inhalation or exposure to asbestos, an incombustible fibrous mineral of impure magnesium silicate used in various industrial products. About 30 to 50 per cent of the total Mesothelioma cancer patients had not been exposed to asbestos, yet they have acquired the disease. Cancer specialists continue to study this rare kind of cancer so as to provide the public clear and exact information with regard to its cause, nature and cure.

Like many other forms of cancer, Mesothelioma has different stages. The earliest stage is still curable since only one layer of the pleura is affected. Surgery is the number one option for patients with Stage I Mesothelioma. The doctor removes the part of the lining of the lungs or chest (in case of Pleural Mesothelioma) and the lining of the abdomen (in case of Peritoneal Mesothelioma). In Stage II Mesothelioma, surgery can still be executed although some lymph nodes may have already been infected by the malignant Mesothelioma cancer cells. The diaphragm may also be removed; in severe cases, the Mesothelioma patient has to sacrifice one of his lungs.

Usually, surgery comes with systemic treatments, which include radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Through radiotherapy, Mesothelioma cancer cells are killed; however, only the cells in the treated area die. High energy rays used in radiotherapy or radiation therapy may either come from an external machine or from thin plastic tubes positioned into the tissues where Mesothelioma cancer-stricken cells are found. Inside the plastic tubes are radiation-emitting materials that kill the malignant cells. The use of an external machine is called external radiation therapy while the other is called internal radiation therapy. Also, a radioactive substance such as radiolabeled monoclonal antibody is circulated around the body during radiotherapy.

Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer drugs to kill the malignant cells. In treating Mesothelioma, the anti-cancer drugs are usually given to the patient through intravenous injection (within the vein). Oncologists are still studying the possibility of treating Mesothelioma through intracavitary chemotherapy (within the chest or abdomen). Some Mesothelioma patients also undergo Photodynamic therapy, a kind of cancer therapy that combines the use of drug (photosensitizer) with a specific kind of light. The photosensitizing agent when exposed to the light produce oxygen that destroys nearby malignant cancer cells. The drug is injected into the bloodstream and is absorbed by the cells.

In order to relieve the symptoms of Mesothelioma such as the pain in the chest or abdomen due to the build up of fluid, a physician drains the fluid by using a needle. The procedure is known as thoracentesis (removal of fluid in the chest) or paracentesis (removal of the fluid in the abdomen). To prevent further accumulation of the lubricating fluid in the membranes of the chest or abdomen, drugs are given through a tube in the affected organ.

Although the said treatments to Mesothelioma have been proven effective, chance of recovery and survival still depends on the size or extent of the cancer. Chances are higher when Mesothelioma is still in its early stages. Surgery is only advisable only up to the second stage of the Mesothelioma cancer wherein only one part or smaller portions of the membranes are affected. A patient diagnosed with stage IV Mesothelioma (diffuse Mesothelioma) has only about 4-24 months to live. Furthermore, the age of the patient and his general health condition is also crucial to his recovery. Older patients do not respond well to certain cancer treatments such as surgery because their tissues, organs and other body parts are more delicate.

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A Dissecting Microscope For School Use

Anyone who has taken high school biology has encountered a dissecting microscope; it was usually accompanied by a frog. The trauma involved in having to chloroform destroy a frog in the name of education may, however, have rendered you oblivious to the workings of the dissecting microscope, so here is a refresher course on how it was constructed and how it worked.

Construction Of A Dissecting Microscope

The dissecting microscope, like all microscopes, has a tube with a lens at its upper opening, through which you look to view the specimen lying beneath the tubes lower end. The upper end of the tube will also have some form of nose piece to help your head remain steady while you do your viewing.

The lower end of the dissecting microscope contains the second lens, known as the objective lens. The type of objective lens being used will depend on how fine a focus you need to examine your specimen. Your dissecting microscope will have two more light-condensing lenses in its condenser; these lenses are responsible for the microscopes magnification capacity.

The dissecting microscopes condenser is centered above the middle of the microscopes stage, on which the slide bearing the specimen ifs placed for examination. The best dissecting microscopes have adjustable stages which can be manipulated without the microscopes user having to remove his or her eyes from the eyepiece.

The dissecting microscopes stage is positioned above its diaphragm, the function of which is to control the amount of light being transmitted through the slide and specimen. The light itself is also below the dissecting microscopes stage, and is either a halogen or fluorescent bulb. It is the manipulation of the lights reflection on the specimen that causes the dissecting microscope to magnify what the user sees.

Caring For A Dissecting Microscope

Dissecting microscopes, like all others, require special care; their lenses should be kept dust and smudge free with dry, soft cloths and they should be stored, when not in use, in dust covers. They should also be stored away from dampness.

Those handling a dissecting microscope should always carry it in both hands. That is the best way to avoid either dropping it or bumping it against other objects; either of which will ruin the alignment of the lenses. The dissecting microscope is most secure when its user holds the microscope arm in one hand and supports its base in the other.

You can also find more info on Microscope Slide and Stereo Zoom Microscope. is a comprehensive resource to know about Microscopes.

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Necktie Success

Forget business casual when dressing for an interview. When interviewing with a small or large business, a professional organization, a political organization or a non-profit entity, the way one dresses matters. For men, nothing matters more than the tie. Much can be said of haircuts, suits, dress shirts and accessories. These will be addressed in future articles. But to be honest, if one wear the wrong tie, the other items of attire will not matter.

Why wear ties? They are archaic. They are uncomfortable. They are difficult to knot and keep looking neat. There are so many choices of colors and styles that it is overwhelming. The simple answer is that ties are still considered essential items of attire for professional men.

What style tie should one wear? Ties have been skinny and wide and back again to skinny. If a tie is too skinny or too wide it looks either dated or faddish. Stay away from both. The tie should be long enough to touch ones belt when tied in whatever knot. While this article will not go into how to tie a necktie, there are step by step directions on a number of mens grooming web sites. Knots vary from full Windsor (big knot), to the half Windsor (medium knot) to four in hand (a simple and narrow knot). I prefer the four in hand. Some men like a dimple or a small crease just below the knot. Most mens catalogs show the knots in detail. Some men prefer the tie without the dimple below the knot. It is a matter of personal taste and style.

What ties are appropriate for an interview? In the world of ties, the best ones for interviews are: foulard, regimental stripe and small dot.

The foulard tie has repeating patterns of diamonds, circles (like little tiny flowers), ovals (like little tiny pine cones) or other shapes. The patterns are symmetrical on a solid colored ground. These are not the whales, dolphins, ducks, hunting dogs or golf clubs woven into the tie. Those are club ties. Keep them for the country club functions and point-to-point races. The foulard tie is traditional, understated and speaks volumes about being well heeled.

The regimental tie is based on the ties worn by British graduates of public (U.S. calls them private) schools, universities plus members of clubs and veterans of regiments and other military organizations. The stripe and color combinations vary widely. Stripes are wide or narrow or combinations of wide and narrow. Wider stripes are better with suits. If one thinks the interviewer may be British or from a former British colony, AVOID the regimental tie because they may ask about ones affiliation to the school or unit.

Finally, the dot tie is acceptable and very traditional. While more formal (think Winston Churchill and ambassadors), the tie with a solid colored ground and small, evenly spaced dots is very understated and clean looking. All of the ties mentioned above should be in 100% silk.

What about the other styles of ties? There are more ties than I can describe here. They may be fine for some activities and functions but not for interviews. The other styles of ties include the club ties which were already mentioned, paisley ties which say I am artistic and intellectual, knit ties which are too casual and colorful madras ties which are good for summer weekends with a blazer. Pastel colored linen ties are in the same category as madras. Solid ties which is safe but a bore. The very expensive patterned fine silk ties from Europe say I spent way too much for this tie and I am trying to impress you. Save these for wear after the promotion. Avoid ties that say anything on them. Ones tie can make a statement without clever words or initials. Finally, there are all the wild ties of random patterns and garish colors. These ties may be acceptable once in a while once established in a career. They are not for job interviews. Some people never wear them and that is fine.

What about colors? With navy suits, ties in yellow (the old power tie), red, maroon and light blue (the new power tie) are acceptable as the dominant color or the ground. With gray suits, ties, in navy, light blue and maroon are best. Do not wear brown, black or tan suits to a job interview ever. Avoid green, pink, purple and orange ties for interviews. Green ties can be nice for the country club and weekends but not generally the office. Since one are wearing a white shirt for the interview, it is always nice to have a foulard with a touch of white as an accent, a regimental stripe with one of the stripes in white or silver or a dot tie with the dots in white to pick up the white of the crisp dress shirt.

Sources for the right ties include: Brooks Brothers, Polo Ralph Lauren, Jos. A. Bank, some department stores (but be careful), J. Press and Ben Silver. All these quality gentlemens stores have web sites and catalogs that one can review prior to making oner purchase.

Following these tie rules will not guarantee one a job. Being qualified and coming across well during the interview are essential. Having the right tie will insure that the interviewers are not distracted by the tie. It also insures that the tie is saying all the right things about the job candidate.

George F. Franks, III is the founder and CEO of Franks Consulting Group, a Bethesda, Maryland based management consulting and leadership coaching practice. George is a member of the International Coach Federation and the Institute of Management Consultants (USA). Franks Consulting Group is on the web at: George's weblog can be found at:

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RV Insurance Policy Basics

Why should you get an RV insurance policy? You have a great insurance company already for your home and automobile policies. Why not just go with them for your RV insurance policy? If you are looking for the best deals and coverage for your recreational vehicle you will not find any better than a specialized RV insurance policy. Just as you probably would not go to a regular car dealership to purchase your recreational vehicle, you should not buy an RV insurance policy from an auto insurer.

If you are concerned about the additional cost of RV insurance on top of your RV payments, then you should figure it in to the monthly payment amount before you buy your recreational vehicle if possible. It is very similar to when you figure out a mortgage payment. You always want to know the cost after the taxes and insurance are added in.

Here are some reasons to purchase an RV insurance policy:

1. An RV policy covers claims that a regular auto insurance policy does not cover. It is similar to combining a house and auto policy into one. If someone accidentally trips going up the stairs in your RV and hurts themselves, your RV insurance policy would cover that.

2. A good RV insurance policy will give you great replacement coverage. If you purchase the RV new, and you are the original owner, and your RV is totaled in the first 5 years, you can get a brand new replacement RV of the same quality as your old RV. After the first 5 years, you will be given what you paid for the RV brand new. If you buy a used RV you will be given the purchase price towards the cost of another RV.

3. What kind of RV do you own? Whether it is a simple truck camper or a fully equipped diesel pusher you can get RV insurance coverage. It also does not matter what the age of your RV is.

If you want peace of mind and to protect your investment, RV insurance is a necessary purchase. It may end up saving you money and hassle over the long run. If you want an even greater peace of mind, you should also consider purchasing an extended warranty. The manufacturers warranty on an RV is usually only about 3 years long. Bumper to bumper is often shorter. An extended warranty takes the worry out of travel.

Eriani Doyel writes articles about RVs. If you would like to know more about getting an RV insurance policy visit

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Poise, Posture, and Performance

Good posture is seen to have many advantages. From an aesthetic point of view it can enhance image, sending out the right signals (body language). For an athlete it is seen to be essential. But what is a good posture? We recognise poor posture when we see it, as it is evident in the majority of adults regardless of athletic ability. But just to confuse the matter, people with an ideal plumb-line posture can also have poor movement patterns. This is because it is not the shape that is important but how it is maintained. An apparent good posture can be achieved with totally inappropriate muscular activity.

The distinguished physiologist Charles Sherrington once described our systems for maintaining posture as the most uncertain and untrustworthy of all. This is not encouraging when all corrective methods for improving posture rely on the very systems that are the cause of the problem. The fact that posture can deteriorate suggests the fallibility of the controlling mechanisms. The conventional definition of good posture is the correct alignment of body parts supported by the right amount of muscle tension. This view has led to the development of exercises to tone up postural muscles diagnosed as weak in order to achieve the ideal shape. Attaining good posture then became an end in itself. However, these methods do not go deep enough to address the cause and are consequently based on a partial understanding of the condition. Posture is the manifestation of attitude and not simply a matter of muscle tone. Every pathway from the brain leads eventually to a muscle.

Our state of mind therefore influences every move and muscle action, to put it another way - we are what we think. A sports commentator may use the phrases, their heads have dropped or the spring has gone from their step to describe the losing side. In contrast the winning side will have their heads held high or be walking tall. It is no accident that many phrases used to describe attitude are bodily in nature, such as stiff necked and spineless. Words used to express physical attributes, such as balanced and centered, are also suitable to describe character. Attitude also applies to both. Non-Verbal Communication is an established branch of the behavioural sciences used extensively by the police and in the business community. We make many subconscious movements and gestures allowing others to read our thoughts or anticipate our actions.

Looking Good

Although poor posture is regarded by many to be a factor in performance, conventional exercises developed to address the problem fail to recognise the cause and cannot therefore offer a long-term solution. The wrong concept of a problem leads to seeking the wrong solution. In many cases, athletes experiencing difficulties with technique or repetitive injury do have poor posture. A poorly aligned body uses inappropriate muscle activity to move resulting in mechanically inefficient movement of the joints. However, it is wrong to assume that posture is to blame. The assumption that the problem can be corrected by strengthening the weaker muscles through exercise is misguided. This superficial approach ignores the cause and simply tries to correct the symptom.

Our body is shaped by how we use it. Habit determines use and subsequent condition of muscle; therefore it is the underlying habits that need to change. Poor muscle tone is not the root cause of poor posture; it is the mechanisms that control muscle that are at fault. Attempts to correct posture by exercise achieve, at best, temporary aesthetic results, or complicate the problem by consolidating the poor habits that led to the condition. Trying to correct posture through exercise involves the same faulty patterns guided by a poor sense of body awareness. If we can unknowingly get ourselves into this state, how are we to know the way out of it? I repeat, exercises do not change habits - they re-enforce them!

The initial mistake made by the pioneers of exercises to improve posture was to confuse the outward sign of poise, that is the good posture of gifted individuals, for the desirable goal. Changing the body to look right does not attain poise. Many of the systems designed to improve posture use a number of Alexanders methods, often without recognition, but have not appreciated the basic principles. It is not possible to take individual precepts from a philosophy and make them work as part of another. These systems advocate exercise to achieve the desired results whilst ignoring the essential step of preventing use of the habits that caused the condition. The methods designed to correct posture are flawed and based on the following misconceptions.

We can control individual muscles.

We do not have direct control over individual muscles, only the movement. When we choose to move, the movement is organised by subconscious centres of the brain that do not contain individual muscle actions. Try to contract the biceps muscle without thinking of moving your arm and you can begin to appreciate how it works. What we sense is a feeling associated with that movement and not the muscle. We cannot know if an action lengthens, shortens or even uses a muscle, only that we have performed a movement we associate with the feel of it. One exercise system to improve posture even goes to the extreme of instructing participants to engage the postural muscles in each exercise to twenty-five percent of its strength! This level of control is just not possible. Injury and poor habits may lead to a change in the pattern through repetition of a degraded movement. Following injury, the actions of the muscle to prevent movement of the damaged area or to compensate for temporary loss of mobility become habit. These compensatory measures become part of the permanent pattern and will feel normal. The subconscious and habitual nature of movement combined with a lack of attention to the activity means deviation from the natural pattern may go unnoticed. If we do not have an accurate account of how we execute a movement, we cannot be sure of correctly following the instructions of a coach. Many coaches will have observed this when a pupils actions bear no resemblance to their command.

The problem is with the muscle.

Posture is the manifestation of attitude. Exercises designed to strengthen the perceived weak postural muscles do not get to the cause of the problem. If a muscle is weak, it is most likely through lack of use if not activated due to a faulty movement pattern. If you dont use it, you lose it! A muscle can also appear weak if it is habitually held tight because further contraction is not possible. Our shape is a result of an intricate balancing act involving every muscle of the body. Weakness in one area usually indicates excessive tension in another. The task of trying to achieve balance by working on individual groups of muscle is not only time consuming but pointless.

What are we trying to achieve if we do not know what is the correct tone for each muscle? In recent years there has been a move toward functional exercises designed for a specific sport. The theory is that each sport will place demands on a particular group of muscles so exercises can be used to strengthen those required by the athlete. Yet if these muscles are deemed to be essential for their sport then surely the athlete participating in that sport should already have the appropriate strength where required. Changes in one part of the body achieved with exercise will bring about, often unexpected, results in another. Muscles perform their function as directed by the controlling mechanism. Postural exercises call into play the same mechanisms that created the poor condition in a more vigorous manner. The result is stronger muscles at the mercy of the faulty controlling mechanisms. The careless driver now has a more powerful car.

We know what good posture feels like.

The knowledge of how to maintain good posture has never been at a conscious level. The absence of poor habits allows good posture in children without us having to do it. Once habits start to interfere with the process and posture deteriorates we cannot know what to do to get it back. It is foolish to believe we can improve on what should be a natural process by trying harder. In order to perform corrective exercises it is assumed an individual knows how to use the muscle in question with the appropriate amount of tension. If we had this ability we would never have developed poor posture initially. The underlying condition causing poor posture cannot be used to improve it. Poor posture is a symptom and should not be addressed by direct means. To know what good posture feels like, we need to have it.

To correct posture we need to try harder.

In fact the opposite is true. The centres of the brain that mediate the postural reflexes are at a level below conscious awareness and are therefore beyond our direct control. Any attempt to correct posture by a conscious act will interfere with this process. The common response by those wishing to correct their immediate posture is to stiffen up, shorten the back, hold the breath and adopt the military stance. Young children are often used as an example of good posture, yet they give no consideration to it. They allow it happen by not interfering with the process. To achieve good posture we need to learn what not to do so as not to impede the righting reflexes.

Good posture improves performance

As described earlier in this article, good posture does appear to promote efficient movement, however we need to go deeper to understand why. This view puts the cart before the horse. It is the ability for efficient movement that promotes good posture. Good posture is an indication of poise consequently poor posture is a sign of lost poise. A poised athlete moves freely with minimal effort and is not pulled out of shape by excessive muscle tension. The athlete without poise uses inappropriate muscle action in all activities, including the exercises prescribed to correct posture. If an individual has poise, corrective exercises are unnecessary and could even lead to its loss.

If an individual does not have poise, corrective exercises are counterproductive serving only to complicate the problem. Postural exercises may show improvements to shape, but by whose yardstick and at what cost to poise? The shape is not important. A better shape and sense of feeling stronger is not necessarily a good result. In a poised individual the appropriate muscular activity to maintain balance is activated by postural reflexes. When the reflex excites the muscle we experience only the movement, not the effort. For example when the patella (knee) reflex is tested we have no sensation of applying effort to move the leg because we receive feedback of effort only if we have voluntarily activated the muscle. In standing we do not need to voluntarily control muscular activity directly and therefore should have little sensation of strength. If we feel stronger we are probably overworking the muscle.

Exercises for developing specific muscles do not promote the balance and integration required for poise. New habits are learnt by using muscle to perform moves that may not correspond to their natural function. The postural reflexes in conjunction with the learnt pattern co-ordinate muscle activity for balance without the need for extra effort.

Exercises designed to aid athletes could therefore have the unexpected side effect of restricting movement. When we engage the habits developed through exercise to attain what we assume to be correct position or movement, we interfere with preparatory actions for movement. I believe targeting the postural muscles for specific exercise encourages inappropriate use for actions that they are not intended to perform, ultimately leading to loss of poise.

Promoting Poise

Poise is not acquired through conventional exercises that generally concentrate on the muscle. As discussed earlier in this section, many exercises lead to loss of poise through the piecemeal approach to developing individual muscles or muscle groups in isolation. Poise comes with an understanding and experience of free movement.

Balance is vital for poise. The common response to perceived loss of balance is to stiffen in order to prevent a fall. We need to feel at ease with movement to remove the fear of falling. When we use inappropriate corrective actions in response to a perceived loss of balance we increase the risk of a fall. The grace exhibited by practitioners of the martial art Aikido is due to their ability to fall without fear of injury. Regardless of the condition of the nervous system, balance can be improved by learning how to eliminate the unnecessary preparatory acts that we usually associate with a given movement. Applying the wrong kind of effort leads to a misuse of our mechanisms for movement. Once our complex systems for balance are impeded all resulting muscular actions will be corrupt and inappropriate. Poise can only be attained when the habit of interfering with the mechanisms for balance is removed.

Anthropologist Raymond Dart wrote:

Poise, however, is not acquired like physical strength through the performance of exercise and sport, but through restful study and observation. Poise is a body state achieved only by steady and carefree education of the body and maintenance of balance. Poise is a character of repose or rest in the good body, whether it is in the relatively static positions of lying, sitting or standing or is actively in progressive motion during the activities of lifes daily routine or of sport.

In my experience, one of the most effective ways to acquire poise through study and observation is The Alexander Technique.

Roy Palmer is a teacher of The Alexander Technique and has studied performance enhancement in sport for the last 10 years. In 2001 he published a book called 'The Performance Paradox: Challenging the conventional methods of sports training and exercise' and is currently working on a new project about The Zone. More information about how to improve your posture can be found at Posture

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Hair Loss - Causes and Remedies

All of us are constantly losing hair. Hair falls out, and is replaced by new hair growing in its place. We lose between 40 and 120 of the hairs on our head on a daily basis. This sounds like an awful lot of hair to lose, but is in fact a tiny proportion of the 100, 000 or so hairs that the average head has. An individual hair has a growth cycle of between 2 and 6 years, during which time it achieves maturity in terms of size. When the hair stops growing, it begins a period of rest, which can last between 2 and 6 months, after which it falls out. The hair follicle eventually replaces this hair with a new one, and a new growth cycle begins. This article focuses on the hair loss, which is thought to affect 40% of men and women over the age of 35.

What Causes Hair Loss?

95% of all hair loss is thought to be caused by androgenetic alopecia, which is usually referred to as Male Pattern Baldness. Most males experience hair loss at some time in their life as previously mentioned, around 40% of us will be affected by the age of 35. However, some men get pronounced hair loss from a very early age, and some men show no signs of hair loss until they reach an advanced age. This is because age is only one of the factors which contribute to Male Pattern Baldness. The other factors are genes and hormones. These three factors combine to shrink a number of hair follicles, which has the effect of reducing the growth cycle of the individual hairs. This process eventually results in there being not much in the way of growth. Studies have shown that dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is also one of the major causes of Male Pattern Baldness. DHT is produced by males while they are still in the womb, and is the cause of the male gender characteristics such as a deep voice and facial hair.

Hair Loss Remedies

While it is possible to get a hair replacement graft, this is an expensive option, and may not be realistic for a lot of men. As mentioned above, one of the causes of Male Pattern Baldness is DHT, and there are a number of remedies which claim to reduce the build up of DHT (one way or another). However, as Male Pattern Baldness is a very sensitive issue, there are a lot of unscrupulous manufacturers selling nothing but snake oil. When purchasing a hair loss remedy, it is important to determine that the company in question is highly reputable. Two of the better known hair loss remedies are Provillus and Rogaine. Rogaine can be used in the form of foam, which is massaged into the scalp first thing in the morning and also in the evening. Interestingly, Rogaine is the brand name for Minoxidil, which was originally used as a means of reducing blood pressure. Provillus, on the other hand is administered orally, and is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Provillus blocks the production of the DHT, which is one of the causes of Male Pattern Baldness. Significantly, a lot of the websites selling Provillus offer a money back guarantee. A hair loss remedy has only one means of providing customer satisfaction, so the makers of Provillus must be pretty confident in their product.


As you will have realised, hair loss is a fact of life for all, but for some the effects are accentuated dramatically with Male Pattern Baldness. There are a number of remedies available for this condition, and it is important to research the market to make sure you pick the right one for you.

If you found that article of interest, please visit to learn about one of the newer hair loss remedies on the market.

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Hotels Using VoIP

The days of expensive hotel phone bills are over, with the rise of more and more hotels offering broadband Internet services. With the broadband connection, users can use Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP to stay connected with their family. This is especially good news to oversea travelers. Some hotels do have a charge to access the Internet.

The Residence Inn in New Haven Conneticutt has become one of the first hotels to offer free VoIP service to their customers. Adam Dubroff of TravelGlue, the company that wired the Residence Inn for VoIP, told CNN. "Until now, hotel guests have paid a premium for the convenience of the long distance service, which was appropriate when there were no cell phones and it really was a convenience."

Dubroff continued, But as technology has developed, it has become an old business model and the prices charged have been rendered exorbitant. Now, because of VoIP, there is an opportunity to provide guests with a phone service for free and I think this will be the norm in the future."

The Wynn in Las Vegas has taken the VoIP technology to the fullest extreme offering reservations, hotel information and more right from a touch screen VoIP phone. Plus when a user accesses the broadband Internet the Wynn offers, they can use their personal VoIP service for only the cost of the Internet access.

Many VoIP providers allow users to take their service with them, wherever they travel. Skype offers a free VoIP that can be used directly with a users computer and broadband Internet connection, therefore allowing it to be accessed virtually anywhere and anytime. No additional equipment is needed, however Skype users can only call Skype customers for free. Calling regular phone numbers result in a charge.

Vonage allows customers to travel with their phone adapter that plugs into their computer and broadband Internet, giving them the same Internet phone service that they receive at home. Additional charges may incur from Vonage based on the monthly plan the user currently is enrolled in.

"Communication was always an issue with expats working overseas. Satellite telephones have helped me to keep in touch with my family but the per minute cost prohibited long or chatty calls," says Thomas Drown, a geologist working in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Now, I can talk to anyone in the world who has either a phone or an Internet connection. Now I can call my mom in Canada from my western Mongolia ger field office any time of the day or night for just eight cents a minute.

For more information regaurding VOIP services check out or

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