The Health Advantages Of Infant Massage
An infant's growth-promoting hormones respond favorably to touch. Touch also makes the infant's system produce an increased quantity of enzymes, which aid in the growth of cells of important organs. It has been proven that prematurely born babies tend to gain weight when held and caressed by human hands as compared to premature babies who are administered warmth by placing them in incubators. You will be surprised to know that in certain eastern cultures young mothers are taken to task if they fail to massage their babies regularly.
Many scholarly books extol the virtues of touch and each of these books conclude that babies who do not get "touched" do not bond well or develop into a strong children. Research has clearly indicated that babies who are fondled, cuddled and loved by their parents during their infancy display enhanced neurological development. In fact, researchers have opined that there is a strong connection between touch and "myelin", which is an electrically insulating layer that surrounds nerves and enhances communication and response between them.
Would you believe that touch also helps strengthen the digestive system? Babies who are "touched" ooze out a large quantity of digestive enzymes that help in the digestion process. Babies who suffer from colic respond favorably and can be cured by administering infant massage.
Infant massage also helps the baby in getting a sound sleep and it is well known that babies who get their full quota of sleep do not throw a lot of tantrums during the day. Adults must realize that infants can only communicate with their cries and gurgles, and very often they stop crying when picked up and comforted by cuddling and pampering them with their hands. Take an example: even when adults shake hands or get a gentle squeeze, they get a sense of warmth and oneness. Touch brings with it warmth, friendship, relief and a feeling of caring. The fussy baby feels the same sense of relief over someone caring about them.
Infant massage also makes the baby realize which part of his body is sensitive. The baby also starts getting to know which part of the body when massaged gives him a sense of relaxation. Infant massage also makes the baby think that he is an important fella and that's why he's been given this special massage treatment.
Massage can help parents bond with the child especially if the parents are working o have missed out caring for the child due to personal reasons or medical complications. Similarly, if the child has been separated from his parents in the hospital, for whatever reason, then infant massage can help in the child connecting with his parents.
Infant massage also teaches the parent how to handle the newborn baby this is important because many parents get actually scared when it comes to handling their own baby, because the baby is oh-so-fragile. Touch helps both parent and child to stay tuned to each other. Babies learn about touch fast and in a matter of time they can differentiate between their mother's and father's touch.
Tips for Successful Infant Massage For more quick tips and advice on massage therapy visit this popular website at
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