A Great Effective Vitamin
The antioxidant that is required for tissue growth and repair of the body is vitamin C. In fact, it has been proven to help protect against heart disease, cancer and other serious illnesses. Without it the body would not be able to heal itself and it is vital for the formation of collagen. Whenever a person has a cut or an injury, it is the collagen that helps repair the damage. Collagen has a multitude of functions in the body, including keeping the organs in place.
This water-soluble nutrient is essential for optimal health and aids folic acid and iron to maximize their effectiveness. The more the body has, the better its defense against colds and other common ailments. It may not prevent a virus but it does help speed up the recovery process.
Almost every fruit and vegetable has this powerful antioxidant; some have higher values in content than others such as cranberries and melons, in fact, tropical fruits have the highest of all fruits. Hot pepper has the richest vitamin content when it comes to vegetables and the hotter the better. Unfortunately, because of this water-soluble nutrient many vegetables lose their effectiveness if they are boiled for a long period of time. Steam or stir fry vegetables to ensure that more nutrient content is retained. The recommended daily amount is easily obtained from eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day if they are consumed raw or cooked quickly.
Supplements are useful to ensure that the proper amount of vitamin is obtained. However, with a balanced diet, the amount the body receives is likely to be sufficient. When feeling tired, run down or sluggish, this supplement will help to restore energy. There is no danger of having too much vitamin C as the body simply excretes the excess.
The body does not make vitamin C; therefore, it must enter the body through foods or supplements. Those suffering from Cancer and Aids should take esterified vitamin C, a remarkable and effective form. Ester-C is formed by reacting with minerals such as zinc, potassium, sodium calcium, and magnesium. This forms a non-acidic nutrient that enters the bloodstream and tissues four times faster than the standard form, the esterified stays in the body longer than the standard form, and the white blood cells absorption is four times higher than the standard form.
Even though this great antioxidant is required, be knowledgeable of it use, know what can be taken together, and know it effects when interacted with medications or consult your health care provider. Alcohol, prescription drugs and some over the counter drugs may deplete vitamin C in the body and smoking causes a grave reduction. For efficiency, and because the body does not retain this nutrient, take supplement twice a day. Some drugs are not effective when taken with this nutrient such as chlorpropamide and sulfa, diabetes medications.
Carolyn Bell Smith, committed to help others improve their health, lifestyle, fight sickness, disease, and building a strong immune system. Author and creator, Healthy LifeStyle and More, and Lifestyle Tips Newsletter yourhealthrenewed Subscribe to our newsletter ezine_newsletter
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