Monday, December 3, 2007 

A Great Effective Vitamin

The antioxidant that is required for tissue growth and repair of the body is vitamin C. In fact, it has been proven to help protect against heart disease, cancer and other serious illnesses. Without it the body would not be able to heal itself and it is vital for the formation of collagen. Whenever a person has a cut or an injury, it is the collagen that helps repair the damage. Collagen has a multitude of functions in the body, including keeping the organs in place.

This water-soluble nutrient is essential for optimal health and aids folic acid and iron to maximize their effectiveness. The more the body has, the better its defense against colds and other common ailments. It may not prevent a virus but it does help speed up the recovery process.

Almost every fruit and vegetable has this powerful antioxidant; some have higher values in content than others such as cranberries and melons, in fact, tropical fruits have the highest of all fruits. Hot pepper has the richest vitamin content when it comes to vegetables and the hotter the better. Unfortunately, because of this water-soluble nutrient many vegetables lose their effectiveness if they are boiled for a long period of time. Steam or stir fry vegetables to ensure that more nutrient content is retained. The recommended daily amount is easily obtained from eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day if they are consumed raw or cooked quickly.

Supplements are useful to ensure that the proper amount of vitamin is obtained. However, with a balanced diet, the amount the body receives is likely to be sufficient. When feeling tired, run down or sluggish, this supplement will help to restore energy. There is no danger of having too much vitamin C as the body simply excretes the excess.

The body does not make vitamin C; therefore, it must enter the body through foods or supplements. Those suffering from Cancer and Aids should take esterified vitamin C, a remarkable and effective form. Ester-C is formed by reacting with minerals such as zinc, potassium, sodium calcium, and magnesium. This forms a non-acidic nutrient that enters the bloodstream and tissues four times faster than the standard form, the esterified stays in the body longer than the standard form, and the white blood cells absorption is four times higher than the standard form.

Even though this great antioxidant is required, be knowledgeable of it use, know what can be taken together, and know it effects when interacted with medications or consult your health care provider. Alcohol, prescription drugs and some over the counter drugs may deplete vitamin C in the body and smoking causes a grave reduction. For efficiency, and because the body does not retain this nutrient, take supplement twice a day. Some drugs are not effective when taken with this nutrient such as chlorpropamide and sulfa, diabetes medications.

Carolyn Bell Smith, committed to help others improve their health, lifestyle, fight sickness, disease, and building a strong immune system. Author and creator, Healthy LifeStyle and More, and Lifestyle Tips Newsletter yourhealthrenewed Subscribe to our newsletter ezine_newsletter

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Take Care Of Your Sunglasses

Sunglasses help to protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays that come from the sun. It is always better to use a sunglasses when ever you go in direct sunlight. Special care has to be taken while selecting the right sunglasses for you. It should suit your face and also should give you the right protection you want. Sunglasses are a bit expensive and special care has to be given to maintain them.

Here are some tips that will help you to maintain your sunglasses.

  • Sunglasses should be checked regularly if you wear them frequently. There are chances that the screws of the glass become loose and will create problems for you while wearing the. It is necessary that the screws are always tight and the glass is comfortable to wear.
  • You have to check the alignment of the glass. If they are not properly aligned it is necessary that the frame has to be adjusted at the earliest. Do not try to align the frame on your own. If more damage occurs the warranty of the sunglasses will be cancelled.
  • Keep you lenses scratch free. Scratching is the main problem that everyone faces with their sunglasses. It is better to get a lens with a scratch resistant feature.
  • Clean you sunglasses frequently. Use a lotion free washing liquid to clean the glasses. You can also use lukewarm water to wash off the dirt. Finally wipe the glass with a lint free cotton towel. This will make you glasses shine as new.
  • When ever you remove your glasses use both your hands to remove them. This will avoid distortion of the frame.
  • When you are not using the glasses it is safe to keep it in its protective case.
  • If you are a person who sweats too much, it is better to rinse of the sweat from the glasses at the earliest or else it may damage the lens coatings as well as the finish of the frame.
  • Do not leave your sunglasses on the dash board of your car the strong heat that will be inside the closed car can damage the lens as well as the frame.

Follow these tips to keep you sunglasses safe and last longer.

Visit Internet shopping site to select your Discount Sunglasses and you can get cashback discounts on Cheap Sunglasses when you shop through this edealsuk shopping website.

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3 Ways To Make Money Fast And Easy - PART TWO

The second way to make money fast and easy is to offer a service. With the emphasis being on speed in this case, I will try to give you an outline of a particularly lucrative and rapid way to make money fast.

Asuming you have a home phone and a few dollars to spare on printing, you are going to rely on the law of averages to get your required money fast. As in PART 1, I have settled on $1500 but you can manipulate this to suit your needs. Whatever the crisis is, a few thouand dollars should always be enough to get you out and buy you some time until you get a handle on your finances.

The law of averages states that every situation has a conversion rate. To use an extreme example, lets take my table lamp sitting here on my desk.

If we set up the scenario we can get an understanding into the law of averages. Say our scenario is that we want to sell this $22.00 lamp for $1 million dollars. It sounds impossible, who would give you $1 million dollars in exchange for a $22.00 lamp?

The law of averages states that even this unlikely scenario shall have a conversion rate. The possibility might be calculated at 0.0000000000000000004858688% chance that it will happen, however even this unlikely event would occur at some decimal point. However, we can also manipulate the conversion ratio by developing the scenario. If the arbitrary calculation above means that you would have to try 200 billion, trillion times to find just 1 person who would give you $1 million dollars for a desk lamp, an adjustment in the scenario can improve that number.

For example, the price, you could reduce the price to $1000 which would immediately change the calculation to reflect the new circumstance. Now the conversion may be 1.2 in other words, for every 120 people you offer the lamp to, 1 will buy instead of the 200 billion, trillion.

What if ontop of a price reduction, you registered as a charity. You as the administrator of the donation may keep a percentage of the $1000 and refer the rest to the charity you chose. You get to help people and at the same time make a little money. Would this impact the conversion? Of course it would. Not everybody views money in the same way and there are people out there that definitely would buy a $22.00 table lamp for $1000 if it was going to charity. The conversion ratio might become 2% or 1 in every 50 people may take you up on this offer.

Novelty sells and in the above case, the novelty was the extremely high price of the lamp. That combined with it being a charitable donation meant that the scenario had a reasonable chance. To sell 10 lamps for $1000 for charity you would simply make 500 people aware of the offer if the 2% conversion ratio was true.

To apply the law of averages to make money fast we can see the possibilities. You must construct a scenario with an estimated conversion rate and work to make enough people aware of your offer based on the profit projection and your financial goal (in this case $1500)

To do that we look for demand. Without too much money we have settled on offering a service. We think about what people may need from you that you could offer that they would also pay for.

Also because we are working with the law of averages, we are not going to go for a high conversion rate. We are looking for a high price and lower conversion rate. The higher the price, the lower the chance that somebody will take your offer. But it doesnt mean nobody would take your offer does it? It just means you need to see more people to finally find the individual that finds your offer attractive and acts on it.

This is the bones of the strategy. Whether you choose to wash all the exterior windows of a wealthy persons house. Or provide in-home foot rubs and back and shoulder massage to retired people. Maybe you will advertise a flyer entitled "your slave for a week" $1500 to attract people using a novel approach is up to you.

Jack Reynolds was a broke Insurance salesman only 2 years ago, today he owns assets valued at several million dollars. What did he do in 24 short months? You can read about Jack's remarkable and rapid transformation and download Hayden's famous book "The Million Dollar Mentor" by clicking here

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Helping Your Child Learn How to Spell

Learning to spell simple words is a huge milestone for young children. It takes a lot of work and practice for both the child and the parent. It is important for the parent to remember that this is a slow process and that event the smallest amount of progress should be celebrated and rewarded so that the child continues to be motivated to continue.

Children usually learn to spell when they are around first grade. Some children may start a little sooner. However, first grade is the time when children start to have the mental abilities. Still, even first graders have a short attention span and limited memory capability. Therefore, it is important to keep the words short at this age so that they will be able to memorize them.

Words that this age group can handle include: cat, bat, sat, bad, bag, had, fan, fat, dad, has, hat, jam, dog, log, sad, can, tan, pan and tap. Parents should quiz their children every day in order to help them memorize these vocabulary words.

In addition to quizzing the children, parents can reinforce learning by making spelling a game. Listed here are some games that will help children to learn to spell.

Obviously, there are plenty of software games for your computer that can assist your child in spelling. My suggestions tend to be less expensive and can be incorporated in every day life.

First are flash cards. Flash cards are a wonderful way to teach a child to spell. You can buy them or make them yourself. Your child will have instant feedback with each card. This will give you the opportunity to reward him/her with cheers and claps. (Maybe some hugs and kisses too. ;-))

You can also read a story to your child and create a small vocabulary list from words in the story. This will help your child associate the word with the story which will not only increase memory but help your child understand what the word is.

One of my favorite games is to label items around the house. This allows your child to get up and moving. As you know, it is difficult to keep young children in one place. Going around the house will help your child burn off some of that extra energy which will, in turn, allow you to work on spelling longer than if you have your child seated the entire time.

Another game children love is when a parent writes the word on a large piece of paper and puts it in the box. Then the child can pull the paper out of the box. The excitement and anticipation of a "surprise" word really helps to motivate children to play this game and learn to spell the word that he/she picks out.

Slipping small pieces of paper with a vocabulary word inside a cookie is another game that I recommend. I love to bake, especially cookies. When your child pulls the paper out of the cookie that he is eating, you can ask him to spell the word.

Lastly, I recommend that you ask your child to spell out words that he hears on television. This will help your child's listening skills since he will rarely see the word spelled out on the television.

Once your child learns the basic words list above, he is ready to move to larger words such as: chair, table, book, cookie, some, long, have, cloth, dine, wine, list, tape, mask, etc.

I want to remind you again that it is very important to reward your child for even the smallest amount of progress. Stickers and stamps on his work are very motivating. You may also want to consider putting a chart on the wall that measures his progress through different levels of spelling. The chart should be placed where everyone can see it. Not only will your child learn to spell, his self-esteem will improve as well.

This article was written by Sandy. I am a parent who is concerned with giving my children the best start in life. Since my first child didn't come with a manual, I have found other parents' advice invaluable. I would like to pass on what I have learned and hope that other parents would like to do the same. I have recently been reminded of how important my family is and that my family should always come first. Please visit my blog at The Family Comes First. Hope to see you there.


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How to Get Affordable Automobile Insurance in New Hampshire

In most states if you drive a vehicle on any state roadway you must, by law, have automobile insurance, but such is not the case in New Hampshire. Under New Hampshire law, a good driver in New Hampshire is not required to carry any form of automobile insurance at all.

However, that does not mean that no one in New Hampshire must purchase automobile insurance.

To begin with, if you finance a vehicle then chances are very good that your financing company will force you to purchase full automobile insurance coverage in order to protect the collateral they have for their loan namely, your car.

Also, even if your vehicle is not financed you still may be forced to pay for automobile insurance in New Hampshire if your driving record is not spotless.

For example, a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) conviction will guarantee that you must purchase automobile insurance for a minimum of three years; a second conviction gets you an extra two years of required coverage.

There is also a point system in New Hampshire that can earn you the dubious distinction of having to purchase automobile insurance. Such things as running a stop sign, driving on a sidewalk, failure to obey the orders of a police officer all add negative points to your driving record.

The number of negative points on your record needed to trigger the requirement for you to purchase automobile insurance varies by age. Check with the New Hampshire Motor Vehicle Department for exact details.

Obviously the best way to keep your automobile insurance cost down is to keep your driving record clean. Never drive when intoxicated or impaired, do not speed, and obey all other traffic rules and regulations, as well as the orders given by any police officer.

Another thing you can often do to substantially reduce the cost of your automobile insurance is to increase your deductible. The larger your deductible in other words, the more you are willing to pay out of your own pocket any time you have a claim then the lower your monthly premium will be.

Drive a sensible car. That big muscle car may the one youve been dreaming about for years but check to see if you can afford the insurance before you commit to buying it. Fast or sporty cars are much more expensive to insure than are more traditional vehicles.

Now get online. There are literally dozens of websites that allow you to quickly and easily compare automobile insurance polices and prices among a whole slew of different insurance companies. In order to insure that you are comparing as many different companies as possible you need to take the time to fill out the forms on at least two and preferably three different comparison websites.

Once you have done this then you will absolutely know where you can get affordable automobile insurance in New Hampshire.

My recommended sites here:

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Broadband Internet Defined defines broadband as pertaining to or denoting a type of high-speed data transmission in which the bandwidth is shared by more than one simultaneous signal. While this is accurate it isnt very helpful in understanding what the term broadband means, or what broadband internet actually is.

The term broadband internet is used very loosely, and is often synonymous with high-speed internet, cable internet, DSL, or satellite internet access. While these terms are functionally the same in a very broad sense, the internet access industry defines broadband in several ways. Broadband internet access can be looked at by connection speed and communication class.

Connection speeds at or above 200kbps are considered broadband by the Federal Communications Commission, however this definition is outdated and many firms would not consider anything below 1mbps broadband. Almost all high speed internet services offer speeds over 1mbps, and even satellite internet access can beat out 200kbps. Some definitions of broadband require the connection to be always on. This would mean that cable would always fit into this category, but some ADSL and satellite connections would not. With fiber optic technology on the rise it is possible that the speeds that are considered broadband could change in the near future.

Communication class is another important point to discuss when looking at the differences between standard lines and broadband access. A POTS line, or plain old telephone service, can normally transfer analog data at 29.6kbps when it is being utilized for voice traffic. This speed was fine for voice transmission, but as internet usage began to grow, faster speeds were in great demand. Compression protocol increased the POTS line to around 56kbps, but could not go any faster without additional hardware.

The higher communication class of a broadband connection utilizes more frequencies than a POTS line, allowing for the faster transmission of data. In addition to these added frequencies, broadband internet such as a cable connection simply has more fiber. A coax is a larger line than a POTS line and can carry more data faster. More fiber almost always means faster speeds.

Jon Norwood is a founder and managing partner of the directory Internet Service Providers, a site dedicated to providing information on Internet Service Providers, as well as guides on how to best choose a service.

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We always want to get the best out of our money. Before making a purchase especially a large one, we usually consider first the benefits well be getting. Buying gadgets involves a very tough decision because as time goes by there is a significant decrease in value and fast obsolesce.

Laptop is one of the useful device people can hardly live without. Everybody is inclined to have a comfortable life. Thus we put our preference to laptop as compared to desktop or personal computers first because of its portability and mobility. Businessman, working moms at home, students, researchers or even an ordinary employee benefit from using a laptop by making their work easier and faster.

Choosing the right notebook can be a daunting task. It is easy to be overwhelmed with the number of options available today, and rushing a notebook purchase can be disastrous if you do not first consider what it will be used for. So it really pays off to take time to search and learn at least the basic information.

Where can you find the information you need?

* Google Just search on the keyword you like to learn about including the preferred brand if beforehand you already decide on it and for a split of second google will provide you vast information from credible sites all over the world. Click on Google to make your search now.

* Forum Take time to read forums because everybody is always talking about something. Be specific in choosing the thread because you might follow the wrong one and your time will be wasted. Visit Notebook Forums if you need more information.

* Articles Youll find wide range of information from articles because theres huge people are writing up to provide helpful advice to readers. Try going to Ezine Articles, Article Dashboard, and Article Biz.

* Review Most people offers review after they have used a certain product. So take it from them so youll learn from their experience and avoid committing mistakes in making your decision.

* Amazon It is a great site where you can easily view the description of the product, technical and product detail, possible accessories for the related item, and most importantly are the customer reviews at the bottom part of the site.

Like buying anything, it is always a good idea to fully understand your purpose and know something what is the specific laptop model you really need. If you consider most of the simple points and check out the basic information listed above then making your own laptop purchase will not only be quite painless but it may even prove an enjoyable experience. Do a little homework and you will easily find the perfect laptop for you.

Mimi Merontos writes topic about laptop to help people decide in buying one or merely provides information to those who need it. Because of the wide selection a store can offer it is really hard to just pinpoint what you like. To view more widely known laptop brands, Please visit Smart Laptop Choice

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Discount dental plans, designed to provide significant savings on your dental care needs, have quickly become an attractive alternative to dental insurance. Individual and family discount dental plans provide an alternative to the frustrating limitations and inflated costs commonly associated with most dental insurance plans.

Traditional dental insurance, once the only dental benefit option available, features many drawbacks including costly deductibles, tedious claim forms, long waiting periods and other limitations. On the other hand, discount dental plans are affordable, easy-to-use and free of these hassles.

What are some of the major differences between dental insurance and discount dental plans? Some of the characteristics of Dental Insurance include:

Limitations, deductibles and annual maximums
Waiting periods for major dental procedures
Tedious and time-consuming written claims process
Limitations/exclusions on pre-existing conditions
Certain dental specialties, such as cosmetic dentistry, are rarely covered
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Some of the characteristics of Discount Dental Plans include:
No annual limits, enjoy discounts on most dental services all year long
Most plans activate within 1 3 business days
No tiresome paperwork hassles, plan membership card is presented for discounts on most dental services
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Select plans include discounts on dental specialties, including cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics
Affordable membership fees grant access to a network of providers offering discounts on most dental procedures
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Discount dental plans are an affordable and easy-to-use alternative to dental insurance, and offer significant savings on most dental procedures.

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How to Save Money on Your Local Phone Bills

If you live in or near an urban area, especially one with multiple area codes, it's likely that you are over-paying for your phone service.

One way the traditional phone companies make huge profits is by charging exorbitant rates for local-long distance phone calls. Often, any calls beyond 15 miles from your home, while local, are charged as long distance. Often if costs less to call across the country than the town next to you.

The old slogan "let you fingers do the walking" to call local businesses or friends can quickly become expensive.

Now, thanks to new technology, you can eliminate all those charges, gain better phone service and features for far less cost.

Digital phone service is the solution.

Sometimes known as VoIP (voice over Internet protocol), this technology uses the Internet to carry the phone call from you home to the other person. You basically eliminate the traditional phone company.

You don't have to sit in front of a computer with a headset on taking to someone doing the same. You can use the phones you now have.

This does require broadband or high-speed Internet service. The good news is that you could add broadband to use the digital phone service, and with all the savings, you likely would pay less per month than you do now. You would gain better, lower-priced phone service and high-speed Internet- all for less cost!

Right now, 89% of all U.S. households are capable of getting broadband Internet and therefore digital phone service.

All your local-long distance charges would be eliminated. Almost all digital phone services include many features such as free long distance calling.

The basic plans cost much less than traditional phone service, plus the taxes are less.

Until recently, there was a problem with 911 working with digital phone service. Some of the irresponsible carriers would sell a person VoIP service without considering this.

That problem is eliminated. Now there is E911 (Enhanced 911) where your number is added to a database so any 911 call will show your address. This is expanding to cover the entire U.S. The responsible carriers will only sell digital phone service in areas where people can be on the E911 system.

If you visit our web site, we can direct you to one of those carriers. We also provide a checklist for selecting a digital phone service provider.

In addition to more features and lower costs, a few digital phone companies are compatible with video phones. These are standard desk phones with a TV screen. Now you can actually see in real-time the person you are talking to!

The family and business applications of this new and inexpensive technology are endless.

For more information about slashing your phone bill and picking up lots of features with digital and/or video phone service, please visit our site.

Copyright 2006. All Rights Reserved

Paul Myers is President of Ph.Developments USA, Inc. and webmaster of

A site dedicated to helping people discover video phones and save money on telecommunication services.

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