Thursday, November 22, 2007 

Paternity Fraud: Tennessee Considers Letting Duped Men Off The Hook

Paternity fraud is once again in the news, as the state of Tennessee is on the brink of becoming a trend-setter state with proposed legislation that would allow for the disestablishment of parentage.

Paternity fraud is the popular name for the situation where a man is duped into fatherhood for a child that is not biologically related. The big issue with paternity fraud is that a man is forced to pay child support for these children even after DNA evidence proves that he is not the biological father. The majority of states rely on an English common law doctrine that creates a presumption of fatherhood when a child is born during a marriage or 300 days after divorce. The current purpose of this doctrine is to prevent the state welfare system from paying to support the child.

While the mother-child relationship is generally established at birth; the father-child relationship is harder to establish. When the common law doctrine of paternity was first established over 500 years ago, there was no scientific test that could prove paternity. With the advent of DNA testing, the old presumption has become antiquated. The majority of states have failed to reevaluate their paternity laws and have kept the old presumption in place.

Tennessee is currently considering a law that would allow for the disestablishment of parentage. The proposed bill would amend the current law and allow a man to escape child support obligations if he can show through DNA evidence that he is not the biological father. The new paternity law would not allow reimbursement for child support that has already been paid and would only apply to future child support payments. In addition, the law would not allow disestablishment of parentage in three situations. These are:

1.If the father legally had adopted the child.
2.If the father has entered into a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity.
3.If at the time a child support order was granted by a court, the man had actual knowledge that he was not the father.

If the paternity fraud bill becomes law, Tennessee would be one of a handful of states that allows a man to stop paying child support when he can prove he is not the biological father. Attempts to change the presumption of paternity have met with strong resistance from groups in many states. The majority of the arguments against changing the law address that if the duped dad is let off the hook for child support, it is the child that becomes the victim. Opponents to the new law submit that the childs best interest should be the only concern.

Supporters of the paternity fraud bill argue that fraud should never be rewarded. They point out that these cases often arise because the woman has concealed a sexual relationship from her husband. They submit that the current law excuses the womans conduct and creates a new victim.

Scott Justice is an attorney practicing family law in Tennessee. He is the author of Tennessee Divorce and Family Law located at

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Love and Happiness

Some people might agree that love and happiness are connected; that the more you love the more happiness you are likely to feel.

Some people would also agree that charity is the highest form of love so when you have charity, do you have the greatness love and happiness?

I think that an LDS scripture 1 might capture the interest of those who think that charity might indeed be one of the greatest forms of love and happiness:

And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Finding Love and Happiness Through Charity?: The Challenge of a Lifetime
When you read the scripture mentioned above, you certainly don't have to be a Christian to become somewhat befuddled by this conglomeration of words: Who can bear all things? Who can believe all things? Who can hope all things? Who can endure all things? If charity is indeed one of the greatest forms of love and this LDS scripture is a valid representation of charity, what could be a more difficult attribute to acquire than that of charity?

Can you find love and happiness when you suffer long?
If there is one thing that we can be sure of in this world, it is that we will all suffer. Whether physically or emotionally everyone will taste the sourness of life. It is also sure that suffering will end at some time or another. The one thing we can control when it comes to suffering is how we react to it with the power we have to react. According to the scripture mentioned above, charity suffer[s] long so is the most love-filled reactions to suffer long? I also find it interesting that the particular phrase suffereth long, is followed by, and is kind. Is that the secret then to true love and happiness? Suffering long and still managing to be kind?

My roommate Jen (name changed for obvious reasons) is an example to me of this particular love and happiness. She has is sensitive by nature and extremely kind and conscientious so imagine my surprise on finding that at a young age she has already been torn by the disillusion of disappointment and divorce. In fact, I could hardly believe that it was so. She still suffers from her memories (perhaps every day) but for some reason that perhaps only she understands, Jen is kind and sensitive to others' needs. Jen, coincidentally also seems to be one of the happiest (or at least one of the most content) people that I know. Where is the university for that kind of suffering-long and being kind? Where is the university for that kind of love and happiness?

Can you find love and happiness when you cease to envy?
In a world where everyone stands on the pedestals of inequality, it's hard to imagine NOT looking around and wishing that our pedastal was a bit higher, a bit wider, perhaps even a bit lower. It's easy to understand that the actual thought and emotion of envy is not productive. After all, being envious never shapes your pedestal as it needs to be shaped but it's hard not to want what others have. However, apparently the scripture once again proves to be one of the most complicated of challenges because if we are to gain the best kind of love and happiness apparently the choice to give up envy is required.

Goodness. Achieving love and happiness is not an easy task.

There are many other difficult aspects of the concept of charity as defined by the scripture mentioned above and perhaps they would bring about a greater amount of love and happiness.

These types of skills seem a bit mysterious however. After all, I certainly didn't learn them in conjunction with my geometry class. Or perhaps I did. Was it Virgil who said that love conquers all things?


Marci Crane is a copywriter for Main10 in Orem, Utah. For more information in regards to how you can begin your search for the person who you could work with to build love and happiness, please feel free to contact Heavenly Matched.

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Recognizing that you have the proper minerals in your body will help not just to balance your physique, but can also support healthy hair. There are certain types of minerals used for healthy hair and preventing hair loss. In this article, well introduce you to them.

The first mineral that is known to support continuous hair growth is calcium. It will let your hair get stronger and continue to move through your scalp. Calcium is found in fish, dairy, yeast, nuts, tofu, and beans. Calcium works with magnesium. When combining food that has calcium with magnesium, you make sure that you will have better hair growth. Some common foods with high magnesium are nuts, grains, fish, beans, and green vegetables.

Another of the minerals that will help is copper. It helps with preventing hair loss, and also is good for your hairs color and thickness. Copper can be added to the diet rhough grains, chicken, meat, eggs, and beans.

Iron is acknowledged to prevent hair loss as well. Nevertheless, iron will work also in preventing anemia; it can be found in similar foods as copper is. A third mineral effective in the same mode is silica, and is found in the same foods that copper is.

Manganese is the major mineral used to keep your hair growing at a fast pace. It can be found in beans, grains, avocados, nuts, eggs, fish, and other meats. Seeing that you get enough manganese can guarantee your hair will stay young looking.

Minerals also work to equalize circulation in the scalp. Inferior circulation is frequently a cause of hair loss. Potassium is an effective mineral at providing regular circulation; this will permit the proper nutrients to travel to the scalp and assist hair growth. Selenium also helps provide more suppleness in your scalp, allowing circulation flow to the hair follicles and providing healthier hair. These minerals can be found in grains meats, , and dairy products.

Whether you want to prevent hair loss from happening or are trying to get a full body of hair back, then you can try increasing your intake of minerals. Any of the above minerals can also be consumed as supplemental pills. With the correct minerals, you can be assured you will have a healthy hair and scalp.

Visit and learn why you lose hair and find out the link between Cushings syndrome and hair loss.

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Fundraising With Popcorn

Kids love fundraising popcorn and if you're raising funds, that's a good thing. Popcorn fundraisers are great moneymakers because sellers are always enthusiastic about a product they like and customers love buying this healthy snack treat for their children.

And of course, what adult doesn't like a little popcorn for themselves from time to time?

Parents interested in healthier snacks will love the fact that your fundraiser popcorn pops in heart-healthy sunflower oil. Kids will love the choices: Natural Flavor, Butter Flavor, Low Fat Butter Flavor, and the sweet and salty Kettle Corn.

Sports Fundraising You can order fundraising popcorn in sports-themed packages, which make it great for sports teams who are raising funds for new uniforms or travel expenses. Available sports themes include baseball, basketball, cheer, football, or soccer.

Popcorn Fundraiser Tips One of the best ways to raise more funds is to expand your sales beyond family, friends, and neighbors. And how do you do that? By going to where people are already out spending money!

Setting up a sales table outside a high-traffic retail location such as a grocery store, drug store or mass merchant like Wal-Mart or Kmart is a great way to reach a whole new audience.

Get permission ahead of time from the store manager. Weekends are the best time, so pair up at each location in two-hour shifts.

Use large signs to let people know who you are, what you are doing, and why you are raising funds. Example: All Star Baseball Team Popcorn Fundraiser; Help Us Get To The Regionals!

The signs will pre-sell those who are inclined to help, allowing you to talk to interested prospect, not pester everyone who walks by.

Display your popcorn packages in large piles and ask for their help while using the word 'because'. Example: Can you help us out by buying some popcorn because we're raising money to cover our trip to the Regionals?

The word because is a subconscious psychological trigger word that predisposes people to give you what you are asking for. In other words, using it will double your sales!

Popcorn fundraisers are a great way for youth sports teams and other groups to raise much needed funds. The sports-themed packaging is attractive and the popcorn itself is delicious.

The new sunflower oil used for popping the corn in the microwave makes this a fundraising product that appeals to health conscious consumers, plus kids love selling things they like.

Expand your sales targets beyond family, friends, and neighbors by setting up sales tables outside high-traffic retail locations. Combined a great location with a good sales pitch will put your popcorn fundraising through the roof!

Kimberly Reynolds writes for national publications about school fundraisers, popcorn fundraising and nonprofit fundraiser ideas. Find more candy fundraising tips on her website,

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What You Should Know About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women and the second leading cause of cancer death, exceeded only by lung cancer in 1985. One woman in eight who lives to age 85 will develop breast cancer at some time during her life.

At present there are over 2 million women living in the United States who have been treated for breast cancer. About 41,000 women will die from the disease. The chance of dying from breast cancer is about 1 in 33. However, the rate of death from breast cancer is going down. This decline is probably the result of early detection and improved treatment.

Breast cancer is not just a womans disease. The American Cancer Society estimates that 1600 men develop the disease yearly and about 400 may die from the disease.

Breast cancer risk is higher among those who have a mother, aunt, sister, or grandmother who had breast cancer before age 50. If only a mother or sister had breast cancer, your risk doubles. Having two first-degree relatives who were diagnosed increases your risk up to five times the average.

Although it is not known exactly what causes breast cancer; sometimes the culprit is a hereditary mutation in one of two genes, called BRCA1 and BRCA2. These genes normally protect against the disease by producing proteins that guard against abnormal cell growth, but for women with the mutation, the lifetime risk of developing breast cancer can increase up to 80 percent, compared with 13 percent among the general population. In effect, more than 25 percent of women with breast cancer have a family history of the disease.

For women without a family history of breast cancer, the risks are harder to identify. It is known that the hormone estrogen feeds many breast cancers, and several factors diet, excess weight, and alcohol consumption can raise the bodys estrogen levels.

Early Signs

Early signs of breast cancer include the following:

- A lump which is usually single, firm and most often painless is detected.

- An area of the skin on the breast or underarm is swollen and has an unusual appearance.

- Veins on the skin surface become more prominent on one breast.

- The affected breast nipple becomes inverted, develops a rash, changes in skin texture, or has a discharge other than breast milk.

- A depression is found in an area of the breast surface.

Types and Stages of Breast Cancer

There are many different varieties of breast cancer. Some are fast-growing and unpredictable, while others develop more slowly and steady. Some are stimulated by estrogen levels in the body; some result from mutation in one of the two previously mentioned genes - BRCA1 and BRCA2.

Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ (DCIS): Generally divided into comedo (blackhead), in which the cut surface of the tumor shows extrusion of dead and necrotic tumor cells similar to a blackhead, and non-comedo types. DCIS is early breast cancer that is confined to the inside of the ductal system. The distinction between comedo and non-comedo types is important, as comedocarcinoma in-situ generally behaves more aggressively and may show areas of micro-invasion through the ductal wall into surrounding tissue.

Infiltrating Ductal: This is the most common type of breast cancer, representing 78 percent of all malignancies. On mammography, these lesions can appear in two different shapes -- stellate (star- like) or well circumscribed (rounded). The stellate lesions generally have a poorer prognosis.

Medullary Carcinoma: This malignancy comprises 15 percent of breast cancers. These lesions are generally well circumscribed and may be difficult to distinguish from fibroadenoma by mammography or sonography. With this type of breast cancer, prognostic indicators estrogen and progesterone receptor are negative 90 percent of the time. Medullary carcinoma usually has a better prognosis than other types of breast cancer.

Infiltrating Lobular: Representing 15 percent of breast cancers, these lesions generally appear in the upper outer quadrant of the breast as a subtle thickening and are difficult to diagnose by mammography. Infiltrating lobular can involve both breasts (bilateral). Microscopically, these tumors exhibit a linear array of cells and grow around the ducts and lobules.

Tubular Carcinoma: This is described as orderly or well-differentiated carcinoma of the breast. These lesions make up about 2 percent of breast cancers. They have a favorable prognosis with nearly a 95 percent 10-year survival rate.

Mucinous Carcinoma: Represents 1-2 percent of carcinoma of the breast and has a favorable prognosis. These lesions are usually well circumscribed (rounded).

Inflammatory Breast Cancer: This is a particularly aggressive type of breast cancer that is usually evidenced by changes in the skin of the breast including redness (erythema), thickening of the skin and prominence of the hair follicles resembling an orange peel. The diagnosis is made by a skin biopsy, which reveals tumors in the lymphatic and vascular channels about 50 percent of the time.

Stages of Breast Cancer

The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma. It begins in the lining of the ducts. Another type, called lobular carcinoma, arises in the lobules. When cancer is found, the pathologist can tell what kind of cancer it is - whether it began in a duct (ductal) or a lobule (lobular) and whether it has invaded nearby tissues in the breast (invasive).

When cancer is found, special lab tests of the tissue are usually done to learn more about the cancer. For example, hormone (estrogen and progesterone) receptor tests can help determine whether hormones help the cancer to grow. If test results show that hormones do affect the growth of the cancer (a positive test result), the cancer is likely to respond to hormonal therapy. This therapy deprives the cancer cells of estrogen.

Other tests are sometimes done to help predict whether the cancer is likely to progress. For example, x-rays and other lab tests are done. Sometimes a sample of breast tissue is checked for a gene, known as the human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER-2 gene) that is associated with a higher risk that the breast cancer will recur. Special exams of the bones, liver, or lungs are done because breast cancer may spread to these areas.

A woman's treatment options depend on a number of factors. These factors include her age and menopausal status; her general health; the size and location of the tumor and the stage of the cancer; the results of lab tests; and the size of her breast. Certain features of the tumor cells, such as whether they depend on hormones to grow are also considered.

In most cases, the most important factor is the stage of the disease. The stage is based on the size of the tumor and whether the cancer has spread. The following are brief descriptions of the stages of breast cancer and the treatments most often used for each stage. Other treatments may sometimes be appropriate.

Stage 0

Stage 0 is sometimes called non-invasive carcinoma or carcinoma in situ. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) refers to abnormal cells in the lining of a lobule. These abnormal cells seldom become invasive cancer. However, they are an indicator of an increased risk of developing breast cancer in both breasts. The treatment for LCIS is a drug called tamoxifen, which can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. A person who is affected may choose not to have treatment, but to monitor the situation by having regular checkups. And occasionally, the decision is made to have surgery to remove both breasts to try to prevent cancer from developing. In most cases, removal of underarm lymph nodes is not necessary.

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) refers to abnormal cells in the lining of a duct. DCIS is also called intraductal carcinoma. The abnormal cells have not spread beyond the duct to invade the surrounding breast tissue. However, women with DCIS are at an increased risk of getting invasive breast cancer. Some women with DCIS have breast-sparing surgery followed by radiation therapy. Alternatively, they may choose to have a mastectomy, with or without breast reconstruction (plastic surgery) to rebuild the breast. Underarm lymph nodes are not usually removed. Also, women with DCIS may want to talk with their doctor about tamoxifen to reduce the risk of developing invasive breast cancer.

Stage I and II

Stage I and stage II are early stages of breast cancer in which the cancer has spread beyond the lobe or duct and invaded nearby tissue.

Stage I means that the tumor is about one inch across and cancer cells have not spread beyond the breast.

Stage II means one of the following:

The tumor in the breast is less than 1 inch across and the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm. The tumor is between 1 and 2 inches (with or without spread to the lymph nodes under the arm). The tumor is larger than 2 inches but has not spread to the lymph nodes under the arm. The treatment options for early stage breast cancer are breast-sparing surgery followed by radiation therapy to the breast, and mastectomy, with or without breast reconstruction to rebuild the breast. These approaches are equally effective in treating early stage breast cancer. (Sometimes radiation therapy is also given after mastectomy.)

The choice of breast-sparing surgery or mastectomy depends mostly on the size and location of the tumor, the size of the breast, certain features of the cancer, and how the person feels about preserving the breast. With either approach, lymph nodes under the arm usually are removed.

Chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy after primary treatment with surgery or surgery and radiation therapy are recommended for stage I and most frequently with stage II breast cancer. This added treatment is called adjuvant therapy. Systemic therapy sometimes given to shrink the tumor before surgeries called neoadjuvant therapy. This is given to try to destroy any remaining cancer cells and prevent the cancer from recurring, or coming back, in the breast or elsewhere.

Stage III

Stage III is also called locally advanced cancer. In this stage, the tumor in the breast may exhibit the following:

More than 2 inches across and the cancer has spread to the underarm lymph nodes. The cancer is extensive in the underarm lymph nodes. The cancer is spreading to lymph nodes near the breastbone or to other tissues near the breast.

Inflammatory breast cancer is a type of locally advanced breast cancer. In this type of cancer, the breast looks red and swollen (or inflamed) because cancer cells block the lymph vessels in the skin of the breast.

Patients with stage III breast cancer usually have both local treatment to remove or destroy the cancer in the breast and systemic treatment to stop the disease from spreading. The local treatment may be surgery and/or radiation therapy to the breast and underarm. The systemic treatment may be chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or both. Systemic therapy may be given before local therapy to shrink the tumor or afterward to prevent the disease from recurring in the breast or elsewhere.

Stage IV

Stage IV is metastatic cancer. The cancer has spread beyond the breast and underarm lymph nodes to other parts of the body.

The treatments for stage IV breast cancer are chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy to destroy cancer cells and control the disease. Patients may have surgery or radiation therapy to control the cancer in the breast. Radiation may also be useful to control tumors in other parts of the body.

Recurrent Cancer

Recurrent cancer means the disease has returned in spite of the initial treatment. Even when a tumor in the breast seems to have been completely removed or destroyed, the disease sometimes returns because undetected cancer cells remained somewhere in the body after treatment.

Most recurrences appear within the first 2 or 3 years after treatment, but breast cancer can recur many years later.

Cancer that returns only in the area of the surgery is called a local recurrence. If the disease returns in another part of the body, the recurrence is called metastatic breast cancer. The patient may have one type of treatment or a combination of treatments for recurrent cancer.

For more information, see "Nine Ways to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk" on this site.

Sources: National Cancer Institute; Centers for Disease Control

Syble James is a consultant and author with knowledge of the food, beverage, supplements, MLM, and health and fitness industry. She provides consultations to individual and organizations. She can be reached at

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Adoption - How Many Categories Are There?

One definition of adoption is assuming permanent responsibilty and parenthood of a minor, not related to you by blood, through a valid legal process. There quite a few varying categories of adoptions.

The first category is distinguishable by the age related terminology used for the developmental stages from infant to adult.

1. INFANT: adoption takes place prior to, or directly at birth or somtime within the toddler years.

2. WAITING-CHILD: pertains to adopting toddler aged children.

3. OLDER-CHILD: involves children over the age of 2.

4. ADULT: the final stage of "age-related" adoptions. Comprises of one adult adoptig another adult not related by either blood or marriage. Such as a young adult adopting an older adult, age 65 or older.

Another category consists of adoptions occurring within a famiy related by blood or marriage.

1. RELATED CHILD: the child is adopted by someone within their family, such as, but not limited to, an Aunt, Uncle, or Grandparent.

2. STEP CHILD: after a lengthy legal process involving the Termination of Parental Rights of the absent or non-custodial biological parent, the step parent adopts the step child.

The next category, generally labeled as foreign adoption,

1. MILITARY or OVERSEAS: involves a child or children being adopted by a member of the military overseas.

2. INTERNATIONAL: a couple chosen has chosen to adopt a child native to another country.

Two other more frequently occurring types of adoptions are,

1. SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD: the adoption of children with above average medical, mental, etc. needs.

2. FOSTER CHILD: the placement of a child with adults, both educated and qualified to care for the child.

Financial Facts About Adoption.

The financial aspect of adoption is inflenced by a couple of factors. The expense could vary from nothing to being extremely costly, which would rely heavily on the specifications of the contract drawn up between the adoption agency and the adoptive couple. Another factor to consider is which category your adoption will be defined in. For instance if you have chosen INTERNATIONAL, this type is relatively costly, as well as lengthy in procedure.

Six Steps To Finalizing the Adoption

By understanding beforehand that the procedure for adopting a child can be emotionally taxing as well as span over the time of 30 days to possibly 2 years to finalize, helps the adoptive parents better understand the system.

1. The first 4 to 12 weeks are an excellent time to educate yourselves about the adoption process. Read, seek out groups offering information sessions, and use the web.

2. The 12 to 24 week period is the time for a tentative decision on which category you're interested in. Keep in mind your and the childs background.

3. The 24 to 36 weeks period brings you a finish to the homestudy as a requirement for certifying you as a competent adoptive parent.

4. 36 weeks to 1 year is the time should receive information of either a local or international child. This is the time for a medical review of the child if he or she is foreign, or assuming responsibilities for the biological mothers medical expenditures in relation to the pregnancy.

5. 1 to 2 years The child is placed in your home. Adoption support groups may help you learn to connect with your new child.

6. 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years The final stage, consisting of reports of the child and its ease of settling into the new home. An attorney may be needed to legally finalize the adoption.

You can also find more info on foreign adoption brace and adoption is a comprehensive resource to help couples with the adoption process.

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Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a group of large waterfalls that are located in the Niagara river on the eastern coast of the United States and Canada. They are located on the border between the two countries, and are composed of three waterfalls. These three waterfalls are the American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, and the Horseshoe Falls. While these waterfalls are not very high, they are quite wide. Over 5 million cubic feet of water will fall down in a single minute. It is one of the most popular waterfalls in the world, and is the most powerful in the North American continent.

Niagara Falls is a well known site that is a popular tourist attraction. In addition to this, Niagara Falls is known for the hydroelectric power it provides, and the spot was chosen as potential source of power by Nikola Tesla, the famous inventor. A memorial has also been built for him at the site. The three waterfalls are shared by three cities, and these are Niagara Falls, Ontario, and the dual cities of Niagara Falls, New York. It is believed that Niagara Falls formed during a period that is called the Wisconsin glaciation, a period that ended over 9,000 years ago. The Wisconsin glaciation was a large glacier that connected the area with Canada.

The glacier would have moved through the area, crushing surfaces in order to form lakes or rivers. Niagara Falls has a height of about 170 feet, though the American Falls is only about 70 feet. The Canadian Falls are much larger, and have a height of about 2,600 feet. During the best seasons, the amount of water flow will be well over 200,000 cubic feet per second. The word "Niagara" was taken from the Iroquois language, and it can be translated into "strait." The Ongiara were the natives in the area, and were known for settling disputes among the various tribes in the region. Niagara Falls has been visited by a number of historical figures, and one of them was Jerome Bonaparte, the brother of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Niagara Falls became a popular tourist attraction during the 19th century. Because people need to cross over the falls, the Niagara suspension bridge was built. The steel bridge that was originally constructed in 1886 is still used for railroad cars today. Another bridge that was built during this time that is still being used today is the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge. While Niagara Falls is beautiful to look at, it is also an important source of energy. Efforts to tap into the energy of Niagara has existed since the 18th century. It was Daniel Joncairs who first built a canal near the falls to power his sawmill.

Despite, it was Nikola Tesla who worked extensively to tap into the power of the waterfalls. His three phase system for AC current made it possible to transfer electricity from the waterfalls to distant locations. With financial assistance from the Morgan and Vanderbilt family, it was possible to create underground turbines that could generate hundreds of thousands of horsepower. In addition to this, a number of Canadian companies begin harnessing the power of the falls as well.

Michael Colucci is a writer for Niagara Falls which is part of the Knowledge Search network

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Can you make money at home on the internet?- A simple question but yet not an easy answer.

How to make money at home on the internet? - Yet again it should be such a simple answer but it isn't.

I'm going to attempt to answer both questions for you.

Can you make money at home on the internet? You'll be glad to here that you can make money at home on the internet however don't take this as a signal to rush off and join the first method you come across. Not all work from home opportunities are chances to make money and those that are will not always be legitimate.

Data entry jobs, medical billing, and anything to do with sending emails are virtually all scams. Especially take note to avoid the ones sending emails as this will be spamming and could face the wrath of the law for taking part in any such scams.

Even the ways to make money at home on the internet opportunities which are genuine aren't always easy to find. For every legitimate opportunity there will probably be three scams in the same field. They can be difficult to tell apart as the actual sales pages on these sites can be very similar to the legitimate opportunities. Look for a contact name, address or phone number for support incase of problems, a scam artist is much more likely to keep there identity hidden. Also a money back guarantee can be an indicator of a legitimate site that will help you make money at home on the internet, however none of these will guarantee you the site is genuine but they should help set alarm bells ringing.

How to make money at home on the internet? Well the simple answer is through using one of three methods.

The first is affiliate marketing. this is for those that want total control over every thing they do, their hours, their cost, their methods, everything is down to you and you alone. Basically you promote other companies products, such as video games for Amazon, using various advertising methods. When people click on your unique link to the company you can make a commission. How you earn that commission varies as does the percentage of that commission. The company may have to make a sale for you to get your commission or you could be paid just for the leads you send each program varies. Your commission ranges from 3% to 75%. You never have to deal with the product itself, you are simply promoting it by either a website, articles, classified adverts or a free blog you create yourself.

Dropshipping is the second way to make money at home on the internet. You obtain items from a wholesaler but the wholesaler keeps the stock and delivers it to your customers for you. Your profits vary depending on the products you choose to sell, obviously it makes sense to do a little research and find items you can buy low and sell high. Most people sell there products on sites such as eBay but you can also do it using a website or free blog.

The third method to make money at home on the internet is through paid surveys but this is only for those wanting an extra income on top of what they already make. There are a few that make a full time income with paid surveys but not many. Paid surveys earnings tend to fall between $300 and $1000 per month but take very little time and effort on your behalf, there is also no commitment to complete the surveys you are sent.

All three of these have more than a fair share of scams knocking around on the internet but they are the best ways to make money at home on the internet so if you are still considering working from home these are the methods you should be looking into.

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When You Need To Get A Tutor

When do you need to get a tutor? The short answer is that getting a tutor is never the wrong thing to do, unless you're so strong in a given subject that you're a tutor yourself. Given that having a tutor could never hurt, how can you determine when you really need a tutor's help?

Get A Tutor When You Don't Like The Grade You're Getting

In my experience, my students who are in the B to A- range seem to be the most likely to seek out extra help. Empirically, these students are not in grave need of a tutor, most people would probably say, but they are not happy with their grades and seek extra help to bring their grades up. What we can learn from them is that grades are a warning sign. If you get back a paper or a test with a grade that makes you unhappy, you might want to think seriously about making an appointment with a tutor.

When You're Sincerely Trying Your Best And You Just Don't Get It

Maybe you wish having a B average was your worst problem in the course that's giving you trouble. If you're attending your class meetings regularly and doing your best to complete your assignments but the material is just going over your head, you should definitely make an appointment with a tutor. Some people come to college better prepared than others, and some people come to school very well prepared but still end up studying subjects that make them dizzy at the thought of them. If you are at sea in a subject, the best thing you can do for yourself is find a tutor. This person will work one-on-one with you to help you gain a grasp of the material that's had you struggling. You can feel free to ask a tutor all of your "dumb" questions, and/or just admit when things are not making sense to you. If you get a tutor's help on assignments and course concepts early enough in the semester, he or she may help you to master the course material to the extent that you might not need the help after a certain point.

When Else Should You Get A Tutor

If you have had a period of absences from your class because you have been ill, or there's been a family emergency, or perhaps you have an athletic or band commitment that takes you out of town for away games. When you've missed a lot of classes, catching up on your own can be a difficult challenge. Consider making your life a little easier by engaging a tutor's help.

Take a look at more industry related articles by Elizabeth Saas at Elizabeth Saas is a frequent contributor with articles pertaining to using Distance Learning and Career Advice.

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