Adoption - How Many Categories Are There?
One definition of adoption is assuming permanent responsibilty and parenthood of a minor, not related to you by blood, through a valid legal process. There quite a few varying categories of adoptions.
The first category is distinguishable by the age related terminology used for the developmental stages from infant to adult.
1. INFANT: adoption takes place prior to, or directly at birth or somtime within the toddler years.
2. WAITING-CHILD: pertains to adopting toddler aged children.
3. OLDER-CHILD: involves children over the age of 2.
4. ADULT: the final stage of "age-related" adoptions. Comprises of one adult adoptig another adult not related by either blood or marriage. Such as a young adult adopting an older adult, age 65 or older.
Another category consists of adoptions occurring within a famiy related by blood or marriage.
1. RELATED CHILD: the child is adopted by someone within their family, such as, but not limited to, an Aunt, Uncle, or Grandparent.
2. STEP CHILD: after a lengthy legal process involving the Termination of Parental Rights of the absent or non-custodial biological parent, the step parent adopts the step child.
The next category, generally labeled as foreign adoption,
1. MILITARY or OVERSEAS: involves a child or children being adopted by a member of the military overseas.
2. INTERNATIONAL: a couple chosen has chosen to adopt a child native to another country.
Two other more frequently occurring types of adoptions are,
1. SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD: the adoption of children with above average medical, mental, etc. needs.
2. FOSTER CHILD: the placement of a child with adults, both educated and qualified to care for the child.
Financial Facts About Adoption.
The financial aspect of adoption is inflenced by a couple of factors. The expense could vary from nothing to being extremely costly, which would rely heavily on the specifications of the contract drawn up between the adoption agency and the adoptive couple. Another factor to consider is which category your adoption will be defined in. For instance if you have chosen INTERNATIONAL, this type is relatively costly, as well as lengthy in procedure.
Six Steps To Finalizing the Adoption
By understanding beforehand that the procedure for adopting a child can be emotionally taxing as well as span over the time of 30 days to possibly 2 years to finalize, helps the adoptive parents better understand the system.
1. The first 4 to 12 weeks are an excellent time to educate yourselves about the adoption process. Read, seek out groups offering information sessions, and use the web.
2. The 12 to 24 week period is the time for a tentative decision on which category you're interested in. Keep in mind your and the childs background.
3. The 24 to 36 weeks period brings you a finish to the homestudy as a requirement for certifying you as a competent adoptive parent.
4. 36 weeks to 1 year is the time should receive information of either a local or international child. This is the time for a medical review of the child if he or she is foreign, or assuming responsibilities for the biological mothers medical expenditures in relation to the pregnancy.
5. 1 to 2 years The child is placed in your home. Adoption support groups may help you learn to connect with your new child.
6. 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years The final stage, consisting of reports of the child and its ease of settling into the new home. An attorney may be needed to legally finalize the adoption.
You can also find more info on foreign adoption brace and adoption is a comprehensive resource to help couples with the adoption process.
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