Sunday, January 27, 2008 

An Overview of Lung Cancer

General Information on Lung Cancer

Lung cancer, or carcinoma of the lung, is one of the most common forms of cancer today. It is one of the most frequent causes of cancer-related mortality in the United States today. In the United States, another form of cancer that is becoming increasingly common is breast cancer, which is the development of malignant tissue in the breast. Breast cancer is seen mostly in women, though this does not mean that men are immune to it. A small percentage of men too contract breast cancer. The numbers are small, 1 man with breast cancer against a 100 women with it, but its there. However, there is one major difference between breast cancer and lung cancer. One can see the symptoms of breast cancer at an early stage, while in the case of lung cancer, the symptoms are not detected early, primarily because they match the symptoms of other lesser ailments. In this article, we will discuss lung cancer.

A person is said to suffer from lung cancer when a growth of malignant cancer cells is detected in the lungs. Depending on the stage at which lung cancer is detected, it can be classified as being in the:

Early stages
Advanced stages

Today, there is a vast amount of information on lung cancer available. Patients or relatives of patients can access information over the Internet, which has an almost limitless number of websites dedicated to different aspects of lung cancer types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, etc. For example, if you are from the United Kingdom and want to research information on lung cancer treatment, facilities, etc in your country, you can simply log onto the website of Cancer Research UK, UKs leading cancer charity, and collect whatever information you want from their site.

Earlier on, treatment of lung cancer was not an easy thing to do, owing to the huge amount of expenses in the form of medical bills, hospital stays fees, etc. However, nowadays with the availability of insurance, things have become easier. Lung cancer insurance is available easily, as is insurance covering other forms of cancer.

Types of Lung Cancer

Two main types of lung cancer exist today. Both of these are seen in the epithelial cells of the lungs. They are:

Small cell lung cancer (SLCC)
Non-small cell lung cancer

There is another type, called mixed small cell/large cell lung cancer. In this type you can find both kinds of cells in the cancerous tissue.

Besides these two types, there is another form of cancer of the lung area, called mesothelioma or mesothelioma cancer or cancer of the mesothelium. However, this is not considered a primary form of lung cancer, as its target area is not the lobes of the lung, but the pleural membrane covering the lung.

Small Cell Lung Cancer
This is the rarer of the two basic forms of lung cancer. One out of every five lung cancer patients suffer from small cell lung cancer.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Non-small cell lung cancer, or non-small lung cancer, is the more common of the two basic forms of lung cancer. Four out of five lung cancer patients suffer from this type of cancer.

Based on the cell type/area in which the carcinogenic cells proliferate in the lungs, non-small cell lung cancer is further categorized into three types. They are:

Squamous cell carcinoma
Large Cell Carcinoma
Bronchioalveolar Carcinoma (BAC)

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
This is the most common type of lung cancer. It occurs in the cells lining the airways inside the lungs. This form of cancer occurs mostly due to nicotine ingestion through smoking.

This form of cancer is seen in the mucus cells within the airways in the lung.

Large Cell Carcinoma
This is also called undifferentiated lung cancer. In large cell carcinoma, the proliferating cells are round and much larger than the cells seen in adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma.

Bronchioalveolar Carcinoma (BAC)
This form of cancer is seen in the bronchioalveolar region of the lung.

What Causes Lung Cancer?

The main cause of lung cancer is exposure to tobacco. This is primarily through smoking. About 80% of lung cancer patients are smokers. Smokers may be cigarette smokers, cigar smokers, or pipe smokers; it doesnt matter. The risk of contracting lung cancer is equal in all the three cases.

A person may inhale smoke directly. A person can also inhale smoke passively or involuntarily. This smoke is also called secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is of two types:

Mainstream This is the smoke exhaled by the smoker, and amounts to more than 50% of all secondhand smoke.
Sidestream This is the smoke emanating from the burning end of a cigarette/cigar/pipe/hookah.

Passive smokers too stand a high chance of contracting lung cancer. The chances of passive/secondary smokers contracting lung cancer is 30% higher than people who do not inhale smoke either actively or passively.

However, there have been instances of even total non-smokers suffering from lung cancer. This indicates that smoking is not the only cause for lung cancer. It is the primary cause, yes, but not definitely the only cause. The following are some of the other causes of lung cancer:

Air pollution
Inhalation of asbestos fibers
Exposure to radon, a radioactive substance formed by breaking down uranium
Inhalation of marijuana fumes by smoking
Exposure of the chest area to radiation therapy during cancer treatment
Hereditary reasons
Presence of arsenic in drinking water
Diet with low fruit and vegetable content (this increases the risk of lung cancer in smokers)

A combination of exposure to tobacco along with any of these causes greatly increases the chances of a person contracting lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

The following are some of the common symptoms of lung cancer. They do not usually manifest in the early stages. Even if they do, they are usually mistaken for some other ailment. These symptoms are:

Persistent coughing
Reddish or muddy brown spit
Loss of breath
Loss of appetite
Persistent or repetitive infections of the bronchial tract
Hoarseness of voice
Renewed wheezing

In its later advanced stages, when the lung cancer is said to be in metastasis, the symptoms are:

Numbness in the arms or legs
A jaundiced appearance
Tumorous growths near the skin surface
Bone pain

Lung Cancer Detection and Diagnosis

It is very rare to be able to detect lung cancer in its early stages. There are no specific symptoms of early stages of lung cancer. This is one of the reasons why lung cancer is usually detected in its later stages.

The use of a proper screening technique would greatly increase the chances of early lung cancer detection. However, there is no such proper and totally effective screening technique yet. Research is on to see if one can be formulated soon. As of now, a new technique called spiral CT seems to be the best option for early detection.

Once lung cancer is detected, the next step is to determine the stage it is in. This is done using the AJCC system. Roman numerals are used to mark the different stages of lung cancer, numerals from 0 to IV. Sometimes the stages are further divided into substages, using denotations A and B. The general rule of thumb is that the lower the denomination, the less serious the condition.

Lung Cancer Treatment

Lung cancer treatment options are usually the same as prostate cancer treatment options or colon cancer treatment options. What I mean is that all forms of cancer have the same treatment options. However, lung cancer tests may be different from colon cancer tests. The standard treatment options for lung cancer are:

Radiation Therapy

What matters is the combination of methods being used. The more serious the cancer, the more chances that different treatment options will be used in tandem, or one after the other.


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The Constitution For Nitwits (ie Ron Paul Supporters)

I will freely admit that I did a bad, bad thing last week. Well, it wasnt a really bad thing unless you were one of those that fell for it I guess. What did I do that was so bad? I set up the Paulbots. Yes, evil rotten me, I know.

When I wrote Earmarking Our Way to Oblivion I purposefully left out any mention of Ron Paul even though I knew he was just as dirty as all the rest. See, Mr. Pauls own earmark fetish was certainly no real secret to anyone paying attention and with enough desire to dig a little. But the Paulbots were quick to comment about how because of the corruption that earmarks bring and how that they many times violate the Constitutional powers of Congress that this is exactly the reason why we needed Ron Paul.

Not a day goes by that supporters of Ron Paul arent out in droves proclaiming any conservative that does not support their candidate is an evil neo-con, trumpeting how Mr. Paul is a true constitutionist and is the only man qualified to be President. Well, I guess we now see how accurate their description of their own golden boy really is considering news that has really taken off in the last couple days about his own requests for earmarks.

It is no secret to those of us that are out there everyday taking fire from the Paulbots that when Ron Paul commands them to jump they not only ask how high, but also at what angle, what flavor of Kool Aid Mr. Paul would desire they bring him after they land, how many ice cubes he would like in said drink, what color he would like his house painted, how many gallons of gas he needs them to put in his car, what time he would like his wakeup call for the following morning, how he desires his eggs cooked and whether or not he wants them to polish his fine silver clockwise or counterclockwise. The answer to that last one is that Ron Paul demands they first polish it six times clockwise followed by a single counterclockwise finishing polish. Their loyalty to the illusion of their candidate as a savior of us all and as someone that actually holds the Constitution dear is admirable if not highly misguided and naive.

Now the Wall Street Journal and other sources have what Paulbots are robotically and predictably calling a hit pieces on their candidate. Of course I still question whether or not Ron Paul really can be considered a candidate when he barely cracks one percent in the polls. But that is another topic for another day. Anyway these hit pieces detail how Mr. Paul, supposedly a libertarian, has requested millions of taxpayer dollars for roles not delegated to the federal government by we the people. Hardly a libertarian stance. Hardly hit pieces. Simply the truth.

Oh ... well ... uh ... Ron Paul 2008! Hes still the man! Right Paulbots?

Last week the Paulbots were flooding me with comments about how we needed Ron Paul and about how I was right about the earmark problem. But this week I have particularly loved the responses by these same hacks to these new revelations and that have again flooded into my mailbox on cue since I blogged about Pauls own earmarks on Tuesday. They say things like, Well the money was going to be spent anyway! and, Its ok because he is just serving his constituents like he is supposed to, or boldly proclaim, there is nothing unconstitutional about Pauls earmarks! or my personal favorite, Well, yeah he requested the earmarks but he voted against them!

That last one makes me chuckle. Its a pathetic having your cake and eating it too argument that no true libertarian would embrace. Anyone with half a brain sees through this tactic as nothing but style over substance worthy of the staunchest liberals. Mr. Paul certainly understands that in the current corrupt Washington culture his earmark requests would pass even as he votes against them. He knows all he has to do is attach them to the spending bill in order to reap the benefits. A true libertarian would not even request them in the first place.

But rather than calling for his impeachment for violating the constitution, something I have done time and again for all politicians, regardless of party, that violate the Constitution, the Paulbots rush out to defend the man they have deemed as the one. Truth be damned! He really is a TRUE libertarian! Full ludicrous speed ahead!

It doesnt matter that they were out there in mass decrying earmarks just a week before. It doesnt matter that the Constitution is clear in Article I, Section 8 when it limits the powers of Congress to tax and spend on a concise list of things defined as the general Welfare. It doesnt mater if Ron Paul has requested federal money to deal with issues found nowhere in these federal powers from funding for shrimp to building hospitals to maintaining trolleys. None of that matters because ... well ... Ron Paul is da man! Praise the Savior of our Republic! Hallelujah! And how dare I and others take his name in vain!

Blind loyalty is never attractive. And it is often deadly.

The Constitution is simple. It allows for laws and spending on the only a short list of topics which are clearly stated and any libertarian worth their salt knows of James Madisons discussion of this in Federalist 41. The list that is there is the list. Thats it Mr. Paul. Thats it Paulbots. Nothing about shrimp. Nothing about trolleys. Nothing about most of what Pauls earmarks are spending money on. No amount of whining about Ron Paul getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar will change the facts. No amount of hurling slurs like neo-con or fascist or globalist at those that exposed Mr. Paul will make a difference in the truth. Such tactics dont work for liberals and they will not work for you.

Im sorry I entrapped you last week. But it is something you are going to learn from as you progress on in life. Principles are only principles if you are willing to put your money where your mouth is and always watch your own glass house before you cast the first stone.

Its so simple even a Paulbot can understand it. And I call on Ron Paul to be a true libertarian and draw up articles of impeachment against himself, convince his fellow Congressmen to approve the action and finally vote in favor of the action when the time comes to pay the piper.

But he wont. He wont because the fact is there are few true libertarians out here in the real world. We are a lonely bunch for sure. Even though lots of people envision themselves as such, when push comes to show they are at best nothing more than a bastard cousin; the liberaltarian. And that is why we are in trouble.

J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative and the owner and Lead Editor of the American Conservative Daily Blog and The Right Things - Conservative T-shirts & Gifts. His weekly articles can be read at Liberty Reborn.

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ADD - Do You Have Closet Problems?

Most of us with ADD find it difficult to stay organized. Is your closet one place that's ADD obvious? I mean, are your clothes bunched together on hangers? Is there a pile of shoes in the middle of the floor? And how about your ties? Are they slung over some chair in the corner? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need an ADD-friendly plan to conquer the mess.

The first thing you can do is to get rid of old stuff. Now, if your socks are old and you don't have any new ones to replace them, go buy some before starting this procedure. But think about that old nightgown that you wear to bed every night. It was once soft and fuzzy. Now, it's probably very soft and not at all fuzzy and the hem's out and it's fraying at the seams. Get rid of it! If you have so many clothes in your closet that they don't all fit, you must have something else you can wear. Throw that lame-o stuff away.

Then, pick out the things that you haven't worn in 12 months, even if they still have the price tags hanging from them. Either they don't fit right, they make you look fat, or for whatever reason, you haven't seen fit to put them on. So, get a big plastic garbage bag, and put those things into it for charity. Immediately after it's filled, take it to your car, and to avoid that old ADD procrastination, drive them right to the charity closest to you. Keep in mind that someone who really needs those clothes will be very happy that you did.

For the shoes, get a big basket. I mean a big one. One that you can just toss your shoes into right from your foot. Put all your flip-flops and other sandals, tennis shoes, and other shoes that you don't mind being in there into it. Get a rack to hold your good dress shoes that you wear only once in a while. Since you're more careful with these shoes, there's a better chance that your ADD won't allow you to toss them into the basket. But if you find that every pair of shoes you own is going in there, get rid of the rack. ADD can make us choose the easiest path sometimes.

The hefty plastic hangers--not the ones you buy in the dollar store--will be good for empty purses, bras, and swimsuits. Anything that can hang over the hook part is great. Ties can go across the bottom part of a hanger. Just be sure not to pile too many on each hanger, though, or they'll all fall t the floor in a clump and since you have ADD, they're probably going to stay there.

Other examples of things to toss are hats you haven't worn in 6 months. Why are you holding onto them, if you don't wear them? And what about suitcases? Do you keep them in your closet, too? They might be good for storing some things you just can't part with, like the crazy quilt your grandma made for you when you were twelve. They're just taking up empty space, anyway. Right? But all of this takes time, right?

The thing is that this system will work for you, even if you don't have ADD. But if you do, allow yourself only 5 minutes a day to work on the mess. When the 5 minutes is up, stop and go back to it the following day. You'll find that your closet is nice and straight in a short amount of time, and it will also be an ADD-friendly place to live. How great is that?

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. and a certified hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner who has helped many clients with ADD. Take the ADD test and sign up for his free weekly ADD tips when you visit at

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Teacher Tips: Organizing Your ADHD Students

Thank you to all of our professional educators who dedicate themselves to our children! We know how difficult it can be working with ADHD children, so here are your teacher tips for the week, brought to you by the ADHD Information Library and You can read over 500 classroom interventions at

Here are some tips on Organizing Your ADHD Students:

See what you can do to help organize the ADHD child's environment. Use dividers and folders in his desk so he can easily find things. Teach him how to organize himself better. These are skills that he does not know, and needs to learn.

Help the child to organize his written work or numbers. Allow the child to move a pencil or his finger across the page while reading. If he's writing, allow him to use one or two fingers for spacing between words. During math, graph paper may be very helpful to organize his numbers and columns.

Your student will function better when able to anticipate times requiring increased concentration. A visual representation of the day's schedule will provide another opportunity to internalize classroom routine.

Completing school work and maintaining behavior during the school day can be exhausting experiences. Large homework loads on a regular basis can become discouraging for him and very stressful for the parent involved. Attempt to have homework reduced, if possible, and limited to guided practice on material that he has begun to master. Attempt to break down long?term assignments into steps to lessen your student's feeling overwhelmed. Consider having the student complete every third problem, instead of answering each one.

Emphasize practice and assignment completion on the word processor to lower the frustration many students feel with written work.

Model an organized classroom and model the strategies you use to cope with disorganization.

Establish a daily classroom routine and schedule. Show that you value organization by following 5 minutes each day for the children to organize their desks, folders, etc. Reinforce organization by having a "desk fairy" that gives a daily award for the most organized row of desks.

Use individual assignment charts or pads that can go home with the child to be signed daily by parents if necessary. Develop a clear system for keeping track of completed and uncompleted work such as having individual hanging files in which each child can place completed work and a special folder for uncompleted work.

Develop a color coding method for your room in which each subject is associated with a certain color that is the that subjects textbook cover and on the folder or workbook for that subject.

Develop a reward system for in-school work and homework completion. One example of a system that reinforces both work quality and work quantity involves translating points earned into "dollars" to be used for silent auction at the end of grading period. For children needing more immediate reinforcement, each completed assignment could earn the child a "raffle ticket" with her/his name on it . Prizes or special privileges could be awarded on the basis of a random drawing held daily or weekly.

Write schedule and timelines on the board each day. Provide due dates for assignments each day. Divide longer assignments into sections and provide due dates or times for the completion of each section.

Tape a checklist to the child's desk or put one in each subject folder/notebook that outlines the steps in following directions or checking to be sure an assignment is complete. Provide study guides or outlines of the content you want the child to learn, or let the child build her/his own study guide with worksheets tat have been positively corrected.

Be clear about when student movement is permitted and when it is discouraged, such as during independent work times.

Your student should be encouraged to utilize assignment sheets, broken down by day and subject. He or his teachers can record assignments at the completion of each task. An organizing time at the end of each day can be helpful to gather the necessary materials for the assignments and develop a plan of action for completion. This will greatly aid the development of the "executive processes."

Your student can become overwhelmed with floods of paper and be unable to find the needed materials. It is often helpful to carry only two work folders, one that contains work to be completed and one with work to be filed. Reviewing these work folders should become a regular part of the daily routine, with irrelevant work removed.
Some students now take a small dose of their medication when they come home from school to aid in studying/homework completion. Check with the doctor about the time period of maximum medication effectiveness to help set?up a sensible homework schedule.

Quite often, variability in work performance will be related to the teacher's style and your student's temperament. Teachers tend to instruct using their own preferential learning style. Sequential teachers may help by providing more structure for him but the teacher may become frustrated with his disorganization and behavior. Random teachers, while not providing external structure, may be more likely to utilize flexibility in adjusting to his needs. Attempt to place your student with teachers who have similar styles that have proven effective for their particular needs. Some teachers have received training in dealing with students with attentional problems that would make them a particularly effective resource.

One of the simplest interventions with the most power is to have an extra set of textbooks at home to minimize the problem of not having the necessary homework materials.
Since fine motor activities and spelling can be a problem, consider a major emphasis on using a word processor at an early age. Software to practice keyboarding should have stimulating graphics to motivate their use. Using a "spell check" program is critical.

Along with the "executive process" of organizing for homework at the end of the day, a daily check-in time at the beginning of the school day can be helpful in preparing for a successful day. Checking the previous night's homework, highlighting changes in the daily schedule, and even pre?teaching some of the lessons for the day can ease stress.
Your student should have a regularly scheduled time for cleaning his desk at least once a week. This will improve his ability to find his materials. It may, however, require the assistance/instruction of an adult to make this a successful experience.

Hopefully these will help the ADHD students in your classroom to be more successful. You can learn more about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder at the ADHD Information Library.

Douglas Cowan, Psy.D., is a family therapist who has been working with ADHD children and their families since 1986. He is the clinical director of the ADHD Information Library's family of seven web sites, including, helping over 350,000 parents and teachers learn more about ADHD each year. Dr. Cowan also serves on the Medical Advisory Board of VAXA International of Tampa, FL., is President of the Board of Directors for KAXL 88.3 FM in central California, and is President of Incorporated.

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Another angler out of proportion is Tony. Of equal fishing streak, Tony spent the last 50 years fly fishing from Maine to North Carolina and even as far as Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. Those games he pursued were Bass, Pikes, Panfishes, and Carps. Now that he is an Ausable River Salmon Fishing Guide, he is ready to share his knowledge of his 50 years of experience to novice and intermediate anglers. Tony, with his fondness of fly fishing, is a certified master of tying flies, casting, wading and baiting fishes with flies.

Milos Pesic is an avid fisherman and owner of popular and comprehensive Salmon Fishing information site. For more articles and resources on Salmon Fishing related topics, Salmon Fishing equipment, tips and trips, visit his site at:


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