Wednesday, January 30, 2008 

Cut Down Your Costs In Your MLM Activities

When starting a network marketing business you normally start to have a number of extra payments like gasoline, phone bills, food that you will eat because you are outside your home. When you add these with the starting cost and the regular monthly fees, first months payments can be extra high and therefore many struggle to be profitable.

Today technology is developing at a fast pace and network marketers and home business owners have the greatest possibility to benefit from this.

The best way to start your business is to keep the cost of running it down. Here are some tools I find extremely good in network marketing and they are all FREE

1. Voip Stunt A program you can download from and use it to call for free all the landline numbers worldwide. Imagine making 3 prospect calls a day for a year. At the end of the year you have saved a lot of money using this system. Like I mentioned you can download it for free.

2. Skype Skype is a very popular program you can download from Encourage all your team members to download it when they join and you can chat for free with them anytime they are online. Sometimes Skype is better for getting to know your team members than by phone. In addition you can organize nice short online conferences of up to 5 people.

3. Skypecasts Online conference facility using Skype. Up to 100 people can participate in a Skypecast from all around the world. To create your own online conference for your team, go to and click create skypecast. You can have your weekly conferences here and normally people like to join because its free. To join in a Skypecast you just need a Skype account.

To summarize; you can do an unlimited amount of prospecting calls, chat and get to know your team members and organize your own online conferences, and all this without paying a dime.

We have noticed that nowadays its more difficult to get people to participate in weekly business meetings. However, they are willing to participate in almost any conference if they can do so from the comfort of their own home.

Try these tools and see how it goes. My guess is that your downline members will be more excited than before, because they can be more profitable quicker in the business and will save a lot of money in the long run.

Lasse Rouhiainen

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Harness Your Power as a Mentor!

Many of us find ourselves both formally and informally playing roles as mentors to people in our lives--to kids in the community, to co-workers and to people who report to us at work. Some of us even join formal mentoring programs like Big Brothers Big Sisters so that we can mentor young men and women. But how many of us have ever attended training on How To Be an Outstanding Mentor? Not many, in fact, probably only a handful of us have ever received any training at all in the art of mentorship. As mentors we jump into our roles and do our best to provide support to our mentees and show that we care. If we are going to invest time in mentoring people in our lives, why not take the time to learn ideas and techniques that will allow us to harness our power as mentors?

I had the privilege of having an outstanding mentor in high school. Through observing my mentor, I got a first hand look at the powerful impact a mentor can have on someones life. I want to share two key elements that will enable you to become an outstanding mentor: Hold the vision of possibility for your mentee and accept your mentee completely, just as they are.

At 16 years of age, with parents recently separated, emotional upheaval in my life and a move across states from Indiana to Pennsylvania, I entered Souderton High School. It was already a few months into the school year as I started my sophomore year at Souderton. The experience was overwhelming for me in many ways I had only ever been in private schools and I found myself lost in the crowd in this enormous public high school. I had missed girls volleyball season that year which was a tremendous disappointment to me. I had no friends and I felt lost in the chaos of my home life.

Little did I know how significant this school and life change would be for me. A short, older man approached me one day in the hallway and asked me the following question: Have you ever played basketball? The thought had never crossed my mind to even pick up a basketball. I had been involved in other sports but volleyball was my love and my sole focus. But Coach Price offered me a unique opportunity, You are welcome to join the girls basketball team. I see you have potential and I invite you to try out this season. I had never shot a basketball at that point in my life. But I told him Id consider it.

I rationalized to myself that it couldnt hurt to give basketball a try because it would at least be something different to do and it would be a way to keep in physical condition. So, I showed up to the tryouts knowing nothing about the game.

Coach Price held a vision in his mind of a girl who had capacity to learn the game of basketball. He saw athletic ability, height and he was willing to hold the vision for me that I could become a basketball player. A spark ignited inside me those first few months of practice and games. Basketball was in my blood I hadnt known this. I huffed and puffed down the floor the first few games my mom still says to this day that my face was so red she thought I was going to have a stroke because I was breathing so hard. But Coach Price could see through the fatigue, the lack of conditioning, the absence of basic skills he could see the potential I had for greatness in the game. He saw the vision. He held the vision for me. He saw a space of possibility for me that I never could have envisioned for myself.

As I progressed in my skill levels, he would keep challenging me to take my skills a step further. He knew it was up to me and to my passion for the game to put the work in, but if I was willing to give it some effort, he was willing to work with me and mentor me as a person both on and off the court. As I grew, his vision of possibility for me expanded. In my first year of playing, he saw that it was feasible that in my three year career I could end-up being the first girls 1000 point scorer in Souderton high school history. He saw this vision before anyone else. He opened up the space for me to see it too. Coach Price saw that I could have a ticket to my education if I could maintain the passion and tenacity for the game that he saw inside me. So, he mentioned to me an idea of going to a basketball recruiting camp to see if college scouts might have interest in me.

Coach Price was my mentor my biggest supporter, my biggest fan, and the visionary for my basketball career. That day in the hallways of Souderton High school that he took the time to approach me changed the course of my entire life. A mentor sees a person where they are right now, but envisions the greatness inside that person before he or she can see it for himself. Each of us as mentors has the opportunity to hold the vision of greatness for our mentee. We can see beyond where our mentee is in the path of their life and imagine for them the possibilities that are available to them. You are powerful in your role as a mentor. You are the visionary. You plant the seed of possibility inside your mentees heart.

Next, you water that seed with Acceptance of who your mentee is as a person. Coach Price and I had seemingly little in common he was 40 years older than I was, he was a man, he was much shorter than I was, he was from a different era than I was. He didnt know all about me or claim to know. But, as my mentor, he met me where I was in my life. He accepted me for where I was. He listened and heard me as a person. He was not so wrapped up in his vision for me that he could not see that at that point, I needed a mentor who could listen as my friend both on and off the court. He took the time to understand the intricacies and difficulties of my family situation. He was empathetic and caring when Id break down in practice because of the volatility I experienced in my relationship with my dad. He accepted me. When I was with Coach, I knew that he cared, he would not judge me-- he would only meet me where I was at that point in my life. He opened his heart and made me feel at ease. He was genuine in his expressions of care. He was patient with me when I cycled through the emotions of my parents divorce and my high-school insecurities.

Coach didnt know exactly how it would pan out the day he asked me if I wanted to join the girls basketball team. But, because of his vision and acceptance and of course, some of my hard work, it turned out extremely well: I did become the first 1,000 point scorer in Souderton Girls basketball. I played on the womens team at Princeton University where I was captain my junior and senior years as well as MVP. I then went on to play professionally in Brazil, England and Sweden.

I have experienced first hand the importance and the Power of an Outstanding Mentor and Coach. Each of us as mentors in formal or informal capacities in our lives and careers can raise our mentoring game and become exceptional if we focus in on these two simple, but profound aspects of POWER as mentors: Hold the vision of possibility for what our mentee can achieve and Accept completely the person we are mentoring. Those we mentor are people full of hidden gifts and talents who can choose paths of greatness in their lives.

Mentoring is a tremendous contribution you can give to the World. Know your power today as a mentor. Step into that powerin doing so, your impact on another persons life may be greater than you could ever imagine.

Patricia G. Omoqui 2007, All Rights Reserved

Patricia Omoqui is a uniquely inspiring speaker, author, poet and life coach. As a speaker, Patricia delivers her message with passion igniting the best in individuals and organizations, empowering all to understand and step into their own true power and potential.

As a life coach, Patricia works with individuals and groups that are ready to move quickly towards change in order to reach their dreams and achieve their full potential in life.

Patricia is an internationally recognized writer. Her inspirational articles and poetic meditations have inspired people around the world. Her daily e-mail list, Food For Thought, has been described by readers as an e-mail jewel, a mental mini-spa and a comforting way to start the day.

For more information on the products and services that Patricia Omoqui can offer to you or your organization, please visit her on the web at

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Cost Effective Film Production For Shooting Commercials

Look I know a lot about this business of film making. I've been doing it my entire working life. I'll admit most of it has been shoots for commercials. Not just any commercial. Big budget, fancy shmancy stuff for large corporations.

But at the end of the day I know that the producer wants to make a profit. And why not? I know how much effort goes into getting good footage in the can. And then comes post production which also has its price. Its fair for the producer to add on 25% of the costs when he does a calculation of the costs for the client.

As long as people are watching movies in cinemas and watching the box at home their will be a demand for high quality commercials.

There are a couple of ways one can save on the budget without saving on the quality.

Shoot on High Definition

It is a myth that 35mm is a better quality. High Definition cameras are geared for all shooting conditions. High Definition cameras have an assortment of lenses and filters just like 35mm and 16mm cameras. Broadcasting stations want tapes anyway, so if youve shot on 35mm everything has to be converted to HD which is another added expense.

The only time you should consider shooting on 35mm is for big screen. Often the client wants to have a commercial for TV and the cinema then shooting on 35mm is still appropriate. Gradually cinemas are installing digital screening equipment. Statistics reveal though that the public cinema is on the decline due to availability of big plasma screens for home use.

Also consider that shooting on high definition will save you big bucks on processing costs. It will also save you 2 days of time in the production schedule. No more waiting for the rushes before processing the whole batch.

Shoot in a country that has a favorable rate of exchange

The advantages of shooting in a country like South Africa you can cut your expenses down by a whopping third of your usual costs including the air fare and accommodation expenses. A country like South Africa has an excellent film industry going with professional crew and state of the art equipment. It is common for the producer to bring his own director and D.O.P on a shoot even though there are Oscar award winning camera men and directors available.

Out of interest let a foreign director do a treatment on your story board and compare rates. Your client may even prefer another directors treatment and go for it. I have seen this happen a couple of times.

Its common to only shoot footage in a foreign country and then do post production back home. Shop around and you will be amazed at how much more you can save by using foreign post production facilities. These days with the world being so accessible via internet theres no reason you have to edit at home unless your client insists on sitting in at the studios.

Often the client is thrilled with the idea of shooting in a foreign country, especially if he realizes its saving him money. To keep the client happy and get the shoot you want make sure you are dealing with some body that knows the ropes in the country you choose to shoot in. Some body who understands the industry, knows all the locations, has access to a professional crew, knows the customs department, knows places of interest and entertainment. This will ensure that you get a quality shoot on a tight budget and a happy client that keeps coming for more.

Claudia Apfelthaler knows Southern Africa territory like the back of her hand. She has worked the movie industry her entire working life. Her knowledge and contacts make her indispensable to any producer/photographer wishing to get footage in Africa. She is able to show you the time of your life in Africa. Visit her blog and see what shes up to

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Site Inspections = Worker Protection

Workplace safety inspections using site specific checklists help keep workers safe by identifying and correcting potential injury causing hazards. Although the frequency of inspections may vary each shift, daily, quarterly or annually depending on the type or degree of workplace hazards, all observations, identified hazards, and corrective actions must be documented.

What should general inspections include? An inspection should note housekeeping practices such as items and debris on floors or walkways. Areas under desks and tables should allow proper ergonomic seating and access for emergency protection. Stored items should be properly stacked on shelving units firmly attached to walls with heavier items on bottom shelves and lighter items on top. Top shelf items require 18 clearance from fire sprinkler systems and unsecured stacked floor items should not exceed 72 in height.

Site inspections should check that floor surfaces are clean and free of slip hazards. Wet surfaces should be covered with non-slip materials and any holes in floors, sidewalks, carpets or other walking surfaces should be repaired, covered or marked as a hazard. Extension cords should be used only temporarily and not cross walkways without hazard notification signs. Additional power outlets should be installed if extension cords are necessary on a permanent basis or there are daisy chained power strips.

Equipment, tools and power cords should be examined to insure good operating condition with protective guards and coverings in place. Defective items should be tagged and taken out of service.

Electric panels should be checked to have 36 clearance in front. The inspection should also assure that chemicals are properly stored in compatible classes.

Whenever or wherever personal protective equipment is required, notices of hazards and requirements should be clearly posted in affected areas. And, the personal protective equipment required should be readily available, clean, and in good condition. Restricted areas should also be marked as such.

Emergency exits and eyewash stations should be clearly identifiable from any point in the work area and clear from debris or other access impediments. Doors that are not exits should be labeled to avoid confusion. And, fire doors should not be propped open. The inspection should include annual fire alarm and sprinkler system testing with monthly testing of fire extinguisher for charge and annually checking for recharge. And, first aid kits should be periodically inspected to assure supplies have been replenished or replaced.

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The History of Embroidery and Its Modern Development

Most people associate embroidery with a boring way to fill up a housewifes daily life. The uninteresting procedure of producing a stitched picture on a cloth may seem to many uninitiated a sheer waste of time. But, once you learn more about it, you may come to discover how incredibly fascinating it is.

To begin with, embroidery has a long history, which dates back to more than 3000 years B.C.It is probably the first form of art, as man has used decoration with aesthetic purposes as early as the invention of the needle and thread themselves. What is more: you may not be aware but actually embroidery was a mans not a womans invention! In ancient cultures from every part of the world, embroidery and needlework was regarded as a priority only for the chosen and talented boys. The embroiderers-to-be had to study the fine craft under the supervision of a master. It took them more than ten years apprenticeship until they were approved to practice on their own.

Embroidery has not only a long history. The most amazing fact is that it had evolved simultaneously in almost every part of the world where people practiced sewing. Different cultures formed different embroidery types. The development of needlework also depended on the various materials used by a certain culture. The styles of embroidery, which different nations invented, were passed on generations to generations and many of them have survived till nowadays. We know of the embroidery work practiced by the ancient Egyptians. It was done with white threads on a white canvas. This embroidery is so sophisticated that even nowadays the modern technologies have difficulty doing it the same way. Another type of finest quality was the Chinese silk embroidery, known as the two-sided embroidery. It is amasingly intricate and it takes years of hard efforts to complete. Also famous is the raised embroidery, practiced in the 16th century. It is better known as the Elizabethan embroidery. It involved stitching decorations like butterflies, leaves and other beautiful designs with the usage of wool, leather and wood padding. Still popular today is the Western European embroidery called crewel. This technique uses two-ply wool stitching on linen twill and is practiced when making decorations on different household cloths, such as counterpanes, wall hangings, draperies, chair coverings.

What strikes most in these embroidery styles is that they are incredibly difficult to produce and many people lose their patience before completing one canvas. Nowadays, embroidery has developed so far, that even the clumsiest novice can try and stitch something beautiful by using computer software or high-tech sewing machines. That makes things more pleasant for the new beginner. Despite the available technology, artistic embroiderers prefer authenticity and still spend their time doing everything themselves. The finest details cannot be produced by technologically-based machines, because embroidery is most of all a kind of art, and all art needs its talented artists.

Article by Robbie Darmona. For more information you can visit embroidery designs

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Mesothelioma Symptoms: What You Should Know

Any disease eventually shows symptoms. Most disorders of the internal system are clearly visible and this rings a bell. Mesothelioma has its own symptoms, but they tend to appear after much damage is done, and the disease does not have many specific symptoms. Mesothelioma is a cancerous tumor occurring in the lining of the lungs and chest cavity, often associated with exposure to asbestos dust.

An individual with mesothelioma cancer usually develops symptoms such as exertion dyspnea (difficulty with breathing) and decreased physical exercise tolerance. The insidious onset and difficulty in breathing are considered as the most usual presenting symptoms. The cancer, which slowly encases the lung tissue and invades the chest wall, produces pleural effusion (pleural fluid - or fluid in the pleural or lung cavity) in about seventy five percent of victims.

When the volume of fluid increases few changes like shortness of breath and sometimes pain ranging from mild to stabbing can occur. In few cases, the person may experience dry cough. Normally, when the doctor listens to the patients chest with a stethoscope, normal breath sounds are muted and tapping on the chest will reveal dull rather than hollow sounds.

Symptoms or signs of airway disease include coughing, phlegm, and wheezing and are not common, but can occur in heavy smokers who have associated habitual bronchial inflammation. The chest x-ray depicts diffusely distributed, tiny irregular or linear opaqueness (non-transparencies), usually most noticeable in the lower lung zones.

In these cases, only minimal x-ray changes are visible and are easily mistaken for other conditions. Parenchyma is the tissue characteristic of a body organ and it can be seen by using diffusing method or localized pleural thickening. The illness advances around 1 to 5 years in about 5% to 12% of patients whose exposure has ended. As a result, a marked deterioration in oxygenation happens in lungs along with respiratory failure.

Many of these symptoms occur only at the advanced stages of the disease. The symptoms that are visible are very common ailments, like colds, cough, and difficulty in breathing. The onset of these minimal symptoms also hampers the treatment options, and in turn the affected ones lifetime.

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The Therapeutic Relationship Is the Most Important Ingredient in Successful Therapy

Maybe if I have this client blink his eyes at an increased speed, while exposing him to his past, and add some cognitive behavioral therapy while sitting next to a waterfall, he may be able to function more effectively in his life! Yes this is rather exaggerated, however it demonstrates the idea that as professionals in the field of therapy, we often seek complex theories, techniques, and strategies to more effectively treat our consumers. A large amount of our precious time is spent seeking new theories and techniques to treat clients; evidence for this statement is shown by the thousands of theories and techniques that have been created to treat clients seeking therapy.

The fact that theories are being created and the field is growing is absolutely magnificent; however we may be searching for something that has always been right under our nose. Clinicians often enjoy analyzing and making things more intricate that they actually are; when in reality what works is rather simple. This basic and uncomplicated ingredient for successful therapy is what will be explored in this article. This ingredient is termed the therapeutic relationship. Some readers may agree and some may disagree, however the challenge is to be open minded and remember the consequences of contempt prior to investigation.

Any successful therapy is grounded in a continuous strong, genuine therapeutic relationship or more simply put by Rogers, the Helping Relationship. Without being skilled in this relationship, no techniques are likely to be effective. You are free to learn, study, research and labor over CBT, DBT, EMDR, RET, and ECT as well as attending infinite trainings on these and many other techniques, although without mastering the art and science of building a therapeutic relationship with your client, therapy will not be effective. You can even choose to spend thousands of dollars on a PhD, PsyD, Ed.D, and other advanced degrees, which are not being put down, however if you deny the vital importance of the helping relationship you will again be unsuccessful. Rogers brilliantly articulated this point when he said, Intellectual training and the acquiring of information has, I believe many valuable resultsbut, becoming a therapist is not one of those results (1957).

This author will attempt to articulate what the therapeutic relationship involves; questions clinicians can ask themselves concerning the therapeutic relationship, as well as some empirical literature that supports the importance of the therapeutic relationship. Please note that therapeutic relationship, therapeutic alliance, and helping relationship will be used interchangeably throughout this article.

Characteristic of the Therapeutic Relationship

The therapeutic relationship has several characteristics; however the most vital will be presented in this article. The characteristics may appear to be simple and basic knowledge, although the constant practice and integration of these characteristic need to be the focus of every client that enters therapy. The therapeutic relationship forms the foundation for treatment as well as large part of successful outcome. Without the helping relationship being the number one priority in the treatment process, clinicians are doing a great disservice to clients as well as to the field of therapy as a whole.

The following discussion will be based on the incredible work of Carl Rogers concerning the helping relationship. There is no other psychologist to turn to when discussing this subject, than Dr. Rogers himself. His extensive work gave us a foundation for successful therapy, no matter what theory or theories a clinician practices. Without Dr. Rogers outstanding work, successful therapy would not be possible.

Rogers defines a helping relationship as , a relationship in which one of the participants intends that there should come about , in one or both parties, more appreciation of, more expression of, more functional use of the latent inner resources of the individual ( 1961). There are three characteristics that will be presented that Rogers states are essential and sufficient for therapeutic change as well as being vital aspects of the therapeutic relationship (1957). In addition to these three characteristics, this author has added two final characteristic that appear to be effective in a helping relationship.

1. Therapists genuineness within the helping relationship. Rogers discussed the vital importance of the clinician to freely and deeply be himself. The clinician needs to be a real human being. Not an all knowing, all powerful, rigid, and controlling figure. A real human being with real thoughts, real feelings, and real problems (1957). All facades should be left out of the therapeutic environment. The clinician must be aware and have insight into him or herself. It is important to seek out help from colleagues and appropriate supervision to develop this awareness and insight. This specific characteristic fosters trust in the helping relationship. One of the easiest ways to develop conflict in the relationship is to have a better than attitude when working with a particular client.

2. Unconditional positive regard. This aspect of the relationship involves experiencing a warm acceptance of each aspect of the clients experience as being a part of the client. There are no conditions put on accepting the client as who they are. The clinician needs to care for the client as who they are as a unique individual. One thing often seen in therapy is the treatment of the diagnosis or a specific problem. Clinicians need to treat the individual not a diagnostic label. It is imperative to accept the client for who they are and where they are at in their life. Remember diagnoses are not real entities, however individual human beings are.

3. Empathy. This is a basic therapeutic aspect that has been taught to clinicians over and over again, however it is vital to be able to practice and understand this concept. An accurate empathetic understanding of the clients awareness of his own experience is crucial to the helping relationship. It is essential to have the ability to enter the clients private world and understand their thoughts and feelings without judging these (Rogers, 1957).

4. Shared agreement on goals in therapy. Galileo once stated, You cannot teach a man anything, you can just help him to find it within himself. In therapy clinicians must develop goals that the client would like to work on rather than dictate or impose goals on the client. When clinicians have their own agenda and do not cooperate with the client, this can cause resistance and a separation in the helping relationship (Roes, 2002). The fact is that a client that is forced or mandated to work on something he has no interest in changing, may be compliant for the present time; however these changes will not be internalized. Just think of yourself in your personal life. If you are forced or coerced to work on something you have no interest in, how much passion or energy will you put into it and how much respect will you have for the person doing the coercing. You may complete the goal; however you will not remember or internalize much involved in the process.

5. Integrate humor in the relationship. In this authors own clinical experience throughout the years, one thing that has helped to establish a strong therapeutic relationship with clients is the integration of humor in the therapy process. It appears to teach clients to laugh at themselves without taking life and themselves too serious. It also allows them to see the therapist as a down to earth human being with a sense of humor. Humor is an excellent coping skill and is extremely healthy to the mind, body, and spirit. Try laughing with your clients. It will have a profound effect on the relationship as well as in your own personal life.

Before delving into the empirical literature concerning this topic, it is important to present some questions that Rogers recommends (1961) asking yourself as a clinician concerning the development of a helping relationship. These questions should be explored often and reflected upon as a normal routine in your clinical practice. They will help the clinician grow and continue to work at developing the expertise needed to create a strong therapeutic relationship and in turn the successful practice of therapy.

1. Can I be in some way which will be perceived by the client as trustworthy, dependable, or consistent in some deep sense?

2. Can I be real? This involves being aware of thoughts and feelings and being honest with yourself concerning these thoughts and feelings. Can I be who I am? Clinicians must accept themselves before they can be real and accepted by clients.

3. Can I let myself experience positive attitudes toward my client for example warmth, caring, respect) without fearing these? Often times clinicians distance themselves and write it off as a professional attitude; however this creates an impersonal relationship. Can I remember that I am treating a human being, just like myself?

4. Can I give the client the freedom to be who they are?

5. Can I be separate from the client and not foster a dependent relationship?

6. Can I step into the clients private world so deeply that I lose all desire to evaluate or judge it?

7. Can I receive this client as he is? Can I accept him or her completely and communicate this acceptance?

8. Can I possess a non-judgmental attitude when dealing with this client?

9. Can I meet this individual as a person who is becoming, or will I be bound by his past or my past?

Empirical Literature

There are obviously too many empirical studies in this area to discuss in this or any brief article, however this author would like to present a summary of the studies throughout the years and what has been concluded.

Horvath and Symonds (1991) conducted a Meta analysis of 24 studies which maintained high design standards, experienced therapists, and clinically valid settings. They found an effect size of .26 and concluded that the working alliance was a relatively robust variable linking therapy process to outcomes. The relationship and outcomes did not appear to be a function of type of therapy practiced or length of treatment.

Another review conducted by Lambert and Barley (2001), from Brigham Young University summarized over one hundred studies concerning the therapeutic relationship and psychotherapy outcome. They focused on four areas that influenced client outcome; these were extra therapeutic factors, expectancy effects, specific therapy techniques, and common factors/therapeutic relationship factors. Within these 100 studies they averaged the size of contribution that each predictor made to outcome. They found that 40% of the variance was due to outside factors, 15% to expectancy effects, 15% to specific therapy techniques, and 30% of variance was predicted by the therapeutic relationship/common factors. Lambert and Barley (2001) concluded that, Improvement in psychotherapy may best be accomplished by learning to improve ones ability to relate to clients and tailoring that relationship to individual clients.

One more important addition to these studies is a review of over 2000 process-outcomes studies conducted by Orlinsky, Grave, and Parks (1994), which identified several therapist variables and behaviors that consistently demonstrated to have a positive impact on treatment outcome. These variables included therapist credibility, skill, empathic understanding, affirmation of the client, as well as the ability to engage the client and focus on the clients issues and emotions.

Finally, this author would like to mention an interesting statement made by Schore (1996). Schore suggests that experiences in the therapeutic relationship are encoded as implicit memory, often effecting change with the synaptic connections of that memory system with regard to bonding and attachment. Attention to this relationship with some clients will help transform negative implicit memories of relationships by creating a new encoding of a positive experience of attachment. This suggestion is a topic for a whole other article, however what this suggests is that the therapeutic relationship may create or recreate the ability for clients to bond or develop attachments in future relationships. To this author, this is profound and thought provoking. Much more discussion and research is needed in this area, however briefly mentioning it sheds some light on another important reason that the therapeutic relationship is vital to therapy.

Throughout this article the therapeutic relationship has been discussed in detail, questions to explore as a clinician have been articulated, and empirical support for the importance of the therapeutic relationship have been summarized. You may question the validity of this article or research, however please take an honest look at this area of the therapy process and begin to practice and develop strong therapeutic relationships. You will see the difference in the therapy process as well as client outcome. This author experiences the gift of the therapeutic relationship each and every day I work with clients. In fact, a client recently told me that I was the first therapist he has seen since 9-11 that he trusted and acted like a real person. He continued on to say, thats why I have the hope that I can get better and actually trust another human being. Thats quite a reward of the therapeutic relationship and process. What a gift!

Ask yourself, how you would like to be treated if you were a client? Always remember we are all part of the human race and each human being is unique and important, thus they should be treated that way in therapy. Our purpose as clinicians is to help other human beings enjoy this journey of life and if this field isnt the most important field on earth I dont know what is. We help determine and create the future of human beings. To conclude, Constaquay, Goldfried, Wiser, Raue, and Hayes (1996) stated, It is imperative that clinicians remember that decades of research consistently demonstrates that relationship factors correlate more highly with client outcome than do specialized treatment techniques.


Constaquay, L. G., Goldfried, M. R., Wiser, S., Raue, P.J., Hayes, A.M. (1996). Predicting the effect of Cognitive therapy for depression: A study of unique and common factors. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 497-504.

Horvath, A.O. & Symonds, B., D. (1991). Relation between a working alliance and outcome in psychotherapy: A Meta Analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 38, 2, 139-149.

Lambert, M., J. & Barley, D., E. (2001). Research Summary on the therapeutic relationship and psychotherapy outcome. Psychotherapy, 38, 4, 357-361.

Orlinski, D. E., Grave, K., & Parks, B. K. (1994). Process and outcome in psychotherapy. In A. E. Bergin & S. L. Garfield (Eds.), Handbook of psychotherapy(pp. 257-310). New York: Wiley.

Roes, N. A. (2002). Solutions for the treatment resistant addicted client, Haworth Press.

Rogers, C. R. (1957). The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21, 95-103.

Rogers, C. R. (1961). On Becoming a Person, Houghton Mifflin company, New York.

Schore, A. (1996). The experience dependent maturation of a regulatory system in the orbital prefrontal cortex and the origin of developmental psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology, 8, 59-87.

Richard A. Singer Jr. is a practicing psychotherapist living in the Cayman Islands. He is formerly of Pennsylvania and has a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology and is currently working on his Doctorate Degree. His daily inspirations have been included as part of Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul, from the best selling Chicken Soup series. He has recently released his new book, Your Daily Walk with the Great Minds of the Past and Present and signed a contract for a second edition to be released in Feb. 2007. His own recovery from addiction and depression impassioned him to help others find courage, determination and peace, and has made what some would call work the love and purpose of his life. To learn more about Mr. Singer and explore updated information, visit his Web site or E-Mail him at In addition, please join the author for interactive discussions about the suggested monthly readings, daily quotes, meditations, and journaling sections of the book on his Blog.

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