Cut Down Your Costs In Your MLM Activities
When starting a network marketing business you normally start to have a number of extra payments like gasoline, phone bills, food that you will eat because you are outside your home. When you add these with the starting cost and the regular monthly fees, first months payments can be extra high and therefore many struggle to be profitable.
Today technology is developing at a fast pace and network marketers and home business owners have the greatest possibility to benefit from this.
The best way to start your business is to keep the cost of running it down. Here are some tools I find extremely good in network marketing and they are all FREE
1. Voip Stunt A program you can download from and use it to call for free all the landline numbers worldwide. Imagine making 3 prospect calls a day for a year. At the end of the year you have saved a lot of money using this system. Like I mentioned you can download it for free.
2. Skype Skype is a very popular program you can download from Encourage all your team members to download it when they join and you can chat for free with them anytime they are online. Sometimes Skype is better for getting to know your team members than by phone. In addition you can organize nice short online conferences of up to 5 people.
3. Skypecasts Online conference facility using Skype. Up to 100 people can participate in a Skypecast from all around the world. To create your own online conference for your team, go to and click create skypecast. You can have your weekly conferences here and normally people like to join because its free. To join in a Skypecast you just need a Skype account.
To summarize; you can do an unlimited amount of prospecting calls, chat and get to know your team members and organize your own online conferences, and all this without paying a dime.
We have noticed that nowadays its more difficult to get people to participate in weekly business meetings. However, they are willing to participate in almost any conference if they can do so from the comfort of their own home.
Try these tools and see how it goes. My guess is that your downline members will be more excited than before, because they can be more profitable quicker in the business and will save a lot of money in the long run.
Lasse Rouhiainen
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