Friday, November 30, 2007 

Causes and Symptoms of Esophageal Mesothelioma Cancer

Esophageal mesothelioma cancer occurs in about 11,000 Americans per year. This accounts for less than 1% of all cancers. However, the incidence of esophageal cancer is increasing.

Cancer can develop in any part of the esophagus. It can spread to surrounding lymph nodes, the windpipe, and the large blood vessels in the chest, and other nearby organs. Treatment for esophageal mesothelioma cancer depends on a number of factors, including its exact location, size, extent, and type of cancer cells. It's also important to consider age and general health to develop a treatment plan to fit each patient's needs.

Causes of Esophageal Mesothelioma Cancer

Esophageal mesothelioma cancer occurs in the larynx (voice box) and oropharynx that is the part of the throat at the back of the mouth. There is sufficient to suggest that asbestos exposure is a cause of laryngeal cancer. There is insufficient evidence at this time to prove that asbestos is a cause of pharyngeal cancer.

Types of Esophageal Cancer

Squamous cell carcinomas occur in the cells that line the esophagus. Adenocarcinomas occur in the glandular tissue in the lower part of the esophagus and can spread to other parts of the body.

Symptoms of Esophageal Mesothelioma Cancer

Difficulty in swallowing, a feeling of fullness, pressure, or burning as food goes down the esophagus, a feeling of food getting stuck behind the breastbone.

Methods of Diagnosis

Esophagram (also called a barium swallow), is a series of x-rays of the esophagus. To prepare for this test, the patient drinks a barium solution. The barium, which shows up on x-rays, coats the inside of the esophagus for easier viewing. Esophagoscopy is a thin, flexible, lighted instrument (an endoscope) which is passed through the mouth and down the throat to the esophagus to view where the esophagus joins the stomach. Biopsy is a removal of a small amount of tissue through the endoscope to test for the presence of cancer.


The nature of the tumor is primarily evaluated by a CT scan of the chest. A CT scan reveals if the tumor has travelled into the trachea (windpipe) and large blood vessels or lymph nodes.

Esophageal ultrasound is similar to esophagoscopy, but with the addition of a built-in ultrasound devise.

PET scanning can also be used to evaluate esophageal cancer.

Treatment of Esophageal Mesothelioma Cancer

Treatment for esophageal cancer is contingent upon a number of factors, including its exact location, size, extent, and type of cancer cells. The doctor also considers the patient's age and general health to develop the best treatment plan.

Surgical resection (removal) of the tumor is the preferred treatment. Recently, surgeons have been using minimally invasive surgical techniques to remove esophageal cancers.

Chemotherapy and radiation are also frequently used, either in conjunction with surgery or independently.

Several additional options are available, including laser treatment, tumor stenting, or photodynamic therapy. For most patients, their ability to eat can be restored satisfactorily using these procedures.

A multidisciplinary team: gastroenterologist, surgeon, oncologist (cancer specialist), radiation oncologist, nurse, dietitian, and social worker join in the facilitation of patient treatment and care.

About the Author:

Dave Casey is a freelance medical writer for, a popular site providing mesothelioma cancer help. Visit the site for additional info on mesothelioma asbestos cancer and mesothelioma clinical trials

Copyright 2007

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Peritoneal Mesothelioma -- The Cancer Of Abdominal Lining

One of the fatal types of mesothelioma is Peritoneal Mesothelioma in which the cancerous cells attack the lining of the abdomen called Peritoneum. Peritoneum is the thin membrane, which shields various organs of the abdomen and also provides a lubricating fluid to enable the organs to move and work properly. Peritoneal Mesothelioma, which affects this lining, is yet now a relatively rare disease that accounts for about 1/5 of all mesotheliomas. Its only known cause in the U.S. till date is previous exposure to asbestos.

Major symptoms

Though Mesothelioma is neither age nor sex specific, peritoneal Mesothelioma is mostly seen in men who are in the age group of 50-70 years. There are a number of symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma most of which start appearing after 20, 30 or 50 years after the exposure to asbestos. These symptoms may include weight loss (however, waist line may increase), pain or swelling in the abdomen, weakness, loss of appetite, bowel obstruction, anemia, nausea and fever. Also, fluid often accumulates in the peritoneal space leading to a condition called Ascites.

Diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma

The initial step towards detection of peritoneal mesothelioma includes X-rays and CT scans. For confirmed diagnosis, however the doctor needs to do biopsy whereby a piece of tissue is cut from the affected part of the victims body and is placed under microscope for examination. If the disease is detected at an early stage it stands better chance of getting cured than the state of diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma, where the cancer has already spread to various parts.

The cure

Its true that peritoneal mesothelioma is fatal and leads to several deaths every year. However, with continued researches, several modes of treatments have been embarked upon and in the future there is a fair chance of the disease becoming absolutely curable. The types of treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

In surgery a part of the abdominal tissue is cut out to remove the tumor. At times the doctor may also need to remove a lung or a portion of the diaphragm as per the requirement of the surgery. Radiation therapy, the second method, requires the application of high energy X-rays to shrink the tumor and kill the malignant cells. The rays may be applied from an external machine or by placing the radiation source directly to the affected part of the body, by means of plastic tubes. Last treatment type is the chemotherapy whereby a combination of drugs is applied to kill the cancer cells. The drugs may be administered by mouth in the capsule form or may be applied intravenously via needle.

However, it is essential to mention that cost of treating any form of cancer is extravagant and you may consult a mesothelioma lawyer to earn you a handsome compensation from the authority who was responsible for your prior exposure to asbestos.

So learn more about peritoneal mesothelioma so that you can initiate the treatment at the very early stage and get cured.

Fred Lindell is a successful writer and publisher of health related issues, for more informative articles go to

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My wife and I were out for dinner the other night and our waitress was an attractive looking young woman who I judged to be in her early twenties. She was very personable and knowledgeable, but she was wearing a short blouse that revealed her midriff and showed a tattoo just above her rear end, and, on her front, there appeared to be something drawn from her belly down to her public area (sorry I couldn't verify this for you). I'm sure she thought this was all rather attractive and I must admit it caught my eye, but frankly I was disappointed that a charming young woman found it necessary to defile her body in order to get someone's attention.

I've never understood the need to paint the human body with tattoos, Some say its nothing more than an example of self-expression. Actually, I think its more of a cry for attention than anything else. Some people try to hide their tattoos, but more and more people today proudly display their body art, regardless of the symbolism or what is printed on them. To me, its kind of like sitting next to a kid at a traffic light with his music blaring. I don't know who he is trying to impress other than himself. It most certainly isn't me.

When I was growing up, I only knew of two men who had tattoos on their arms, my uncle and my barber. Both got their tattoos while serving in the military, but spent several years thereafter trying to have them removed as they found them to be an embarrassment among their friends as they grew older. I've also met a couple of people who survived the concentration camps of World War II and now bear identification numbers tattooed on their arms. In other words, tattoos are not something my generation or those that preceded me hold in high regard. But today's younger generation doesn't think this way and whimsically have their bodies painted at the drop of a hat. Recently, a group of underage girls from the local high school were caught trying to get tattooed at a local parlor (down here in Florida, minors cannot be tattooed without a parent's or guardian's permission).

Years ago, tattoo artists struggled to make ends meet. But with the recent wave of tattoo popularity, they have been elevated to near celebrity status. Heck, there has even been a reality show featuring tattoo artists on A&E. I find interviewing people painted with a lot of tattoos and body pierced like a porcupine to be rather amusing. They certainly do not command any credibility with me, but the kids sure seem to love them.

I guess I have always equated tattoos to a person's intelligence level. The more tattoos they have, the lower the IQ they appear to have. I don't know where I get this image from; maybe it was from watching a few prison documentaries where the inmates are interviewed, all of which are covered in tattoos. Somehow I don't find such people rather credible, nor are they anyone I want to be associated with, which is probably why I'll never get a tattoo. But then again, I guess I'm showing my age.

Tim Bryce is a writer and management consulting located in Palm Harbor, FL, USA. Visit his web page at:

He can be contacted at:

Copyright 2007 Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.

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Search-Engine Optimization is a highly skilled process and requires an extensive commitment of resources, including time and expertise. It is a combination with Pay-Per-Click management form the foundation of your online marketing campaign. Search engine optimization involves a number of variables and factors that, when working together, form an effective website.

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Optimization work is carried out both on sites under construction, and established sites. Optimization takes a lot of time and patience (expect to wait at least three months before you see changes in some engines). It is the first and most crucial step in any web site marketing campaign.

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Most Sales Managers believe the way to success is in the numbers. This is not necessarily true. Since a sales team is primarily comprised of a manager and the people that report to that manager, we would all agree they have one thing in common. Salespeople are first and foremost people. In years past, there was a Vice President of Sales and a Sales Director sitting in an office someplace deciding on the numbers. If you spoke to any salesperson on the floor or in the field about their goal, they would let you know that in most cases it had been set by management and they had little input. Often times they would mumble under their breath what they really thought about them.

Although most managers would like to think that once a number has been set, their team is motivated to achieve that number because of the money it will put in their pocket - this is surely not the case. While salespeople are definitely motivated by the dollar, they are much more motivated if they have input into these decisions. Joel Deceuster, founder of Deceuster & Associates, a consulting and business coaching firm says, People, especially salespeople, dont like being dictated to. He believes the old school of sales management tells people what to do. But the new school invites salespeople into the process of setting quotas and goals, allowing them to figure out what they are capable of achieving.

While it is often a time consuming process, sitting down for a one-on-one with each team member periodically throughout the year can bring much more success than just throwing out a random number for them to reach. If you speak to the same team members mentioned above about their goal, once they have had input, you will see their attitude is completely different. It is no longer one of, this is what my manager or director thinks I can hit. It is one of ownership and pride. They will let you know what they have set the bar at and in most cases what they are doing to reach higher than the bar. They are happy to share their success when the feeling is one of a team and not one of, what have you done today and have you put that in your forecast?

The other piece that is important to remember when motivating your team is respect. Yes, you are in the management position for a reason, but your team is in the field and often times has the best understanding of what is going on with not only your customers and competitors, but the overall market environment. Including your sales team in the complete process, from product development through bringing it to market, can often times eliminate costly mistakes. They are with your customers and potential customers everyday, they will see things with a different set of eyes and be able to raise any issues or concerns prior to launch.

Numbers, are they important? Yes, of course they are, but working as a team will allow you to far exceed the numbers you had in place at the beginning of the year. It will lead you on a path of long term success.

Jill Blutinger is a sales and marketing expert and President of JDB Business Consulting in Southern California.

To learn more about JDB and to receive Jill's free e-newsletter about Managing your Growing Business-Helping Business Owners Succeed and Grow, please visit:

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Finding Your Beyond Benefits

Im interested in those high pressure presentations that we all dread and hate. The presentations in which what you say and do will be the make it or break it factor. Marketing Presentations are when you have your opportunity to promote yourself, your business, your product, and/or your services. Your Marketing Presentations are when you make your most money or when you lose money. Its when you get or lose your best business opportunities. And for any of you who are involved in charity and fundraising work, these are the presentations that make the difference between receiving a $500 donation versus a $5,000 donation (or even a $50,000 donation).

To have your prospects ready and willing to buy your services or product, your presentations must be centered on one main aspect: the Beyond Benefits. The Beyond Benefits are what your client really cares about. Lets face it, were all egotistical. We all want to know, Whats in it for me? You need to answer that question (which is constantly in their head) throughout the presentation. Be aware of places in your presentation when you can quickly mention the benefits of working with you. Dont wait until the end to mention these! Keep reminding them of your Beyond Benefits by sprinkling them in every section of your presentation. These Beyond Benefits could look like:

This house is near the school. So you can shave off quite a bit of time when youre getting the kids to school and heading to work.

With your contribution, we will be able to bring in the highest quality medical equipment*. We will be able to run our experiments faster and more efficiently, brining us closer to a cure quicker than we ever thought possible. (*Notice how the medical equipment itself is not the Beyond Benefit. The efficiency and speed the equipment brings is the Beyond Benefit!)

Your employees will enhance their productivity, resulting in fewer problems for upper management to have to deal with. Therefore, upper management will be able to enhance their productivity because they will have less stress and more time to focus on more important projects.

With this program, you will reduce stress and not only have a healthier heart, but also a healthier mind and body. Youll be able to play with your kids more and never feel confined by your health problems again.

Please take notice! Each of these statements goes one step beyond the obvious benefit to find the Beyond Benefit. Sure the school is near the house, but what I really care about is having more time and being able to sleep in a few more minutes. Okay, so the medical equipment is state of the art, but whats important is the fact that it speeds up the research process. Its a great thing that you can enhance employee productivity, but what does that mean for upper management? The Beyond Benefit is especially important when it comes to health issues. We take for granted what the true benefits are to being healthy. Remind us! Having a healthy heart sounds nice, but being able to play with my kids in the park and keep up with them is a beautiful image that I want to live.

So when you are preparing for your next presentation, write out all of the benefits of working with you or having your product. Then write out the Beyond Benefits! To help you find the Beyond Benefit, look at your current benefits and ask yourself So what? When you answer that, youve found your Beyond Benefit!

Shari Alexander is the owner of Presenting Matters, a business presentation consulting firm. Recently named the 2007 Magee/Stovall High Impact Emerging Professional Speaker, she works with organizations and individuals to clarify their message and perfect their delivery. She is available for keynotes, seminars, coaching, and consulting. Learn more about her services at

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Business Card Options And You

Do you run a business? Do you have a business card? If not, why not? Today, everyone should carry business cards no matter if they work freelance, work for themselves, are employed by a company, or are a homemaker or retired. A business card is a simple and easy way for you to exchange personal information with a friend, acquaintance, business associate, or neighbor. Thanks to the internet, you can even design and order your business cards right online. Lets take a look at what goes into a business card and what you should expect when ordering business cards online.

Yahoo! No, I dont mean the search engine company, instead the feeling you get when you design and order your business card right online. Here are some things you should know before designing your own business card:

Quick and Easy: Thanks to some lovely templates you can design your card within minutes, place your order, and your finished cards will arrive within a week to ten days. Some companies allow for you to upload your own artwork or a picture. Usually a nominal fee, about five dollars, is assessed, but it is typically a one time fee at that.

Pack It In: Okay, you dont want to overwhelm people with tons of useless information, but you do need essential contact information on your business card. Things to include: your name, address, telephone number, fax, cell phone, company name, and title. A tag line can be cool too to help people remember who you are.

One Side Or Two: Most people only print up one side, but business cards do have two sides to them. Slap a useful calendar on the back, or some other personal information.

Plain or Glossy: If you want a real attention grabber, select glossy paper to get noticed.

Use Colors: Black on white is okay, but four colors is fabulous! Hey, you want to stand out from the rest, right? Dress up your business cards to really zing!

Quality and Quantity: You already have a nice card, so why order only 500? Order more and pay less per card! Some companies run specials especially if you order 2500 or more. Dont worry: the next time you head off to a convention you will be depositing your cards left and right.

Once you have settled on a design and submitted your order then relax. When your order arrives, check it out to make certain that all errors were caught with your first proofing. If all is good, consider ordering matching envelopes, paper, magnets, etc. Hey, your business cards look terrific so why not do the same with the rest of your supplies?

Copyright 2006 For additional information regarding Matt Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips.

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Birthday Gift Ideas for your Boyfriend

Whether you and your boyfriend have been dating for three months or three years, he deserves to have a wonderful present from you whenever he celebrates his birthday.

Well-thought out gifts are always a great way to show your affection and love for your boyfriend. Some men may not be as open emotionally as women, but your boyfriend surely could not resist giving you a kiss or a hug in exchange of all the time and effort that you put into finding the perfect birthday present for him.

Here are some great and romantic gift ideas to give the most special man in your life on his birthday:

1. Something romantic.

A birthday present does not always have to be something expensive. Be creative in thinking of a romantic birthday gift for your boyfriend. If he has always given you flowers before, why don't you return the favor by giving him a dozen red roses? It will make him remember you as the only girl who ever gave him roses for his birthday.

A little effort would go a long way, too. Cook him his favorite dish and invite him over for a romantic picnic or dinner. Bake him a birthday cake, invite his friends over and surprise him with a birthday party.

Shower him with love notes, or make his entire day special by giving him a different gift in the morning, noon and at night. Be creative in thinking of something fun, romantic and special to give him a birthday that he is not likely to forget.

2. Something that he wants.

If your special someone is into gadgets, give him that game gadget or music player that he is always talking about. If he is a car enthusiast, get him a great car accessory. Or, rent a sports vehicle or his dream car for him to drive on his birthday. Go out and spend a day indulging in the sport that he just loves.

3. Something naughty.

Glow-in-the-dark boxer shorts are a sure-fire way to tickle his fancy. An intimate yet funny gift will remind him of the intimate moments that you shared together as a couple.

4. Something nice and traditional.

A gift basket with all the things that he likes on one delightful package also makes for a great birthday present for your boyfriend's birthday. A basketful of chocolates or wine is a wonderful birthday present.

If he is an executive, get him an expensive tie, cute cuff links or a nice wristwatch. Give him a set of his favorite cologne, perfume and aftershave. If he loves sailing, get him an antique compass that he can use.

5. Something that says "I love you."

You can literally give him an item with the message of how you feel. Give him a keychain for his car and house keys with an engraved message. Even small items like this would make your boyfriend feel special.

Remember that it is not always the cost that counts when giving out presents for your boyfriend on his birthday.

A well-thought out gift that would remind your boyfriend of how special he is to you will send out the right message on his birthday.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Special Occasions. For more information regarding Boyfriend Birthday Present please drop by at

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Puppy Love - A Career Working With Animals

It was many thousands of years ago when humans first discovered ways to domesticate animals. Dogs were the first pets, and sheep became our first livestock. Many centuries later, animals are still a huge part of the human experience.

As medical technology has changed for humans, it has also changed for animals. Now, working in the field of veterinary medicine is a skilled position that requires expertise far above the ability to muck out a stall or clean out a cage. A Veterinary Technician can perform diagnostic tests, dress wounds, and assist in surgery. A Veterinary Assistant handles clients and records and assists with basic medical care.

If you love animals, you will find a career in veterinary medicine to be deeply rewarding. Here is a more in-depth look at non-veterinarian careers in veterinary medicine.

Veterinary Technician

A veterinary technician (also called a vet tech) is a person trained and licensed to assist veterinarians. They usually complete an associates degree in their field and then take a test to be licensed in their state (requirements vary by statebe sure to check yours). Once they begin working in the field, they find that their job is similar to that of a nurse.

Common tasks performed by a veterinary technician include, taking histories, providing treatment to routine problems, and giving counseling to clients. Remember, animals are the patientsthe owners are the clients.

Technical skills include the following:

Drawing blood
Collecting urine
Performing skin scrapings
Performing routine lab procedures and tests in hematology, chemistry, Microbiology, urinalysis, and serology.

They also assist the veterinarian with physical examinations that help determine the nature of the illness or injury. Veterinary technicians also administer medications, anesthesia, and blood products to the animals as prescribed by the veterinarian.

Tasks in patient care include the following:

Recording temperature
Pulse and respiration
Dressing wounds
Applying splints and other protective devices
Cleaning teeth.

Veterinary Technicians also perform catheterizations, both urinary and venous, ear flushing, intravenous feedings, and tube feedings. Equipment use includes operating electro-cardiographic and radiographic equipment.

Veterinary technicians commonly assist veterinarians in surgery by providing correct equipment and instruments and by assuring that monitoring and support equipment such as anesthetic machines; cardiac monitors, scopes and breathing apparatus are in good working condition. They also maintain treatment records and inventory of all pharmaceuticals, equipment and supplies.

In a sadder turn, Veterinary Technicians also assist and sometimes even perform euthanasia. While this can be often be difficult, it is usually a relief to clients to not have to see their beloved pets suffer. In order to be a veterinary technician, you must be comfortable with this fact of the field.

Veterinary Assistant

Veterinary Assistants are an important part of the veterinary medical team. Working with veterinarians and veterinarian technicians, they help provide medical care to sick and injured animals. If you were to draw a comparison with human medicine, you might compare them to physician assistants. Unlike physician assistants, Veterinary Assistants often get on-the-job training, although courses in animal science are helpful.

A typical day in the life of a Veterinary Assistant includes giving medicines, feeding and bathing animals, cleaning up after them, and assisting with examinations and tests. Vet Assistants play a very hands-on role. They take a pet's pulse, temperature and monitor respiration. Some even assist with surgery. Also, many do office work and act as receptionists.

While many Veterinary Assistants work with veterinarians in private practice, many others work in animal shelters, animal control facilities, pet stores, kennels and veterinary drug companies.

Because sick or injured animals need constant care, the work is sometimes hard, repetitious, and dirty, but people who genuinely love animals can find it both interesting and deeply rewarding.

Like all health professions, veterinary care is highly regulated, and licensed veterinarians or veterinary technicians can only perform most kinds of treatment or testing. While veterinary assistants assist with a number of medical procedures, they do not perform any of them completely on their own.

Here are some of the duties that fall to the Veterinary Assistant:

Preparing examination or treatment room
Holding or restraining animal during procedures
Preparing equipment, and instruments for surgical procedures
Assisting veterinarians during surgery
Assisting those who take and develop x-rays
Setting up basic lab tests
Maintaining hospital cleanliness
Answering telephones and scheduling appointments

Once again, Veterinary Assistants also find themselves occasionally facing the reality of euthanasia as a part of their job. They are often the ones having to help a family make the choice and schedule and appointment, or caring for the remains of a beloved pet. Be sure that this is a factor of the job you are comfortable with before making the decision to work in the field.

But all in all, working in veterinary medicine is a job that is full of joy and fascinating science. Unlike a human nurse, you will learn about and treat several species of animalsfrom dogs and cats to rabbits and iguanas, or from cows to sheep to horses. It is a fascinating and diverse field, and a rewarding one.

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Carpet Types for Decorating Your Home

The texture and quality of a carpet is determined by the way it is made, or constructed, and the finish applied to the fiber tufts or pile. Test the pile density in the shop by bending the carpet sample back, pile side toward you. The less backing you can see, the better the carpet.

Woven Carpets

Traditionally, the strongest and most expensive carpets have always been woven on looms. The term broadloom refers to any carpets over 3ft wide. The fibers are woven into the backing to form a dense, strong pile. There are two types of weave commonly used for broadloom carpets:

In Axminster carpets, pile is woven into the backing material, a row of U-shaped tufts at a time. This weaving method allows a wide range of colors to be used to create quite elaborate patterns, although plain and simpler designs are more popular. The pile is always cut; it can be short and smooth or long and shaggy.
In Wilton carpets, the pile is woven from continuous yarn, so that the fibers are buried in the backing to make a high density, hardwearing carpet. It is available with a cut, loop, and cut and loop pile.

Tufted Carpets

In modern tufted carpets, the yarn is inserted into the backing material, bonded in place with latex and then backed again with foam or fabric for extra strength. The loops of tufted carpets may be either cut or uncut, or a combination of cut and loop. They are quicker and more economical to make than woven carpets, so are generally cheaper, but can be as high in quality.

Bonded Carpets

These are made by bonding the pile fiber to a woven or foam backing, rather than tufted through it. This gives a smooth finish, but is usually limited to plain colors.

Carpet Tiles

These are squares of sealed edged carpet backed with PVC or rubber. They come in many colors and several finishes, from corded for heavy wear to soft pile for use in bedrooms and bathrooms. Fitted wall-to-wall, they marry the luxury of a carpet with the practicality of a tiled floor. Not only can the tiles be laid more simply than a carpet and in attractive patterns, but they can also be lifted again separately when they need cleaning. Individual squares can be turned or moved to distribute wear evenly, prolonging the life of the flooring.

Carpet Laying Terms

You are quite likely to hear the following expressions when buying a carpet:

Fluffing refers to loose fibers left on the surface of the carpet. They appear during manufacture and continue to work their way to the surface during the first few months of wear. They disappear with regular vacuuming.

Pilling describes small balls of fiber left on the surface of nylon or nylon mix carpet. It is usually a manufacturer's fault.

Grinning is what happens when you bend a carpet back over your hand and the backing shows through the pile. This is a sure sign of a low-density pile, particularly on Axminster carpets. Do not use carpets which grin on stairs.

Sprouting is the term applied when strands of thin woven backing material, such as jute, appear or "sprout" through the pile. This is no cause for concern - simply trim away the loose ends with sharp scissors.

Shading refers to the light and dark patches that may appear on cut-pile carpets, particularly plain-colored velvets with synthetic fibers. It does not affect the life of the carpet and has the benefit of disguising dirt and stains.


It is worth spending money on a good padding to prolong the life of the carpet, increase comfort and warmth, and provide sound insulation.

Padding is always laid beneath a carpet, unless it is foam backed. Buy new padding to use with a new carpet. Several types are available: be sure to match the type to the kind of carpet you are laying. The carpet showroom will advise on the most suitable one to use in each case.

Some installers line the floor before putting padding down on floorboards. This prevents vacuuming from drawing dirt up into the pile. On foam-backed carpets, the lining stops the backing from sticking to the floor. Lining sheets come in paper or nylon, usually in 78in widths.

2007, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Would you like to see more excellent Home Decorating Ideas, Tips and Photos? Visit the Do It Yourself Home Decorating Network (, and be sure to check out our easy weekend Home Improvement Decorating Projects too!

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