Finding Your Beyond Benefits
Im interested in those high pressure presentations that we all dread and hate. The presentations in which what you say and do will be the make it or break it factor. Marketing Presentations are when you have your opportunity to promote yourself, your business, your product, and/or your services. Your Marketing Presentations are when you make your most money or when you lose money. Its when you get or lose your best business opportunities. And for any of you who are involved in charity and fundraising work, these are the presentations that make the difference between receiving a $500 donation versus a $5,000 donation (or even a $50,000 donation).
To have your prospects ready and willing to buy your services or product, your presentations must be centered on one main aspect: the Beyond Benefits. The Beyond Benefits are what your client really cares about. Lets face it, were all egotistical. We all want to know, Whats in it for me? You need to answer that question (which is constantly in their head) throughout the presentation. Be aware of places in your presentation when you can quickly mention the benefits of working with you. Dont wait until the end to mention these! Keep reminding them of your Beyond Benefits by sprinkling them in every section of your presentation. These Beyond Benefits could look like:
This house is near the school. So you can shave off quite a bit of time when youre getting the kids to school and heading to work.
With your contribution, we will be able to bring in the highest quality medical equipment*. We will be able to run our experiments faster and more efficiently, brining us closer to a cure quicker than we ever thought possible. (*Notice how the medical equipment itself is not the Beyond Benefit. The efficiency and speed the equipment brings is the Beyond Benefit!)
Your employees will enhance their productivity, resulting in fewer problems for upper management to have to deal with. Therefore, upper management will be able to enhance their productivity because they will have less stress and more time to focus on more important projects.
With this program, you will reduce stress and not only have a healthier heart, but also a healthier mind and body. Youll be able to play with your kids more and never feel confined by your health problems again.
Please take notice! Each of these statements goes one step beyond the obvious benefit to find the Beyond Benefit. Sure the school is near the house, but what I really care about is having more time and being able to sleep in a few more minutes. Okay, so the medical equipment is state of the art, but whats important is the fact that it speeds up the research process. Its a great thing that you can enhance employee productivity, but what does that mean for upper management? The Beyond Benefit is especially important when it comes to health issues. We take for granted what the true benefits are to being healthy. Remind us! Having a healthy heart sounds nice, but being able to play with my kids in the park and keep up with them is a beautiful image that I want to live.
So when you are preparing for your next presentation, write out all of the benefits of working with you or having your product. Then write out the Beyond Benefits! To help you find the Beyond Benefit, look at your current benefits and ask yourself So what? When you answer that, youve found your Beyond Benefit!
Shari Alexander is the owner of Presenting Matters, a business presentation consulting firm. Recently named the 2007 Magee/Stovall High Impact Emerging Professional Speaker, she works with organizations and individuals to clarify their message and perfect their delivery. She is available for keynotes, seminars, coaching, and consulting. Learn more about her services at
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