Sunday, March 2, 2008 

Choosing the Right Network Marketing Company for You

Here are just some of the aspects to consider when choosing a Network Marketing Company to join:

First, the Company should be at a stage prior to or just beginning momentum phase. Joining a company that is already hit their top level is very hard to make money. When everyone already knows their name, it is difficult to succeed.

Also, joining a company at the beginning or the launching stage is extremely risky. What if the product doesn't ship on time? What if the computer system has bugs in it? What if the checks do not go out on time?

I do not mean to say that you cannot succeed with a new company, but it is very risky.

Second, the Company must have an excellent compensation plan many levels down. This compensation plan should be structured in such a way to allow the uplines to help their downlines grow instead of always competing with them to recruit more and more.

The only way a compensation plan can achieve this is to increase the commission percentage as the levels get lower. This basically gives uplines an incentive to assist their downlines.

Think about it! If a plan allows an upline to get higher commissions the closer the level, then uplines will always be a recruiting competition for their downlines.

Third, the compensation plan must allow for a FastStart Bonus for recruiting. This FastStart Bonus gets money quickly in the pockets of new network marketers and drastically increases their chances of survival.

Fourth, the founders and top executives must operate with the utmost integrity and always have long term planning on their mind. They should allow access to them for questions about their background & experience. Don't be shy to make a call.

Enough for now!!! Keep Prospecting.

Go to the resource box for more information regarding joining MLM's.

If you desire more information on my mlm company, try Right Business Now

For help in creating a massive downline with true targeted leads, go to Generate your own Targeted Leads

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Why You Don't Want To Promote Your Network Marketing Business Too Much!


Why would anyone suggest that you not promote your Network Marketing or MLM business too much?

Well, let me ask you something here:
Are you trying to make more money for yourself and your team OR would you rather see more money and attention brought to the company you are promoting?

That may seem like a dumb question, but the WAY you are marketing and promoting your business says more about that subject than your response to it.

In other words, if you spend the majority of your time talking about or promoting the actual company you represent instead of YOURSELF, what is the message you are actually portraying to your prospects?

It is this:
'This company is so great - the products sell themselves, the compensation plan is killer, the founders have the biggest heart, and on and on, but getting you in my company is what I'm trying to do here'

So, where exactly do you come in? What makes you needed if the company is so great and that's all you are talking about; why would people be attracted to you personally?

In essence, you are simply a glorified sales rep and not a true independent marketer, doing it this way.

(Now, please don't get upset and close your mind here. Just hear me out and make your own decision at the end of this article.)

This brings up questions like: If the products sell themselves, why does your company need you? If the comp plan is the best, then why are there people in other networking companies making more than people in your company? If this is such a great opportunity, then why do you need to track people down to tell them all about how great it really is? Why do so many networkers talk more about their company and products than they do their own children?

The deal is, your company does need you because you bring in the key component that they may not be able to achieve on their own - which is relationships and creative marketers.

Getting back to the main point here:
* Instead of spending so much time promoting and building up a company you represent, wouldn't it be a better business decision to promote and build up YOURSELF more?

What if you switched gears and instead of attracting and linking people to your network marketing company; you attracted and linked people to YOU, and then had the power to control where you direct and lead those people?

Something that happens quite a bit in this business is companies that up and close all of a sudden or get raided by the FDA or the Government, or have a financial crisis, or change the comp plan, etc.

Just the same is the fact that your prospects now have many great mlm companies and products to choose from and can be much more selective about who they deal with in their decision of those companies.

What this means to you is that if you are not attracting people to you FIRST, people have no real reason to join in business with you specifically.

What do you have to offer that any other rep doesn't have?

So, let me give an example here. Say you have a prospect who you are trying to get as a rep in your business:

You paint this awesome picture of your company (all the benefits and features) to your prospect and try to get them involved.

Well, they decide for whatever reason, that they do not want to become a rep with your company and they move on.

You have just lost your chance with that prospect because all you had to offer them was your opportunity and nothing more. They will not come back to you unless they decide they want to join that particular company, and even then they might find a crossline rep they like more than you and join with them. They have no other use for you, and you have no more attractiveness to them.

Now, what about this:
Contrast this by attracting people to you FIRST (by positioning yourself as an expert in your field) and giving them something of value (such as a free informational generic newsletter, ebook, webinar, etc.) and then directing them to the course that is best for them including your primary business.

Doing it this way can allow you to be attractive to prospects at all times, and even if they don't join you in your primary business, they are still connected with you and not just sold on your company. They trust you and consider you more of a help than of a annoying sales rep who thinks their particular company is the best thing out there.

It's very easy to find network marketers who are in love with their company and spend all of their time praising their company and it's products, conventions, and all of that stuff.

However, it's rare when you find someone who attracts people to them first through correct positioning, and is able to more effectively help prospects above and beyond their business opportunity.

Sure we should be proud to represent the company we are with, but they are not the be all end all. They are merely a means to an end. If you are a true independent marketer, you don't have to rely so much on driving every person to your primary company because you are bringing people to you first, then you have the chance to help them much more than just getting them in your business opportunity. You have much more to offer.

Not only that, but regular network marketers are a dime a dozen. People don't want to work with the average Joe networker. Why would they, anyway (the statistics of the masses are terrible)? People want to deal with someone who they can trust and someone who can give them more information than just the typical sales pitch of their particular company that every other rep is also using. I mean, most everyone says their particular company is the best, their 'system' is the best, yada, yada. Who really cares? Prospects have heard it all before. They want results and they want someone who is different and who gives before they get.

You are either independently unique, or you are simply following the followers.

The great news is: It's all your choice! So choose wisely :)

Scott Rogers is a Network Marketing Consultant, Trainer, and Independent Marketer who Specializes in Helping Network Marketers Truly Succeed in Their Chosen Businesses by Providing Resources, Education, and Tools for Effective Business Building and Marketing.

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Food for Atkins Diet Users

Atkins diet foods are easy to find and available universally. There are many assortment to choose from, whether you pick low-carb diet foods or make your own meals. No stock how you want to do the Atkins plan, there is a liquid out there for you.

Youll need to keep the Atkins food pyramid in mind when you make food choices. The Atkins pyramid wiliness much dissimilar than the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. The base of the pyramid lie of protein sources such as eggs, fish, beef, jumpy and tofu. On a daily foundation, your diet have a duty to lie primarily of these foods. The another tier has low vegetables like greenery, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and iceberg lettuce.

The tier is made up of berries and khaki. Fruits have to be used on an occasional beginning after the initial point of the Atkins diet. Vegetable and seed oils, cheese, dairy, nuts and legumes are used sparsely and in fitting portions. While the FDA pyramid has oils and fats at the top peak, the Atkins pyramid bays undivided grain foods in this spot. Whole grain foods be duty-bound to be used very irregularly and dont make up the mainstay of the Atkins diet.

When you jump the Atkins plan, youll need to make sure you twig which foods are appropriate for your stage of the program. The Induction rung is the most preventive, but it only lasts two weeks.

You owe it to your breaking up accomplishment to stay within the gratifying foods list. One of the best ways to do this is to see the Atkins menu plans that are on paper within the New Diet Revolution book. There are also Atkins cookbooks and cookbooks that are geared toward other low carb diets that are supportive in originate meal plans.

Its a accommodating idea to use a fraudster sheet of up to standard Atkins foods someplace you go. If you are out and roughly and hungry, the last device you want to do is to try to think back in your reminiscence to total out what you can and cannot eat. Carrying a list of pleasing foods with you will make finding a sandwich or meal while out on the run easy. You cant for all time rely on low carb brand name to tell you whether or not something is diet outgoing. Ever since low carb enhance the new diet vogue, manufacturers have been full of life on the bandwagon to attract Atkins faster. They characterization detail low carb to sell harvest and dont have your strength in mind. Relying on foods from your own peculiar list is the best way to stay on the plan.

Another good resource for care trail of the applicable Atkins foods is an online diet program. There are quite a few available. Some are free and some have a minor scheduled fee. The driver entail you to list and then they provide you with cheeky log menu plans based on your requirements and your carbohydrate gram near. There are naturally printable weekly bargain hunting lean that make single out up your Atkins diet foods from the grocery hoard easy and nifty.

Atkins diet food is easy to find once you know what you are appearance for. The accounts, food pyramid and online possessions can help you make better food select and stay on the diet for the long term.

Charity is the owner of Atkins Diet Information, Atkins Diet Information focuses on the latest trends in weight loss for the Atkins diet programs and other weight loss programs.

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Mesothelioma Treatment - Surgery

Surgery is an important step in confirming and knowing the nature of the cancer. It can be conducted on patients with the combination of adjuvant chemotherapies and radiations, before and after the surgery.

The most common surgery for Mesothelioma treatment is pleurectomy, in which doctors open the patient's chest and remove the excessive fluid or tumor from the lining of the lungs (pleura). Although this procedure controls the accumulation of fluid and decreases pain, it still is not a cure. On the other hand, if the tumor is in its initial form and has not extensively grown, a pleurectomy can increase the survival rate of a patient when combined with chemotherapy and radiation. Additionally, a pleurectomy can be performed on patients with less-approving health conditions and has lower mortality rate than the extrapleural pneumonectomy.

Extrapleural Pneumonectomy (EPP):
Extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) is an invasive and severe form of surgery conducted on patients with Mesothelioma. In this treatment, parts of the lungs, the pleura (the lining of the lung), the pericardium (lining of the heart) and the hemi-diaphragm, along with the tumor cells, are removed. It decreases the progression of Mesothelioma, while allowing a patient to breathe smoothly. It is usually conducted on patients with early stages of the cancer and when the tumor is in chest cavity. EPP is recommended for patients with good heart and lungs conditions, in order to endure the severities of the post-operative term. Though the surgery combined with chemotherapy and radiation gives promising results, it does not guarantee a cure. Researches have shown that patients treated with extrapleural pneumonectomy and therapies have a medium life span of 35 months after the surgery, compared to only 9 months of pleurectomy. Still, some doctors question the surgery for its high risks, which include internal bleeding, blood clotting, pneumonia, amassing of pus, respiratory failure and even death. Thus, many surgeons recommend the idea of pleurectomy instead of the technically complicated EPP.

A minor surgery is often conducted on patients who cannot undergo EPP or pleurectomy, called thoracentesis. In thoracentesis, a thoracic surgeon inserts a needle into a patient's chest to remove the excessive fluid built up in the lining of the lungs (pleura). This method neither cures nor decreases the cancer, but rather alleviate the painful symptoms of Mesothelioma. In some cases, talc or other agents are infused into a patient's chests to scar the chest wall and help them breathe properly without letting the tumor to increase, to some extent.

Paracentesis is a similar method of using a needle to extract fluid, but from the abdominal section of the body. It follows the same procedure of extracting fluid from the lining of the stomach or other abdominal organs. Patients with peritoneal Mesothelioma can benefit from paracentesis surgery.

Laura Russell is a professional health writer having expertise in the field of Mesothelioma Cancer

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The Second Coming Of The Clintons Is Here-Hillary Is Coming! It's Time To Revisit The Land Of 'Is'

Will Hillary Clinton follow in her husband's footsteps if she becomes President?

Tapsearch Com featuring Tapart News and Art that Talks kept a record of many of the jobs that were lost and the many companies that closed down in 1998 and some of the previous years. The list is available at Tapart News and Art that Talks at site noted below. In 1998 alone, more than 250,000 jobs were lost in high technology. During this time, President Clinton proclaimed a statistical property while millions were losing their jobs and a silent depression was spreading across the land. (Hurricane Katrina exposed this silent depression in New Orleans after the storm.) Surrounding the time of President Clinton, the U.S. went through the most massive dislocation of jobs in U.S. history. A working poor class was created at the expense of the middle class. Getting American Working Forum reported that 50% of all the human resources in the USA was not being used.

Soon after President Clinton was elected, 250,000 lost their jobs just between IBM and AT&T/NCR Computers. In eight years, several more Steel Corporations went bankrupt or went out business completely. The unemployment rates were a fabrication compared to pass reporting. In the past, unemployment was primarily based on only full time jobs with the reporting coming from the unemployment offices. However, the methods were changed since only about 38% of all workers were qualifying for unemployment insurance. The same applies today.

In the Land of ' is ' even a single mother making only a $100 a month was considered employed. The same applys today too. President Bush the second did not change a thing when he took office. The two act as if they are one when it comes to Free Trade and denial about the creation of a working poor class in the USA.

Free Trade was not something new when President Clinton pushed the passage of both unfair NAFTA and GATT trade agreements. He just confirmed what was going on for a long time and put the process at warp speed. The U.S. Government sponsored the moving of factories outside the USA starting in 1956. By 1970, 120 factories were moved to Mexico. Then things heated up. By 1980 there were 400 factories moved to Mexico with complete blessings of the U.S. Government. Then the moves became more frequent during the 1980s and during President Bush the first era. By 1992, prior to the passing of the trade bills, 2,000 former U.S. factories were in Mexico. After the passing of NAFTA this number quickly doubled to more than 4,000 factories being moved to Mexico.

By the time President Clinton took office, there was plenty of evidence that Free Trade was all about moving production to the cheapest labor markets possible and not about trading products. It was also self-evident that this so called Free Trade had a long history of failures. This did not stop President Bill Clinton from pushing for more the same. He actually went out of his way to force the passing of both NAFTA and GATT trade agreements. In November 1993, the Contract with America Republicans won Congress. For some reason, President Clinton chose not to wait for the Republicans to take over Congress in the coming January and he called Congress back from a Thanksgiving holiday to pass GATT. It was apparent that he had Free Trade high on his list of things to do during his time in office.

Soon after getting NAFTA passed by a Democrat controlled Congress - it was a slight margin but still it was a Democrat Congress - President Clinton had to rush billions of dollars to Mexico to save the peso. President Bush the second, says Mexican workers migrate to the U.S. to take jobs Americans will not take. He neglects to tell the American people that even though thousands of U.S. factories were moved to Mexico, the Mexicans would not take the jobs that pay only about a $1 an hour and fled to the USA seeking better wages. In effect, Mexican workers are refusing jobs in Mexico. Now many of these factories are moving out of Mexico to places like China where there are workers who are willing to work for less. Today, you can view the Chinese Liberation Army rolling by across our land in the form of COSCO the giant shipping company. The Chinese Liberation Army is a part owner of COSCO. The large shipping containers on top of railroad flat cars flast by as we stop at our railroad crossings. President Clinton allowed China to obtain much of our high technology too.

Hillary Clinton has not contested any of this during her tenure as the wife of the President or as a Senator from New York. She is a Free Trader. She will talk about establishing a better level playing field but not about the happenings as noted above. Thereis nothing in her background that lends itself to stop the suffering of workers in the USA or Mexico - or for that matter in places like China too. Electing her will be like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.

As far as wars go, in effect President Clinton started a pre-emptive war in the Balkans. He gave the Serbians an ultimatum that everyone knew the Serbians could not comply with. In trying to stop ethnic cleansing, President Clinton ended up in doing his own version of it. When the U.S. went into Yugoslavia, more about 750,000 Serbians and Gypies had to flee for their lives. They flocked to Belgrade and many also went to Kosovo only to have to flee again after the U.S. military went into Kosovo. President Clinton then bombed civilians in Belgrade. Nothing is right in the Balkans after all this with one power just replacing another one. Bosnia became a training area for terrorists with many ending up in Iraq. President Clinton let these fighters come to Bosnia in the first place during the war . Actually, the whole scenario is a forecast of what will now happen in Iraq. One power will replace another one with more terrorism and not less as the by-product.

Hillary Clinton is coming now and and all should be reminded about what happened in the Land of ' is' . It needs to be pass on across our land. The second coming of the Clintons is here. There is not much difference between the Clinton and Bush era. View the Cross 9/11 Tangle of Terror artwork by Ray Tapajna asking who will now untangle the terror Globalization and Free Trade has bred. I doubt it will be Hillary. See and

See Search under Hillary is coming Tapsearch, Tapart News and especially under Clinton Years American Dream Reversed. Under this phrase there are now more than a million reference results at Google and even more at Gigablast Com which also has an unique indexing system on top of each page. The Clinton Years, The American Dream Reversed artwork by Ray Tapajna is highly rated world wide at graphicforums com. You can find this in any search as id 1247 searching under the title.

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Yippee! I Got Through to AARP

After a number of weeks, I got through to AARP.

Im an impatient man. I cant wait forever for an agent to come online. If I dont get cut off automatically, I dont hang around if my lunchtime comes and goes while waiting.

This morning I decided to try a brand new strategy. I would call in the morning.


After some fiddling around with the buttons, Chris came on the line. She is in Stockton, California. I was so surprised to hear an AARP human I dropped my cocoa into my lap causing me to dance around my desk. That added to the joy of hearing a fellow human being from AARP.

Chris enrolled me into the MedicareRx plan. That is she started the process. She transferred me to Amy who verified the information needed. We then went through the same procedure with my wife. Before I talked to Amy, I had to listen to a very long spiel about the plan. I had to agree that I understood the spiel and that I agreed to its terms. Suddenly, we were both enrolled. I couldnt believe it.

Well, there is a two-week wait for the plan to come through. I selected the option that lets Social Security deduct the MedicareRx Plan premiums.

I carry supplemental insurance with AARP. Ive always enjoyed the way they pay every single penny of my medical expenses beyond what Medicare pays.

Well, there was one exception. One of my specialist doctors does not except checks from Medicare or AARP. I get the checks and then pay his bill. The checks do not cover the bill because he wants an extra 20%. I heard that some doctors want the extra 15%. Whatever! Anyway, who wants to pay extra?

Anyway, Im changing from Specialist A to Specialist B. Specialist B accepts Medicare payments. Besides, Specialist A scared the heck out of me during a medical test. Also, he is always seems to be in a big hurry and

Yesterday the Humana agent came to the house. He explained the Humana plan available here in Idaho. They are the new guys on the block as they move west across the country. They still have the West Coast states to harness.

The Humana plan looked good to me. However, I feel safer with my AARP plan that pays everything without co-pays and all that stuff. For a healthy couple, Humana would be just fine and less costly. You only pay for services as you use them with Humana.

Each of the above statements about Humana assumes that I understood what the agent was talking about. A more definitive analysis would require six weeks study on my part of the service pack he left me.

Anyway, the reason I decided to join the MedicareRx plan is that after you get through the GAP that occurs when your drug cost reach $2250.00 and ends when your drug cost reach $3600.00, you are covered to infinity. My AARP drug plan ends when the total cost are $6250.00. There is no GAP however with AARP.

You have to decide. As ARRP states, if you think that you someday will need coverage beyond the GAP, you might consider MedicareRx. The other factor is your total drug cost. I reduced my cost by going to MedicareRx. The reason is the dramatic cost of my AARP supplemental plan when I remove drug coverage cost.

Now lets talk about the GAP in the MedicareRx plan. Why is there a GAP and why is it so huge?

The GAP in MedicareRx is called the doughnut hole. It is the reason that so few eligible people have joined MedicareRx. The GAP was designed because Congress just loves (to bilk) the taxpayers of our country. They did not want drug cost to get out of hand.

Ill tell you where the cost got out of hand. It is the $2 billion windfall given to the drug tsars by the MedicareRx Plan.

Im not too bitter.

Ive got go get a drink of cranberry juice. Ive got this horrible taste in my mouth.

The End

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (, a retired VP of R&D for Lenox China, is author of detective & western novels, nonfiction (business, scientific, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. Former editor of Ceramic Industry Magazine. He is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of Tyler Hicks wealth-success books and kits. He also sells TopFlight flagpoles. He calls himself "Taylor Jones, the hack writer."

More info:

Business web site:

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How to Get Financial Aid for Your Online Education?

Time has changed and over the years education is no more restricted to pen, paper, classrooms, blackboards etc. Today when time is deemed to be more crucial than money and people in even in remote corners of the world crave to acquire education and its benefits, online education has definitely come up as a desired boon.

Online education is education via the medium of Internet that can be gained synchronously or asynchronously. At present online education is far superior from the conventional mode of learning (i.e. going to universities, attending classes and so forth) in many ways. Online education is not just a means to make judicious use of time but it is also acquiring the best possible degree in academics anytime anywhere.

Though merits of online education outweigh the classroom education in many respects, its greatest drawback is its cost. Online education is significantly expensive in comparison to usual university education. This is precisely the reason that every individual cannot dream of getting an online degree.

But with a surge in enticement for online education some universities imparting it have devised several ways to financially assist the aspirants. The foremost and ideal step in this direction is education loans and giving scholarships.

Whereas loan or arranging finance for online education is concerned the foremost step is to fill up your FASFA i.e. Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FASFA is an application published by the Department of Education. This application gives the aspirant an idea of the kind of funding he or she is eligible for. Once the application form is properly filled and sent, wait for the confirmation. Usually receiving a confirmation letter is a matter of one or two days. The confirmation letter will brief you about the kind and number of programs you meant for you. This process is quite simple and easy to follow.

After acquiring the confirmation letter, contact the Financial Aid office of the desired college/s. The financial aid officer there will explain you the various types of financial aid packages available that vary from work-study programs to government aid. He will lend you the requisite forms for different colleges. Finally it is at your discretion which college to opt for though the officer will definitely guide you in your selection.

Once the loan application is completed, it will be sent to the school for the process of verification and processing. Usually banks do not fund the students directly but via the concerned institution. The bank sends the money at the commencement of the session. This is helpful to both the student and the institution.

Apart from loans there are scholarship programs such as the Hope Scholarship Tax Credit that offers a maximum 100% on the first $1000 and 50% on the second $1000 spent for educational purposes. Similarly the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit, the Higher Education Tuition and Fees Deduction are other means to save money on your online educational expenses.

Mansi aggarwal recommends that you visit online education financial aid for more information.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet

There are various theories about the cause of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that inflames the joints in the body, causing pain and stiffness. It is not completely curable. In its advanced stages, rheumatoid arthritis makes the joints deformed and immobile, simultaneously affecting other organs, too. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that can affect anyone, any time, at any age. Since prevention is better than cure, a diet rich in nutrition, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, is best recommended. In the case of arthritis, a good diet will help in keeping the disease under control, even though cure is a one percent chance.

As per the body requirements, a diet should be combination of every food in large, moderate, and small amounts followed by a regular exercise plan or a physically active lifestyle. The typical diet should contain vegetables and fruit, cereals, grains, bread, legumes and beans, skimmed milk, and oils that are low in saturated fats. Researchers have identified a diet rich in fish oil and a vegetarian diet as a good sources to combat rheumatoid arthritis. Moderate amounts of sugar and red meat trimmed of excess fat can also be included the diet. Though in some cases of rheumatoid arthritis more consumption of red meat has been identified as aggravating inflammation in the joints, small quantities are harmless.

The diet should also include minerals like calcium and iron, and vitamins like B and C. Also, the body weight should be always under control. This is because a person having rheumatoid arthritis may turn anemic, lose bone density, develop a fever, and develop other symptoms that body cannot withstand with the pain and stiffness. At such a time, weight gain will only increase inflammation and pain in the swollen joints.

Diet supplements such as calcium and folic acid are recommended, especially when taking medication. Drugs taken for rheumatoid arthritis may have side effects and can affect the normal status of the vitamins and minerals in the body. For instance, folic acid is administered with methotrxate a drug used to fight arthritis. Similarly, alcohol and other beverages such as coffee should be avoided when taking certain other drugs.

Rheumatoid Arthritis provides detailed information on Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments and more. Rheumatoid Arthritis is affiliated with Arthritis Pain.

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