Wednesday, November 21, 2007 

Boomers Putting Retirement on Hold

The word retirement takes on a whole new meaning when talking with the Baby Boomer generation. Bingo, shuffleboard, and golf every day are pass. They want to be busy, just not as busy. They want to stay involved, but not 60 hours a week involved. They want to continue earning, but without the stress and pressure of a traditional job.

Essentially, boomers have finally grown up. We have become working caregivers to our parents and children, and our concerns range from finances to relationships and health. Can you believe the drop-out generation currently sees itself as family-oriented? That the former protest-everything-generation now say they put others before themselves?

And while they are concerned about their health and know what they should be doing, they arent doing much of it. According to the Natural Marketing Institute, 93% of boomers state that exercise is integral to good health, but only 27% do it regularly and only 21% do it infrequently. That means 53% dont bother at all. What other mixed messages are we sending out?

Boomers are the first generation whose average member will live into their 80s. An avalanche of octogenarians is approaching. Now there are 9 million Americans 80 or older. By 2050, there will be 31 million, according to US Census Bureau estimates. In 2000, there were 250,000 people worldwide over 100. By 2050, there will be 3.8 million. Yes, thats a lot of old people. But consider this in a recent survey, one third of Americans in their 70s said they consider themselves to be middle-aged, as did 22% of those 80 or older.

The study also reveals that men and women envision retirement very differently. Some of us have been saying that for years. Men are more likely to view retirement as a time to enhance primary relationships, while women plan to become more involved in their communities. It would appear that these views pose possible disagreements in many households.

Retire? Boomers cant picture themselves quitting all forms of work, playing golf and traveling in their RVs. Rather, they see themselves as transitioning into part-time work at their chosen profession, or learning about a new trade or industry. Those boomers who do see retirement in their future see it as beginning at 70 or 75, not the traditional 60 to 65. In other words, we plan to live longer and postpone old age.

The money earned during these transition years will help fund their lifestyle, and they wont be tapping into their retirement nest egg until well past 70. This suggests that retirement planning as we know it today will need to reinvent itself as well. The boomer concept of financial freedom is the point at which they have the ability to move on to the retirement they envision, no matter what age.

Boomers say they are unwilling to make the financial sacrifices today that a traditional leisure retirement would require. They are willing to work longer, even if it means less hours at reduced pay, rather than deny themselves today. Boomers say that their ideal life plan in retirement includes work. However, they are seeking new work/leisure models whereby they have more control over their time. Are there more entrepreneurs and small business owners in our future?

No matter how many boomers there are or how they choose to live the next chapter of their lives, financial planners will need to carefully rethink their current models. The times, they are a changin and business as usual wont work. Flexibility is the key; no longer will the senior fit into the box with all their peers. Each will have a different vision of what financial freedom means to them, and those planners unable to make quick adjustments to the planning concept will be left behind.

We Boomers have affected social change with every decade since the 60s. Theres no reason to believe that this trend wont continue.

Linda S. Thompson a Baby Boomer. She is also the founder and president of Life Path Solutions, who specializes in the practical side of wellness. And she is the author of Planning for Tomorrow-Your Passport to a Confident Future, a common sense guide to life planning. Linda is a professional speaker who often talks about the generational differences and Boomers in particular. Linda is available to speak on various topics in the life planning field and can be contacted at For more information about Linda's books, CDs and lecture topics, along with other free articles, please visit her website at

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6 Steps to Get the Most From Your Classes

Do you want to excel in your course? Be the best you can be? How much do you want it? Think how great it could feel to be on top of your subject, understanding and enjoying everything you have to learn, acing your tests and assignments. As Sean Connery says in The Untouchables, What are you prepared to do?! Do you go to class wanting to get as much as you can from it, or do you see it as a necessary evil to be endured as part of your course? Do you sit passively waiting for the class to finish or do you treat it as a job, and work hard to do the best you can? Your attitude will be determine to a large extent how well you succeed in your course, more than any other factor. But luckily your attitude is under your control; you can choose how its going to be! So, decide to make the most of it, and you will! And, if thats what you want to do, than heres a few pointers about how to go about making the most of your time in class or lectures:

  1. Treat it like a job. You are there for a reason; to learn as much as you can, and reach your potential in your chosen subject, excel even! Its your job to do a good job!
  2. Be proactive, not passive. Be aware of what you need to learn, and make sure you are learning it. Be conscious of what you understand in class, jot down notes about things you are not clear about and make it your task that day to find out more about them, either by asking questions or doing some further reading. Take responsibility for your own progress, instead of waiting for the teacher to tell you how you are doing.

    Look over your material for that day before the class, if you know what its going to be. See how much you can understand by yourself. Notice the things you have difficulty with. Then, when your teacher or lecturer comes to that part of the text, your mind will focus as soon as you hear it, your attention and concentration will be heightened, and you will absorb the new knowledge much faster. You will also have more time to concentrate on the difficult parts, because it wont be all completely new to you.

    Revise the material then, within a day and make revision notes.

  3. Learn to ask questions. Learn how to ask questions. Dont be afraid, there are probably more students in your class who need the same clarification. Just make sure they are specific. Instead of I dont understand, for example, specify as closely as you can where you find yourself getting lost. The very act of composing an intelligent question in your mind will help you find the answer yourself seven times out of ten! The lecturer or teacher will always appreciate the fact that you are thinking for yourself and the class will benefit from the interaction and the discussion which may follow.
  4. Pay attention to the obvious things: be punctual; sit in a good seat where you can concentrate, be part of the class and be away from people who are not focussed; keep up with the reading and homework and dont let things slide even if you do, dont give up, get right back into it as soon as you can. Ask for help if you need to get back on track. Your teacher will appreciate your honesty, especially if you come up with a plan to catch up say, an extra chapter a night for a week.
  5. Learn how to take good class notes. (See below)
  6. Concentrate on the positives. All walks of life have tedious parts. Dont moan, try and get through boring parts by setting yourself a challenge to finish them in a record time. Remember this very important point: you get back what you put in. If you work at your subject honestly, it will be interesting, if you dont, it will be boring.

So you decide. Hows it going to be? Learning can be a wonderful interesting and exciting experience its up to you.

If you would like to know more, download a free mini ebook on study at to get you started.

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I Love Craft E-books!

Before I get completely carried away, I am assuming that, as you're reading an online article, you know what an e-book is?

In the off-chance that you don't, it's really just like any other book in content - but it's a computer file and as such doesn't exist in the "real world". It's true that some e-books are also printed, but that's not the point as that is then an ordinary book.

E-books come in a number of formats - too many to go into here - but increasingly I think it's the Adobe PDF format that is the most popular. The reader software is always free ( and it works on all PCs, Apple Macs and, as far as I am aware, virtually all popular hand held devices like Palm, etc. There are a small number of dedicated portable reading devices that PDF doesn't work on, but that's such as small percentage of the market it's not relevant to us as craftspeople. Trust me, if you're going to buy an e-book, or your going to write one, use PDF.

But why e-books anyway? There are hundreds of hard cover and soft cover books out there, enough choice for everyone you might think. So why bother with e-books at all?

Well for a start, as far as I'm concerned there will never be too much choice! You can't ever have too many ideas - and this is one of the main benefits of e-books.

You see e-books are much cheaper to publish than "normal" books. A traditional publisher has to do a lot of math before deciding to produce a book. There's paper, ink, print costs, storage, distribution... and all this has nothing to do with whether the book is a good one or not - just whether it's "commercially viable".

On the other hand, you can produce an e-book on your computer - right now. You can set up a website to promote it. People can buy it and download it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere in the world.

I'm not saying it's necessarily an easy thing - I've collaborated on quite a few and it's hard work - but it is do-able, and you aren't restricted by the commercial considerations of traditional publishing.

The great benefit that this gives us is that smaller interest groups can be catered for. An e-book publisher doesn't have to sell "X" number of copies just to break even, they can do it for the love of the subject. Sure, if it ages a few bucks that's nice too - but it doesn't need to be the main motivation.

And so we get really knowledgeable, creative people sharing their skills with us. People who might never have been published normally can give us the benefit of what they've learned in pursuit of their craft.

There are a couple of practical benefits as well.

Because it's a digital file you download it to your PC in minutes. You don't have to wander the shops, you don't have to wait for the mail and, because there are no delivery costs, they're quite often cheaper.

You can read it on screen or print just some of the pages out - which if you think about it is particularly pertinent to crafts people.

For example, if you knit and your e-book has patterns, then you only need print them out - not try to balance the whole book on your lap or on the arm of your chair. If you're a wood or leather worker, for example, you can just print the relevant patterns or instructions and take them to your workshop or studio - and of course because the book is digital you can do this once, twice, a hundred or more times. So no more trips to the copy shop either!

Finally - and I've done this one myself - you don't have to worry about those little "accidents" ruining your precious book. If you spill coffee or paint or anything over you just go back to the computer and print another one!

So I know what you're asking - what about the downsides? An e-book isn't exactly a treasured possession for your library, is it.

True - and I probably wouldn't buy my favorite novel as an e-book to curl up in front of on the sofa. But I'm talking about craft e-books. They are reference works, instructional, often with patterns - so yes, I prefer them. The only down side I can think of is that because they're relatively cheap to publish there are occasionally a few which aren't of the best quality.

But even then there's a solution that you won't often find in the world of "normal" books. Almost every craft e-book publisher I know of has so much faith in their product they offer a 100% no-quibble money back guarantee. So you can't loose. If you don't like the book you simply ask for your money back.

Try that at your local bookstore.

Xandra Veal runs a website which reviews over 70 craft e-books covering needle-crafts, kids crafts, jewelry, beading, scrap-booking, soaps, fragrances, candles, flowers, leather, wood and more.

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Can Detox Diet Be Completely Relied Upon?

Detox is short for detoxification. It means helping the body in getting rid of its toxic wastes that have accumulated over the years. Our body does perform self detoxifying function but increasing pollution in the atmosphere, water and food has lead to consumption of more toxins than the body can normally detoxify. As a result there is slow stagnation of toxins causing many diseases. Getting rid of these toxic substances should mean that the individual becomes healthier and feels more fresh and alert.

Effect of Detox Diet on weight:

Detox diet is claimed to break down the adipose tissue of the body thus resulting in loss of some unwanted fat pounds. This desirable effect on weight is one of the main reasons for increasing popularity of detox diet.

Which detox diet shall suit me?

There is a great variety of detox diet recipes available in the market with different claims. One function is common to all and that is relieving the body of its toxic wastes. You may choose a suitable detox diet according to your convenience. It is better to consult a doctor.


The purpose of detox diet is manifold firstly it cut shorts the amount of toxins being ingested secondly it facilitates their excretion of poisons that have escaped the detoxifying mechanism of the body. Thirdly it is supposed to help in decreasing the amount of unwanted adipose tissue.

Contents of Detox Diet:

There is no single detox diet recipe. Since the basic purpose is to enhance excretion of poisonous wastes from the body in urine, every detox diet must include something that increases purgation and urination that is high fiber and water content in diet. One has to give thoughtful consideration before selecting a detox diet. If we succeed in selecting a suitable detox diet we may expect lot of desired results. These include increase in alertness and confidence. Cerebration becomes faster, digestion improves and regular bowel habits are established. Skin becomes clear and there is a sense of well being and increased energy.

Limitations of Detox Diet:

Limits are posed in use of detox diet. They should be avoided in babies and children, in people with diabetes and major organ dysfunctions and in women during pregnancy and lactation. Detox Diet is also not advisable in teenagers and people with malignancy and thyroid problems.

To conclude you should consult a doctor before making a final decision to under go a detox diet. You should be certain that you will benefit from a detox diet and are not in need of treatment for a chronic health condition.

You can also find more info on detox diet and colon detox. is a comprehensive resource to know how to get best health diets.

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2 Tin Cans and Some String - What You Need to Know to Start an Online Business!

Having been involved with the tech sector since 1980 you would think I was proficient in the ways of starting a businessummmnopeso what that I started my first tech business by selling software for the Deck Rainbow(hmm maybe that was/is my problem). So what that I helped to create and market a software utility that went into 10s of millions of PCs, or the fact that I represented dozens of developers in helping to market their software designs to software publishers or even that I was involved with the start up of an online company that was sold for over 600 Million dollars.cause sister, I got nothing on truly understanding business start ups... EXCEPT that... any time you go to set up a business on the internet or you want to use the net it changes quicklythe technology changes constantly.... the Internet changes constantly and quickly...and this in turn causes the entire world to change. The only thing that does not change as quickly though is the people. While we do change to adapt to the technical changes in our lives, for the most part we stay the same. Why is that important in starting an online business?

Well, I feel the reason is that if you know yourself, you will then come closer to knowing what business you want to start (because after all you do not change as fast as technology). This in turn means that if you also know yourself then you can know the people you want to approach with your business. A question you might be asking is What the hell does 2 Tin Cans and some String have to do with figuring out what kind of business I should start hmm maybe nothing... just a catchy title to draw you in. Or it could mean something that only you can understand. If you have never done this give it a try, as a kid I never had anything that would be considered hi-tech except for a transistor radio

So we would make use of what we hadin building our Tree Fort we wanted to be able to communicate with outsiders, so we would take 2 tin cans and some string and make a whole in the bottom of each tin can(with a nail). We would then thread the string though the hole and have one end in the back door of our home and the other end in the Fort (pulled tight). We could then communicate with whoever wanted to come up. Of course I am sure we could just as easily have yelled or looked out our little window but that wasnt the point. It was that we were creating something, a system of communicationa way to allow those who wanted to talk to us to do so in a cool way. We were Hi-Tech we were cool and we had fun

The same thing goes with creating a businessthe FIRST thing I always tell those that want to start a business and theyre not sure what to do, is to first find out about themselves. What do you like? What is your passion? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? I also tell them, whatever you do... do NOT just go and start a business because someone says you can make a lot of money. I do NOT care what anyone says... starting a business for the sake of getting rich will lead to one thing for almost 99.99% of all people and that is failure.

Why is that? Well answer it yourself do you like the IDEA of the business someone just told you about (not of making the money), are you passionate about the business that will make you rich? Do your strengths lend them selves to that business? Will your weaknesses cause the business to grow or fail?

If you answer yes to 3 of the 4 questions then go for it however if your answers is I am in doubt then throw it out! On the flip sidemore often than not an idea that you are passionate about, that lends to your strengths and you know that people will like can be exciting to do. So when the long hours come around, you wont mind that the pay is low to non existentand finally one day when you become successful. It will be because you were passionate and people saw that in you, then the money will come. But only after you take 2 tin cans and connect them together with a piece of string.

Bonus: So I like to cook a lot and I like to pass along some minuscule experience on my is one little bit of fun:

Cooking Da Peeg Island style -
So you want to have a taste of Hawaii but live in Medicine Hat, Montana and you find it a little hard to grab the kids and drive to the islanders local favorite restaurant in the North Shore? Well you can try this Pork BBQ to either feed a few family members or the whole Ranch.

Kalua Pig
- this is similar but different from your North Carolinian BBQ(mine is moister). You do start with the Butt of a Pig... NOT THE SHOULDER.... about 10 -15 lbs, take the Butt and cut it into pieces about 2 by 4 inches and lay it in a pan that is about 3-4 inches deep(like a turkey roaster pan)

Take kosher salt and shake it generously all over the meat(pork is very forgiving). You can take garlic powder(I prefer fresh chopped garlic) and spread about 1/3 cup over the meat. Get liquid smoke and place about 1/4 cup over the meat.

Poor into the pan about 2 1/2 inches of water. cover the pan TIGHTLY with foil. Place in the oven at 325 degrees for approx 4-5 hours. You can test it by opening the foil and with a fork see if the meat falls apart. (also if you have a party that is later in the simply turn the temp down to 200 degrees and let it continue to cook...this will easily stay moist for 5 more hours at that temp(just make sure there is at least a little liquid in the pan)

When ready to serve take two forks and shred all the meat mixing it in with the liquids. You can serve this with a spicy BBQ sauce of your making or off the shelf on top of a bun with slaw on the side or on top of the sandwich, or serve it with baked beans, corn on the cob...or if you want it island make sticky rice, mac salad and island slaw(let me know if you want the recipes for these)

Aloha Ya'all

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Maintenance is an important part of keeping any item looking new. The same is true for an iron wrought gate. If taken care of properly, an iron wrought gate will last for many years. Weather is the main outdoor factor that has an impact on the condition of wrought gates. Rain, snow, and ice expose iron wrought gates to moisture. Overtime, moisture exposure to metal can cause a common chemical reaction known as oxidation, which can cause rust to appear.

Since iron wrought gates have some natural resistance to rust, they do not require a lot of maintenance to keep them looking as elegant as ever. The below checklist, however, will help extend a hassle free life of your iron wrought gate:

A periodic inspection of your iron wrought gate for scratches or rust. You must pay immediate attention to any blemish you notice, whether it is big or small. This practice prevents any further deterioration or damage to your iron wrought gate.

A coat or two of paint every five years or so may prevent rust from forming on your wrought gate and keep it looking new..

Grit blasting and steam cleaning can be used to help clean iron wrought gates. Since these two processes may adversely affect your gate, you should avoid using them for as long as possible and only use them as last resort measures.

If you take proper care of your iron wrought gate, it will continue to look nice for a very long time.

Learn more about finding the perfect iron wrought gate, for your home. Free tips, ideas, and information are available at

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Top Tips on Wearing Contact Lenses

If you are new to wearing contact lenses then the whole process can seem somewhat mysterious. In this article we take a look at some great tips to make wearing lenses that bit easier.

As more and more people have taken the plunge and moved from spectacles (glasses) to contact lenses, so a greater proportion of the population have seen the advantages that come from being a contact lens wearer.

Wearing contacts for the first time can be a little daunting and there are plenty of horror stories about new contact lens users trying to get to grips with their new purchases.

Don't worry though - things really needn't be too tricky at all. Let's take a look at what you can do to ease the process of wearing lenses.

The first thing to remember is that you should never wear you lenses for longer than prescribed. If you do, it's very likely that you'll find that wearing them is a much more uncomfortable situation that should be the case. When it comes to your eyes, it's never worth taking the risk of causing irritation.

Use a contact lens solution that has been recommended to you by your doctor or optician. Not all solutions are suitable for each different type of lens.

Under no circumstances attempt to clean your lenses with saliva, tap water or a non-sterile home-made solution.

Before handling your lenses it's always wise to wash your hands - hygiene is very important.

Ensure that your contact lens solution bottle does not become contaminated - avoid touching it with any other surface - or even with your lenses.

It's always best avoid applying make-up before inserting your contact lenses. Similarly, it's recommended that you remove your lenses before taking your make-up off.

By following these simple tips, you should be able to wear contact lenses safely and comfortably.

Keith Barrett has written on many subjects, from color contact lens options to wider health issues. This article may be used by any website publisher, though this resource box must always be included in full.

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Outboard Motors - 2-Stroke or 4-Stroke?

Outboard Motors:
The engine is one of the most necessary parts of your boat. Without it, you are not going to go very far. Outboard motors are the most common type of propulsion used on boats today. This motor is mounted to the stern end of the boat, with an attached propeller in the water. There are many choices and considerations that you need to make when it comes to purchasing an outboard motor for your boat. The type or power of the engine you get depends on the size of your boat, the speed you want, and what the boat will be used for.

Types of Outboard Motors:
The two types of outboard motors available are 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke engines. There are positives and negatives to each of these engine types. Because of the light weight, 2-Stroke engines are chosen when good top end speed and acceleration is needed. 4-Stroke engines run smoother and more economical, and are usually chosen for use on lakes and rivers.

2-Stroke Outboard Motors:
2-Stroke engines are lighter and faster, allowing for more top end speed and acceleration. They are also more affordable and have a higher resale value. Because 2-Stroke engines have been around for almost 80 years; necessary parts are more readily available, making repair easier. The design on these engines is less complex than that of a 4 stroke engine, which allows for fewer problems to arise.

There are also some cons to buying a 2-Stroke engine. These engines are not as environmentally friendly, and produce more pollution and smoke. In the non oil injection models; is necessary to mix gas with oil. These engines are noisier, have a rougher idle, and are sometimes difficult to start. There are also some problems with spark plugs fouling.

Boaters who would be most likely to choose a 2-Stroke outboard engine if they are interested in speed, performance, and acceleration. This may be the engine of choice if you own a smaller boat that may not be able to hold the weight of a 4-Stroke engine. A 2-Stroke engine is also suitable if you are more familiar with engine repairs, or even want a motor that is easy to repair and can be brought anywhere to be fixed. If you are not required to operate in a body of water that is for four stroke engines only, you may want to purchase a 2-Stroke. If you would like the most power for weight of the engine, or interested in more speed, acceleration, and performance; a 2-Stroke engine is for you.

4-Stroke Outboard Motors:
4-Stroke engines run quieter and idle smoother, allowing for a more pleasurable ride. They are safer for the economy with less pollution and smoke, and are better on fuel. They are accepted on all bodies of water. These engines are also very reliable.

The negative aspects of a 4 stroke engine are that they are more complex, which allows for more problems to arise. When repair is needed; it is more expensive, hard to find trained mechanics, and limited parts on the market. 4-Stroke engines are also less powerful 2-Stroke engines. Because they weigh more than 2-Stroke engines, they may be too heavy for some smaller boats.

You are most likely to use a 4 stroke engine if you are interested in trolling along on a quiet, smooth ride. These engines are better for use on bigger boats. If the water in your area requires a 4-Stroke only boat, it is probably a good idea to go with this engine. If you would rather give up engine speed and acceleration for a cleaner engine, you may want to purchase a 4-Stroke. Also, if you are interested in less pollution and smoke, and dont want to have to mix oil; a 4-Stroke engine is for you.

2-Stroke: Evinrude, Yamaha, Nissan and Mercury.
4-Stroke: Johnson, Honda, Mercury, Nissan, Suzuki, Tohatsu and Yamaha.

Both 2 and 4-Stroke engines have advantages and disadvantages. You need to decide how you are going to use your motor, and what you want it to do for you. Because 4-Stroke engines are newer, they are continually improving to make purchase and repair easier on the boater.

Kristy Bateman is the writer for Earl's Blog on These articles are unique and helpful to anyone interested in learning about boating and or fishing. Please visit to view various unique articles from Kristy Bateman. is The Simplest Solution to Buying and Selling 'Ur' Boat

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Think Tank Topics and Many Things Considered

Think tanks are not for everyone, they are for the intellectually strong. Think Tanks are for people who think outside the box, in the box in and around the box. Not everything Think Tank is suitable for every super intellectual, and those that have the minds and abilities to help lead the human race need to be sure they are with a think tank that is looking for solutions and not just repeating the problems that everyone already know challenges the human race.

Running an Online Think Tank, is no easy endeavor, in fact, it is quite hard for instance let me tell you a little bit about what our Online Think Tank did last week and let us discuss what we did not talk about. A few days ago, a gentle man from a far-off land e-mailed our Online Think Tank and proposed the following topics:

  1. Peak Oil and Climate Change
  2. Lack of Space Technology Advancements
  3. Probability of Bird Flu Pandemic and BioTech
  4. How People Treat Each Other in The Internet Age

Perhaps these might become topics for next week in another incredible lineup, which will probably include: 30 topics, 20 book reviews, 1000 researched web site views and 50 research papers or perhaps not. We did discuss some climate issues, however not regarding the Peak Oil Theory. This week's topics include a challenge is and solutions to some of the following topics:

A. High Buildings of the Future -- Graphene coatings, increased solar cell efficiency, return on investment for solar cells, new materials such as Carbon Nano Tubes, self-cleaning glass and flexible concrete.

B. Oxygen Making Machines -- for underwater use in construction, special forces equipment, environmental and pollution mitigation adding oxygen into the water to prevent dead zones, which are void of sea life.

C. Speedboats with Wheels -- A look at the current designs being built in the UK and in Lake Havasu City, AZ - can these automobile/speedboats be made to fly through a combination of wings and hydrofoil or hovercraft technologies?

D. Lagoon Cleaning -- possible new inventions and innovations for environmental cleaning up lagoons to prevent mosquitoes and pollution build up, which will get into the groundwater. A look at several technologies currently available plus looking through eight years of Pollution Equipment News Magazine and other library periodicals.

E. Honey Cone Shape Soundproofing Designs -- A look at cloaking sounds to improve quality of life, stealth UAVs, missiles and aircraft. How the Future Fighting Force might use these technologies.

F. Large Wind Farms VS Early Warning Radar Systems -- How to prevent enemy stealth aircraft and small boats from entering our borders un-detected, while increasing efficiency of the wind generators without creating a radar signature.

G. The Biometrics of Human Scent -- Attaining a human scent from a fingerprint.

H. Creation of a Whale-to-Human Communication Device -- creating an ELF or ULF communication device to talk to the largest sea creatures on earth.

I. Brick Designs and Earthquakes -- Of all the potential designs that can be used for brick Laying, which one is best to hold up in an earthquake and why.

J. The Reality of Biofuel Emissions in Creating the Fuel -- how much pollution is created in the air from growing seeds, planting, cultivation, shipping by rail, ethanol plant refining, transportation by truck, refueling at the pump and the cars themselves.

K. Strategic Business Units (SBU) -- are the terms special team, project management team or innovation team. Similar to a strategic business unit, which was tot in 1975 in America's top MBA business schools.

L. Air Cushioned Lawnmower -- is it possible with lighter materials and high-tech plastics to now create a better air-cushioned lawnmower, which were popular in the 1970s? Can we build a ride on lawnmower that rides on a cushion of air instead of wheels?

M. No Smoking Outdoors Laws -- Should cities be allowed to enforce no smoking outdoor laws or no smoking at your home, if a neighbor complains and can smell the smoke? Some cities are doing this now will more follow, what about freedom?

N. Congressional Caucuses and Oversight -- There seems to be way too many Congressional caucuses such as the Caribbean Caucus and with all the congressmen and women in joining these caucuses and their donations to their war chest for future political campaigns, should the taxpayers make this an issue?

O. Information Longs to Be Free -- Is it true that intrinsically information always finds a way to get out? What does this mean for keeping secrets in the Internet age? What does this mean for those who sell information and are making money by controlling it?

P. Science Is Negotiable -- In this age of Global Warming fear tactics, and self interest groups finding large amounts of research, is science negotiable? What about the cloning fraud experiments - What about bogus theories coming from once strong research facilities with impeccable credentials and integrity? What about Thomas Kuhn's book; "The Structure of Scientific Revolution?"

Q. Atheists and Moral Foundation -- Can anyone relation claim, morals and integrity over a matter relation or even a non-religion? Can a Christian legitimately tell an atheist that he or she has no moral foundation? Does a moral foundation include going to a building, a church or a Mosque once a week to be reminded to be good? What is a moral foundation, can we define it without using the names of historical philosophers or dead white men? How should we go about that process?

R. Collecting Deadly Space Radiation -- should we be collecting a space radiation and using it for energy, a rather than trying to shield the Astronauts, why waste energy?

S. Ogallala Aquifer -- the southern part of the aquifer is losing two to 4 feet per year. This will severely affect regional economies perhaps even collapse them; the, corn, winter wheat and grain are all at risk. Tillage strategies need to be introduced to hold in the moisture and save 50% and drip irrigation could save another 50% - cover crops, pancake strategies and modified irrigation scheduling makes sense.

T. Los Angeles Police Department -- CompStat System is working well in covering 465 mi. of concrete with only 9500 policemen - one policeman for every 465 people, which is half that of New York City. Can these systems be used in smaller towns to save on budget money for police and if so why are we not using them now; Nationwide.

U. RFID Tags and Efficiencies of Distribution -- There is $8 trillion worth of inventory, which is lost in the system. Reducing this number will prevent spoilage and loss of brandname through better customer service. Individual RFID unit level tags, approaching three cents each, active RFID tags need to come down a little in price. This could prevent counterfeit drugs, which is a loss in the economy of $50 billion per year.

V. Global Warming, and Ice Melt -- Are the scientific reports true that 92 cubic miles per year of ice melt will raise the ocean height one inch every 100 years? If so why is everyone so worried? The European Union transportation sector increased emissions by 24%, and yet they are complaining that the United States of America, allows too much CO2 into the atmosphere and what about China? The Kyoto Treaty would cost the US economy 100 Billion per year. Both sides on global warming science need to come together and get legit.

W. Chinese Airlines Accused of Dumping -- China Airlines is charging 50% less than South Korean airlines, are they dumping? China needs open markets, less protectionism, a floating currency, reduction of graft and corruption in the legitimate stock market that is not trading at 67 times earnings. Is fair trade, free trade, if so what is fair?

X. Consumer Expectations and Entitlement -- are consumers expecting too much of small-businesses? Do consumers expect every single company to deliver as fast as Domino's pizza and every online company to perform is well as How can this possibly be possible with all the rules and regulations on small-businesses? More and more consumers are demanding to talk to the manager and threatening to boycott the businesses and call the Better Business Bureau. What can be done to mellow out consumers in the Internet age?

Y. Bicycles for Guns -- in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa and NGO has traded 6500 guns, grenades, poison arrows for a large number of bicycles. If we could lower the cost of a bicycle to $50, is it possible to have one bicycle per child, just like having one laptop per child. If they trade their guns in for bicycles, fewer people will be killed.

Z. Truck Driving Dangers -- the occupation of truck driver is still in the top 100 of the most dangerous jobs in America, with a fatality rate on 23.3 per 100,000 drivers. Will the sleep rules actually help or hurt. If drivers are asked to sleep more and drive less than there will be more trucks on the road, and therefore more traffic and potentially more fatalities. Recently, the DOT asked for comments on the Mexican truck driver rules and they were overwhelmed; many of the comments came in with regard to lack of sleep for Mexican truck drivers. No one knows how long they had sleep or if they even had slept before entering the United States.

It is our belief at the Online Think Tank that a Think Tank should be unlimited in thought. Therefore, they should think on a wide variety of subjects even if they specialize in a specific industry. Being able to think and come up with solutions often means borrowing ideas from other industries and considering all the potential crossovers. May I ask you if your think tank thinks like this? If not, perhaps you should look for one that does. Think on it!

L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur

Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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