Monday, March 3, 2008 

GPS Management Tracking Systems

GPS tracking systems for personal protection

GPS tracking Systems are designed for tracking vehicle fleets, equipment, and people. GPS tracking system is used for fleet management, protecting the vehicle and driver, and locating equipment and people.

The technology behind these gps tracking systems is a full cellular (GSM CDMA) and location (GPS) system solution that includes both software and hardware set to provide the perfect vehicle tracking system for every place at any language.

An example for the usemade by GPS tracking systems are:

Vehicle protection

Vehicle thefts cost insurance agencies and car owners billions of dollars in damages each yearGPS tracking systems are specifically designed to detect and minimize losses due to criminal activities. The system is designed to report events automatically and in real-time, for quick response.

Driver protection

The GPS systems control center focus is to support the client 24/7, by responding in a timely, responsible and professional manner for a routine or emergency situations: kidnapping situations, accident events, and more. All the operators are following the established procedures and act in the best interest and well being of each client while keeping the client's Right to Privacy.

Mobile Phone Activation

The system is synchronized between the hardware, the software and the client's mobile phone, to enable the client to send commands to his vehicle, receives his vehicle location and statuses and receives any required alert from the vehicle in friendly and easy to use application.

Real time vehicle alerts

The system is able to send to your mobile phone any violations occurred by the vehicle (including high speed, driving out or entering an unauthorized zone, over heat, and more) or any other alert (accident, emergency, etc.). The Starcom System allows the user to define the text content format as well as the required alerts, mobile phone numbers, and passwords. All in one simple and friendly web application.

GPS tracking systems-Starcomsystems


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