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Tuesday, November 27, 2007 

How and When the World Will End

At the Pentagon in, Washington D.C., a possible way for something to happen is called a scenario. Here are some scenarios for Bush War II:

1. We will be welcomed as heroes. Out troops will receive garlands of flowers and virgins will take them home to meet their parents. The oil will flow and then well go.

2. When we get into Iraq, the natives will tell us where the WMDs are and we will salvage the materials and start several cottage industries. Then we will go home.

There are similar scenarios for the end of the World. The Bible is full of them. But first lets get the date out of the way.

The world will end on the 21st day of December, 2012.

The Mayans and Hopi Indians already knew this before we got here. Most of us should have stayed in Europe.

But we are stuck here in America and we will all see the end of the world on that day.

Al Gore has told us how it will end. It will be something like this:

1. The polar ice caps will melt causing the rats to flee New York City. Those that can not board ships will scamper into New Jersey, then Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Kansas.

2. The rats will bite our dogs and contaminate them with fleas. The fleas will carry the bubonic plague which will kill everybody but the Seventh Day Adventist who will rename Saturday, Sunday.

3. God will come to earth and say, What in the heck happened here? What have you got to eat?

4. God will tell the weather to behave and tell the weeds to take a flying hike. He will put Satan in a cage.

5 God will live with his people for 1000 years and then Satan will escape from his cage causing God to return to Heaven along with some of his people. Then things will start all over again on earth.

Scientists say that our end will come before our sun goes supernova. If there are survivors when it does go supernova any survivors on Miami Beach will be sunburned, then fried, then vaporized all within a few seconds.

There is also the possibility that we will get creamed by some celestial object that pops into the ocean and causes tsunamis 300 feet high. It will be best to head for Santa Fe, New Mexico at that time.

Scientists also say that pollution of air, land, and water will be our demise. Pollution will continue to cause extinction of life forms until it gets up to us. Then that will be it!

The last to go will be the rats who will be living in Denver by that time.

Scientists say that there have been at least six major extinctions. A theory is that some of the biggest were due to volcanoes like the super volcano that is currently hiding under Yellowstone Park. I was up there the summer before last and things are smoking!

From what Ive seen in my lifetime things will not be good.

Calvin Coolidge was still alive when I was born, so you can guess that Ive been around for a while. Ive seen the world end for some people.

Ive been to the major cities destroyed in World War II and we all saw the death camps first in news reals and then on television.

The death camps are open for you to visit today. It was the end of the world for those people just as it was for the millions of young military men and women and civilians who died throughout the world.

When I was a boy, we had veterans from World War I, the Big War. My father and my uncle were veterans. Some of these men were gassed by phosgene or mustard gas and carried that affliction with them until they died. I know the effects of phosgene first hand from an industrial accident in Colorado. The lungs fill with water and you drawn in your own fluids.

I knew two man that served in Europe during the Great War who came home without their minds. One walked around the streets of Salt Lake City whistling the same tune. I could never get him to talk to me but he liked to have me walk with him.

Another veteran could be seen near the Union Pacific depot, directing traffic on the street, and saluting imaginary officers.

He drifted from bar to bar getting free drinks from kindly bar patrons.

In Korea, my company captured two Russian trucks from our lend lease years and rescued two Korean boys. We loved those trucks because they would actually run. We loved the boys and we supplied them with cowboy outfits from the Sears catalog.

We lost all four of them when the army decided we couldnt have such fine trucks and the Red Cross took the boys when they found their grandparent, getting them off the line and out of harms way. But the end of the world had occurred for their parents.

When I dropped mortar rounds on young Chinese soldiers, I knew their world was ended too. Their parents and loved ones would be crying.

We had a young man in our company named Ee Tey Hee or Ree Tey Hee. He was a ROK soldier assigned to my platoon.

Ee Tey had lost his father and two brothers in the war as our troops and the North Korean and Chinese Armies took turns owning Seoul.

I came down from the line for a shower after six weeks in the cold and grime. Our platoon sergeant went up to replace the other forward observer and was hit in the knee. I was then made the platoon sergeant.

One day Ee Tey was mopping around and I asked what was wrong. I learned that his older brother had been killed on the railroad where he worked by falling under the train.

Some years ago while visiting Korea on business, I took a train in mid-winter and had to go between cars. The ice darn near got me.

Ee Teys mother and teenage sister were left on their own in Seoul. When I got home I got a letter saying that Ee Tey had been horribly wounded. It was about the end of the world for his family.

As I see the military and civilian casualties build up in Iraq and Afghanistan, I see the effect on military and civilian families. The other day a young was killed at age 22 who was engaged to his high school sweetheart.

Imagine the devastation! His God-given genetics which took eons to create were lost forever.

We lost a young man in our town who was fighting with my old unit in Iraq. I saw a funeral for a policeman in New Jersey one time that was huge. So was the funeral for this young hero. I think the population of our town tripled.

I have friends in New Jersey who have three sons and one daughter (she is a West Point graduate and a helicopter pilot) who are continually doing tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I knew these gutsy kids when they were growing up and I pray for their continued safety, but I know from the Korean War and World War II that they can be killed or maimed by enemy fire.

This world ends everyday for some people.

The God-given free agency of man is what kills. We need to take more responsibility for our actions and obey the law not to kill.

If we continue to breed hatred instead of reason, the same effect will end the world for all of uson the 21st day of December, 2012.

The End

copyright2007 John Taylor Jones, Ph.D.

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (tjbooks@hotmail.com, a retired VP of R&D for Lenox China, is author of detective & western novels, nonfiction (business, scientific, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. Former editor of Ceramic Industry Magazine. He is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of Tyler Hicks wealth-success books and kits. He also sells TopFlight flagpoles. He calls himself "Taylor Jones, the hack writer."

More info: http://www.tjbooks.com

Business web site: http://www.tjbooks.com

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