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Saturday, January 19, 2008 

8 Rules For Being A Great Sponsor

With so many options on the internet and so many people chasing their dream of personal wealth, many lose sight of some of the bigger things in life - friendship, ethics, business principles.

With this in mind I wish to outline the rules for being a great sponsor.

1) Know your product/service.
How can you sponsor anyone into your company or multi-level marketing opportunity without knowing the ins and outs of the product, service. You should know everything you can know about your company and their products. You should be using them yourself and believe that they fill a need in the average person's life. If you don't believe in the product - don't expect others to. If your not using it, why will others? Is the product affordable, in demand, recurring? All these a questions people will want to know the answer to before trusting their time and effort into a new venture. Are there people who will just want to buy the product and not partake in the business?

2) Know the reward plan.
You need to know the reward plan and believe its fair. How many levels does the program reward you for building? Are these levels achievable. How much money does the company return to the consumers/sellers. Understand the difference between a pyramid marketing plan and a marketing plan that rewards team building. Will the eventual payoff be worth the time and effort?

3) Know the company.
How long has the company been in business? What is its reputation? Does it pay and deliver on time? Who owns the company? Why did they start it? What are they like? Do they have a vision? Does the company have a long term plan? Are you guaranteed your returns?

4) Share yourself.
You wouldn't want to join with someone who won't give you their name, don't expect others to do the same. Tell people who you are, you contact details, your goals and your success stories.

5) Be ethical.
NEVER steal leads off your down line. If you want your down line to work hard show them how to convert their own leads. Don't steal leads off other people. Individuals do have the right to choose their sponsor, but true leaders delegate and feel more satisfaction when their down line succeeds than with their own success. This is because the know they are harnessing the true power of an MLM or network marketing approach - unleashing the exponential power of numbers.

6) Know how to teach.
You need to teach your down line the methods you use to succeed. Don't keep a special tactic or ad to yourself. Share your best methods with your down line.

7) Be there to motivate.
Every now and then everyone gets down. Whether because its a quiet month or an unexpected problem, be there to listen, encourage. When your down line succeeds immediately congratulate them on their success

8) Be contactable.
Thanks to the internet, even if your on the other side of the world you can be contactable. Also thanks to tools like altavista babelfish you don't even need to speak the same language as your down line. You need to be contactable preferably within 24 hours. Check your email regularly.

Looking for a great sponsor - visit http://getfinancialfreedom4u.ws

This article is the property of Alastair HARRIS and his immediate family. It may be freely republished over the internet but must include original links.
Alastair HARRIS is the main promoter for article-gems.com article directory (visit http://www.article-gems.com) and the getfinancialfreedom4u family of websites, blogs and projects (visit http://getfinancialfreedom4u.ws) specializing in online business opportunities and education, income being generated by affiliate marketing, Google, GDI, eBay, e books, clip flipping and more. Alastair is rated as an expert author on numerous article directories and is very open to assisting others on the internet

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