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Tuesday, February 12, 2008 

Tips For Buying ADHD Medication Online The Right Way

First, always consult your doctor before giving any medication whatsoever. All medications have side effects and only your physician is qualified to prescribe medicines and treatments and to recommend dietary changes.

We do not recommend any products nor condone any treatments - only your doctor has that ability.

Although attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is not a life-threatening condition, it can however adversely affect the way a person lives and especially if the condition continues to persist or even deteriorate as he grows into adulthood. For the sake of your child, you should consider giving him the best treatment and medication available without delay.

Tips for Buying ADHD Medication Online the Right Way

Tip #1 Take any of the online tests available in the Internet - some are for free - to determine for yourself if your child is indeed suffering from ADHD. Choose the ADHD self-evaluation test you'll take carefully because some are designed with rigged results: whatever score you end up with, they'll tell you that there's still a slight chance of your child having ADHD and encourage you to consult their resident physician.

Tip #2 Compare the results of the tests you've taken. You should have taken at least three to increase chances of accuracy. If the test results all confirm that your child is indeed suffering from ADHD, you should then consider having him properly diagnosed by a physician this time. Admitting that your child has ADHD is painful, but it's also better for his interests that you accept his condition rather than deny it.

Tip #3 Once your physician's diagnosis of your child has been completed, he'll be able to tell you whether your worst suspicions are true. If it is, he's sure to prescribe several medications for your child. Most medication for ADHD, if not all, are available for purchase online. While your doctor can suggest which medication you should get for your son, he will also be willing to listen to your concerns regarding costs, medical insurance, availability of the medication, and other issues that might affect your choice of medication for your child. It's very important that you're as open as possible to your doctor so that you can both reach the best compromise.

Tip #4 Research the medications one by one before buying them online. Buying medication online is not recommended and only your pharmacist and doctor are qualified to attend your child's needs.

Adderall - This medication was developed in the 1980's and initially used for treating diet control and weight loss. It was only in 1996 that the US Food and Drug Administration approved use of Adderta for ADHD without any restrictions. Since then, it has become one of the most commonly used medications for ADHD.

The effects of Adderall can last for an average of six hours, making it ideal for children since they wouldn't have to take additional shots while in school. It also reportedly has more manageable results than Ritalin as the child would suffer from fewer highs and lows when taking this medication.

Side effects from Adderall include but are not limited to weight loss, dryness of mouth, restlessness, insomnia, and headaches. It is also prescribed for various illnesses and conditions and it can be quite addictive for people without ADHD.

Concerta - Although this medication has a longer lasting effect than Adderal at twelve hours, it cannot however be used without restrictions. It has only been approved by the FDA for treating ADHD in 2000.

Concerta's tablets cannot be cut down or decreased in dosage because of how the tablet was designed to work on the human body. It is also contraindicated for other illnesses so make sure you obtain the full approval of your child's pediatrician before purchasing this online.

Other medications you may purchase online but should research first are Ritalin and Dexedrine.

Tip #5 Avoid purchasing medicines online from other countries because you can't be sure if all of them have passed the strict safety and quality control regulations of the US Food and Drug Administration.

Tip #6 Always make sure you ask beforehand for the expiration date of the ADHD medications you're about to purchase online.

Tip #7 Research for reviews regarding the online pharmacy or drugstore you're about to transact with. Read the terms and conditions of their services before purchasing anything. Make sure they offer you a way to contact them just in case anything goes wrong. Inquire with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) regarding the pharmacy's reputation.

Tip #8 Choose the online pharmacy that allows you to make payment by your preferred method.

Buying ADHD medication online may be cheaper and more convenient in most ways, but it can also be more dangerous so practice caution at all times.

Lastly and most importantly, always consult your doctor before giving any medication whatsoever. All medications have side effects and only your physician is qualified to prescribe medicines and treatments and to recommend dietary changes. We do not recommend any products nor condone any treatments - only your doctor has that ability.

For more information on ADD and ADDHD please go to: http://www.troubledattention.com/buying-adhd-medication-online.html http://www.troubledattention.com http://www.drnathaliefiset.com

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