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Tuesday, September 11, 2007 

How to Write a Sizzling Hot Love Letter

You dont need to be a poet or author to write a romantic love letter. All you need is a pen, piece of paper and your heart. Find a location that is peaceful with a calming view. If you like, make a delicious cup of coffee or tea. Turn on some soothing music and take a deep breath. Ahhh.

Decide what type of letter you want to write.

a.You have a stable, loving relationship, but want to spice up your love life.
b.You feel that you are loosing touch with him emotionally, and want to reconnect.
c.You want him to know how much you still love and appreciate him.
d.You broke up with him and youre hoping to mend the relationship.
e.He doesnt know that you admire him from afar.

Now that you are clear about the purpose of the letter, think about what you what to say and how he will react to your words. Now begin writing from your heart, dont edit the stream of words that will pour from your soul. Forget about grammar; forget about being polite, neat or perfect. Open your heart and let its contents for him flow magically through your fingers. Scrape the bottom of your heart with honest, truth, and passion. As you are writing pay attention to your senses, remember what smells like, and look like. How does it feel when he touch you? What do you see when you look into his eyes? Dont forget sound. Is his voice a rich, baritone or smooth and calming? What do you want him to feel, so that he will be inspired to re-read your letter over and over again?

Love themes to write about.

50 Reasons why you love him.

Describe in intimate detail what you were thinking and feeling about him the first time the two of you made love.

Write the story of how you first met.

Give him 10 reasons why he is the sexiest man alive to you.

What are you addicted to about him? The way he smiles, kisses, laughs squint his eyes?

Write about when he proposed to you.

Think about special events that are frozen in time in your heart and unthaw his memory of how beautiful and passionate your relationship is.

Quote the words from your favorite love song and tell how it relates to your relationship together.

If you are trying to meet him, write a funny, interesting riddle. Tell him that he needs to contact you for the answer to the riddle.

Things to avoid writing in a love letter.

Previous arguments or negative topics.

Dont mention exs of any sort or in any manner. This is strictly about you and him only.

Its your call, but even thanking him for money in a love letter is questionable. Let him know that you love him for him regardless of financial awards.

If you dont have an on-going relationship, its not wise to offer sex in a letter. Why write a letter when too much cleavage and a micro-mini skirt will do.

Dont pretend to be someone else. The danger in this is that he when he discovers that you are not who you say you are, he may be immediately turned off.

Dont exaggerate. Truth can be soul-stirring, and touching.

Where to place the love letter

You can place it in his underwear drawer

Near his toothbrush.

In his briefcase or duffle bag

Underneath his pillow

Next to his coffee cup

Tape it to the steering wheel in his car.

Mail it to him (even if you live together)

Think of something he does daily when he is in a good mood. Be creative.

Cassandra George Sturges MA, MA, Psy.D is a mother of two teenagers, a full-time psychology instructor, advice columnists for Today's Black Woman Magazine, Seminar facilitator, author of "A Woman's Soul on Paper" ISBN: 0595171435. Dr. Sturges is the author and publisher of Authentik Beauty Magazine. A 1 year subscription to Authentik Beauty Magazine is only $49.99 for 6 issues; mail request to: Authentik Beauty Magazine, P.O. Box 980679, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Caution: Articles and clipart are sensuously and beautifully designed for a mature audience only. We accept cash, checks & all major credit cards. If you are seeking retail therapy or the perfect gift for someone else, I am an independent AVON representative, shop my website at http://csturges.avonrepresentative.com

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