Acid Reflux Diet
I won't write you a long list of what you shouldn't eat. Everyone has something specific that triggers heartburn. But I think there are generic guidelines which you can follow. Below are several tips which can help you adjust your diet to acid reflux disease:
- Do not eat highly acidic food. Actually let's say it this way. NO ACIDIC FOOD. Any acidic food that gives you a burning sensation is going to make your heartburn worse. I know that it is hard to part with orange juice and kiwi but you have to if you want to make heartburn disappear.- Avoid very spicy food. "Very spicy" is a bit tricky to define but you should feel a limit after which you will have a guaranteed heartburn.
- Do not overeat. You can manage this by trying to avoid cases when you have to force food into your stomach. Sometimes it is very hard to do because all restaurants in US are designed to make you do it. But remember: putting too much food in your stomach will cause your stomach to stretch and esophageal valve to relax. And you'll get heartburn as a result.
- Do not eat too fast. Again you should define it for yourself. But the faster you eat the more air you swallow. And if you don't chew your food enough your stomach will have too much work to do and more acid to produce.
- Cut on drinking caffeine containing drinks like coffee, coke, green tea. You may be surprised by the results. For me heartburn is guaranteed if I have more than one cup of caffeinated tea a day. If you cannot live without tea try Rooibos tea It is very tasty and it won't give you heartburn. You can find caffeine level of each drink at the following page about coffee and heartburn
- Create a log where you write what food you ate and what level of heartburn it caused for you. Keep a list of recipes which work the best for you and try to stay with them for some time. Here is an example of such heartburn recipes list.
For more information please visit my sites about acid reflux diet and heartburn.
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