The Sensual and Erotic Massage - An Introduction
As opposed to modern day massaging techniques, the art of erotic and sensual massage, as espoused in the Kama Sutra and Tantra has deep roots. Although, sensual massage was not mentioned directly in Kama Sutra, but its various tips and techniques can be applied safely in sensual and erotic massage, like understanding the power of communication, understanding the body chemistry and paying attention to details.
There is a general feeling that Kama Sutra is all about sexuality, perhaps the topic where most people are wrong is that the biggest Kama Sutra sex lesson is about how to live life and approach human relations in a rational and logical way. It is not necessarily means only sex, but pleasure from deep within. However, sometimes that includes sex, sometimes marriage and even sometimes, it means group interactions and other social skills.
Instead of being just a book of sex tips, artistic and gymnastic sex positions, the Kama Sutra makes it clear that technique is no substitute for deep passion and love. Sex, love, and intimacy need to be approached as an artistic ritual. So if we see the art of sensual and erotic massage from the perspectives of the Kama Sutra and Tantra, it is not just about relieving the physical tensions due to stressful situations or to get sensual pleasure, but much more than that to heal the body, mind and soul together.
It is all about rejuvenating the total personality of the person from the deep within. It is all about celebrating our life together, as we are, by finding something deep within us. In ancient India body was considered to be the temple and all sensual pleasures were considered to be holy and sacred rather than perceiving as dirty.
From the teaching of Kama Sutra and Tantra you can entice, allure and charm your lover with sensual massage. In actual sense, sensual massage creates a bond of communication between you and your partner, thus yourself becoming aware of your whole body and its role in giving the massage, allowing you to let go of the world outside. This new world is something that we generally havent seen and experienced before.
If done correctly under the right environment by a right person, these massaging techniques can heal you from the deep within, as sensual massage is a holistic therapy in that it works on the person as a whole. Moreover, it is an excellent way of treating minor ailments, stress and negative emotional states in any person due to any reason.
In any massaging technique, whether it is therapeutic, sensual or erotic massage, the art of touch plays a very important role. Sometimes, it differs from person to person who touches and to whom massaging is performed (giver and receiver).
Basically, it is the quality of touch that takes one on a journey into the deepest realms of self and soul, and that subtly, gently and ingeniously encourages one to access the imprints and holding patterns that limit the freedom of the body, mind and soul, and encourages the deepest safety to let go, to dance freer and soar higher than ever before.
But that doesnt mean that you cant learn this special art. Surely, you can learn, relearn and unlearn secrets that will help you to becoming absolutely irresistible to your partner.
It is stimulating and soothing touch sensations with exotic aromatic oils that is both titillating and healing. It is all about learning to touch and being touched, for a wonderful and intimate relationship. For your physical experience to last for a long time, the physic must be healed first, especially energy of past relationship which lingers within the physic (it may be due to any number of reasons, sometimes known and sometimes unknown to us). This energy, usually negative energy, has made lots of compatible relationship fail. Whereas, the true art of sensual massage uses sexual energy to rejuvenate internal energy, frees blocked emotions from past and present life and thus makes us more relieved and pleasured.
Sensual or erotic massage, as the name suggests, is all about communicating with your partner by touching. It is a better way to feel one another through body, mind and soul. In the physical world we sense in different ways such as by taste, smell, sight, sound and touch but among all of them touching affects us much. For an instance take an example of a kid who has just joined the school, you can explain a thing to him, it will not affect him much but if you give a thing to him to touch, to play, he will better understand and certainly will not forgot it for long time.
The same thing applies in real life; you can express your feelings for your lover more efficiently by touching because touch is the primary sense we develop, the first one that an embryo experiences within the womb as it strokes its thumb or finger across its skin. You like to touch things you love, you like and you want to get. The same principle applies here in our relationships, but we generally fail to recognize it.
When it comes to relationship touch plays a very vital role. A touch tells who we are and it gives a sense of ourselves from deep within. Touching is the best way to express our love, feelings and thoughts and it makes us feel that we are not lonely and somebodys around us.
In fact, a huge part of our' brain is given over to the sensory and tactile department. All of our senses, particularly our skin responses, are the bridge between the outer realities of life and our internal experiences of them. Touch, skin, feelings, sensuality are inextricable from one another. By touching we can examine our surroundings more deeply, more closely in short they are the antidotes to our thinking. The way that we as lovers, touch defines the bond between both the partners.
Rakesh Sharma Jack is a renowned copywriter, article writer and SEO expert based in India. He has written dozens of ebooks/how-to guides, hundreds of special reports and when it comes to small articles there can be a very few writers who have touch an unimaginary figure of 8000 articles. He frequently writes on love, dating, romance, seduction and relationships. To know more about him, visit:
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